Keith Gmirkin's 12-Week Bodybuilding Contest Prep - 9 To 12 Weeks Out

I am going to share with you my 12 week contest prep for the NPC Gold's Gym Treasure Valley Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Championships! Read on for the details.

My name is Keith Gmirkin and I will be competing in 12 weeks at the First NPC competition in Boise, Idaho on April 8th. and Gold's Gym will be the main title sponsors of this National Qualifier.

I work at Gold's as a personal trainer and I have been supported by for many years, hence the decision to do another show even though I competed on September 29th at the Evergreen States in Washington.

I came in 3rd in the Open Heavyweights but was not very pleased with how I peaked. I am 44 years old and enjoy competing in the 40-49 Masters and Open Heavyweight categories. I weigh 238 in the morning dry and am starting my program at 7.9% bodyfat. My goal is to walk on stage in the 2% range.

I'm 6'2" and until I pack on more mass I will compete occasionally for experience and for the fun of competing against myself. What I lack in size I will have to make up for with superior conditioning.

12 Weeks Out


This week I will do six hours of cardio:

  • Five one-hour long medium intensity sessions.
  • Two 30-minute high intensity sessions.


I will lift four times a week with as much intensity as I can produce. Week one will consist of three supersets of 15 repetitions on my four different workouts. I will use a 1-1-1 cadence with no hold at the top, constant time under tension.


My food will consist of 2,300 kcals broken down into seven meals utilizing:

  • 265 grams of complex carbs (oats, yams and vegetables)
  • 40 grams of fat coming from ground flax seeds
  • 220 grams of protein coming from chicken, fish, turkey and whey protein


Keith's Workout Schedule
Week Style Reps Sets RPE
Week One: Supersets 15 3 3
Week Two: Straightsets 15* 3 5
Week Three: Dropsets 15/8 2 9
Week Four: Straightsets 10 3 6
Week Five: Supersets 12 3 8
Week Six: Straightsets 12,10 8P 4
Week Seven: Straightsets 8 3 5
Week Eight: 100's 1 9.5 *
Week Nine: Drop/X-Sets 12/6 2 3
* (using 20 Rep 1 RM to failure 20 sec rest period)


Workout 1:



print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 1 Week 1.
print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 1 Week 2.
print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 1 Week 3.

Workout 2:



print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 2: Week 1.
print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 2: Week 2.
print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 2: Week 3.

Workout 3:



print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 3: Week 1.
print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 3: Week 2.
print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 3: Week 3.

Workout 4:



Complete 2 Abdominal Exercises (6 sets total) after Chest, Back and Shoulder workouts.

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 4: Week 1.
print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 4: Week 2.
print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 4: Week 3.




  • 1 Estro Suppress - SciFit
  • 1 Multivitamin
  • 2 1,000mg vitamin C
  • 1 500mg elemental Calcium

Goals For The Week:

  • Follow my food perfectly
  • Drop at least 1% bodyfat
  • Lift hard
  • Get all my cardio in (I hate this the most!!)


MAX PATH The Apex max path helps you build muscle mass the safe way. A custom guided program based on years of research and development.

Sample Meal Plan - One Day:

APEX 3,924 kcal Meal Plan Daily Nutrition Goals Menu Selection for Wednesday

Meal 1
Breakfast Protein Carbs Fat Calories
6.0 ounces turkey or chicken breast, prepackaged or deli 38 g 0 g 3 g 185 kcal
2.0 cups oatmeal, cooked with water 12 g 51 g 5 g 290 kcal
0.5 cup raspberries 1 g 7 g 0 g 30 kcal
Total 51 g 58 g 8 g 505 kcal
Meal 2
Snack Protein Carbs Fat Calories
6.0 ounces turkey or chicken breast, prepackaged or deli 38 g 0 g 3 g 185 kcal
1.4 slices wheat bread 3 g 17 g 1 g 91 kcal
0.55 ounce KRAFT 2% Milk Natural Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese, Sharp 4 g 0 g 3 g 185 kcal
Total 45 g 17 g 7 g 326 kcal
Meal 3
Lunch Protein Carbs Fat Calories
6.0 ounces turkey or chicken breast, prepackaged or deli 38 g 0 g 3 g 185 kcal
1.4 slices wheat bread 3 g 17 g 1 g 91 kcal
2.0 cups oatmeal, cooked with water 12 g 51 g 5 g 290 kcal
0.55 ounce KRAFT 2% Milk Natural Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese, Mild 4 g 0 g 3 g 50 kcal
Total 57 g 68 g 12 g 616 kcal
Meal 4
Snack Protein Carbs Fat Calories
6.0 ounces turkey or chicken breast, prepackaged or deli 38 g 0 g 3 g 185 kcal
1.4 slices wheat bread 3 g 17 g 1 g 91 kcal
0.55 ounce KRAFT 2% Milk Natural Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese, Mild 4 g 0 g 3 g 50 kcal
Total 45 g 17 g 7 g 326 kcal
Meal 5
Dinner Protein Carbs Fat Calories
2.0 cups broccoli, chopped, boiled, drained 38 g 0 g 3 g 185 kcal
5.0 ounces chicken breast, meat only, roasted 3 g 17 g 1 g 91 kcal
1.0 tbsp margarine-like spread, approx. 40% Fat 4 g 0 g 3 g 50 kcal
1.0 cup pasta 8 g 39 g 2 g 207 kcal
Total 61 g 55 g 14 g 578 kcal
Total For This Meal Plan
Total Protein Carbs Fat Calories
259 g 215 g 48 g 2351 kcal

Download One Day Sample Nutrition Plan - 1/10/2006 (PDF)


11 Weeks Out

Last week I discussed a little about my strategy to get ready for this show. I was successful with all my goals including the 6 hours of cardio, which you will continue to hear me bitch about all the way up to the date of the competition. My food was perfect and it felt really good to clean up my diet.

I don't eat poorly in the off-season, but I am a firm believer in downing a pizza once in awhile...followed with German chocolate cake. I had plenty of power this week as I still have plenty of stored glycogen in the muscle tissue. Energy was good as was mental clarity.


This week I will do 3 hours of cardio:

  • 2 hour long medium intensity sessions.
  • 2 30 minute high intensity sessions.


I will lift 4 times a week with even more intensity as I will get more carbs this week. Week 2 will consist of 4 sets of 8 repetitions on my 4 different workouts. I will use a 2-2-2 cadence with no hold at the top, constant time under tension.


My food will consist of 3,200 kcals broken down into seven meals utilizing:

  • 490 grams of complex carbs (oats, yams and vegetables)
  • 40 grams of fat coming from ground flax seeds
  • 220 grams of protein coming from chicken, fish, turkey and whey protein




  • 1 Estrosupress - SciFit
  • 1 ZMA - Higher Power
  • 1 Multivitamin
  • 2 1,000mg. Vitamin C
  • 1 500mg elemental calcium

Goals For The Week:

  • Get all my cardio in!
  • Get good rest every night - 8 hours minimum.
  • Continue to fine tune food.


Click Image To Enlarge.
11 Weeks Out.

10 Weeks Out

My high week was great, filled back out and had some great lifts. My B.F.% is down from7.9% to 7.1% while I gained 3lbs. of LBM. The LBM will fluctuate a lot in the cutting phase as your water drops with the increased ratio of protein coming in to your system. Remember, water shows up as LBM. I got my 3 hours of cardio in and was good with my food.

Click Image To Enlarge.
My High Week Was Great!


This week I will do 6 hours of cardio:

  • 5 hour long medium intensity sessions.
  • 2 30 minute high intensity sessions.


I will lift 4 times a week. Week 1 will consist of 3 sets of 15 repetitions on my 4 different workouts. I will use a 1-1-1 cadence with no hold at the top, constant time under tension. I will add x-reps on the last set of each movement.


My food will consist of 2,300 kcals broken down into seven meals utilizing:

  • 265 grams of complex carbs (oats, yams and vegetables)
  • 40 grams of fat coming from ground flax seeds
  • 220 grams of protein coming from chicken, fish, turkey and whey protein




  • 1 Estrosupress - SciFit
  • 1 ZMA - Higher Power
  • 1 Multivitamin
  • 2 1,000mg. Vitamin C
  • 1 500mg. elemental calcium

Goals For The Week:

  • Do every bit of my stinking cardio- still hate it!!
  • Blast out my x-reps even if I think I can't- they really hurt.
  • Fine tune the food.