David Cullen Shed Nearly 40 Pounds To Prepare For Competing!

David let himself go after his first child was born and decided it was time to get back into shape and prepare for a competition. Read on to see how he did it!

Vital Stats

Name: David Cullen

Email: davidcullen32@yahoo.ie

David Cullen David Cullen


224 lbs
Body Fat:


185.5 lbs
Body Fat:

Why I Got Started

I've been lifting weights for the past 3 years, but I now want to make transition from casual weight lifter to bodybuilder. I plan on competing in 2011 so I decided to diet down, as practice to see how my body would respond and also to reveal my weaknesses so they can be improved.

Also my girlfriend and I had our first baby in December 2009 and as you can see from my before picture, I got fat and let myself go.

I Decided To Diet Down, As Practice To See How My Body Would Respond And Also To Reveal My Weaknesses So They Can Be Improved I Decided To Diet Down, As Practice To See How My Body Would Respond And Also To Reveal My Weaknesses So They Can Be Improved
+ Click To Enlarge.
I Decided To Diet Down, As Practice To See How My Body Would Respond And Also To Reveal My Weaknesses So They Can Be Improved.

How I Did It

My transformation took 16 weeks. I started off doing cardio 3 mornings per week before breakfast and gradually increased until I was doing cardio for 45 minutes 6 mornings per week and 30 minutes after weight training sessions.

I lifted weights 4 days per week, Monday-back, Tuesday-chest/biceps, Thursday-legs and Friday-shoulders/triceps. I trained abs Monday, Wednesday and Friday with cardio in the mornings and calves on Tuesdays and Thursdays with cardio in the mornings.

I used a cyclic ketogenic diet and cycled 3 low days of carbohydrates with 1 high day and repeat. This averaged 130g carbs on a low day and 500g of carbs on high day. I took in about 350g protein per day to minimize muscle loss and my fats came from supplementing with Udo's Oil.

I used A Cyclic Ketogenic Diet And Cycled 3 Low Days Of Carbohydrates With 1 High Day
+ Click To Enlarge.
I used A Cyclic Ketogenic Diet And Cycled 3 Low Days
Of Carbohydrates With 1 High Day.


The only supplements I used were ECA, green tea 3-4 times a day, multivitamins with iron, vitamin c and calcium and vitamin d.

Before cardio or weight training:

  • ECA: 1 tab increased to 3 tabs after 4 weeks

After Cardio:

Once Daily:


Low Carb Day

Before Fasted Cardio:
Meal 1: Post Cardio
Meal 2:
Meal 3: Pre Workout
Meal 4: Post Workout
Meal 5:
Meal 6:

High Carb Day

Before Fasted Cardio:
Meal 1: Post Cardio
Meal 2:
Meal 3: Pre Workout
Meal 4: Post Workout
Meal 5:
Meal 6:


Day 1: Back
Day 2: Chest
Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Shoulders/Triceps
Day 6: Rest

Day 7: Rest

Suggestions for Others

You cannot out train a bad diet! If you constantly cheat on your diet, don't expect great results. Find ways to keep motivated.

Also, don't expect great results over night, stick at it and the results will come.

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