My Bodybuilding Plans Journal!

This is sort of my path to the 2003 competitive season. I have decided to post my weekly plans to the world in attempt to show you the way. Learn about motivation, training, supplements, diet and more!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my weekly goals and objectives page/journal. This is sort of a "Dino's path to the 2003 competitive season" page. I have decided to post my weekly plans to the world in attempt to "show you the way." I want to show you that natural bodybuilding can be done if you have the drive to do so.


I am currently working 40-60 hours per week (with no pay, I am an intern), writing bodybuilding FAQs, supplementing, eating meticulously, writing articles, and training (cardio and weights) week-in and week-out. I would be lying to you if I told you it is an easy life, but hey, I chose to be a bodybuilder and that is all part of the lifestyle. Most people would quit one or the other but I have decided to do even more by giving you this new addition of valuable information to all that follow me through the website. I want you to see the huge amount of stress that I have. Furthermore, I want to show you how to handle it as well. I too am a mere human and I face the same challenges that you face on a daily basis. I cope well and that is one of the main reasons that I have been able to remain successful. I also know how and when to SACRIFICE. Sacrifice is a major component in the natural bodybuilders life, particularly the really great ones.

I will show you the way so now all that you have to do is follow. But get ready because it is going to take passion, motivation, and determination to keep up. But that is what it takes to become a great bodybuilder. Once you mature and become a true bodybuilder you have a great understanding of what your mission in life is. If you are able to overcome the egotistical aspect of the misunderstood sport and stop trying to be involved in bodybuilding just to be recognized as a bodybuilder. If you could stop associating yourself with bodybuilding just to impress others with your physique you can actually become a bodybuilder. It is then and only then when things begin to fall into place. It is like the world has opened up to you and you have a whole new outlook on your life and the decisions you should be making throughout it.

I feel that I am really maturing in the bodybuilding aspects of my life and with that my entire life has improved. I am able to make the right decisions not the ones that I want to make. I am in control and it is great! I assure you that you will be extremely successful if you utilize the information that I will put out for you.

The new posts will be updated weekly. It will include notes and tips on training, nutrition, mental focus, and supplementation. It will also include my goals for each week. I promised myself success and improvement in 2003. I have worked too damn hard to let anything get in my way for the very important 2003 season. I will experience more stress than ever during this off-season and competition season, however, I will manage to take care of everything on my plate and come in better than ever! SACRIFICES it is all about sacrifices and making the right decisions.

Enjoy these motivational write-ups and allow them to inspire you because that is what they were written for. Remember, you can always learn something I do everyday. I am going to leave off this introduction with a quote from my new book "Glycogen Supercompensation: A Book About Carbohydrate Loading." Sir James M. Barrie once said "dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough, you can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it." Enough said, be strong and good luck!


Topic of the Week: Just Do What You Are Supposed To Do!

You know, we are all human beings and we all make mistakes. I understand this. What I do not understand is why we consistently do what we are not supposed to be doing. For example, when I first began bodybuilding I used to dread dieting. I did it but I hated it. About two to three weeks before a competition I would begin to dream about what I would eat after the competition. It was almost as if that is all I wanted to do. I was more focused on getting through the contest season (so I could eat) than I was trying to better my physique during the last critical weeks. I was a young novice then and I had novice thoughts and made novice mistakes. I am a different bodybuilder now. When I am two to three weeks out from a competition the last thing on my mind is what I will eat after the contest. I could care less; all I want to do is learn my body and peak out.

Smoking Nurses? Fat Dietitians?

Another example of people doing what they are not supposed to do can be seen in the medical community. How many nurses and doctors do you know that smoke cigarettes? More than likely you know a few. Do you not think that these people know better? Of course they do! They do what they preach not to do. How about those dietitians who are obese. They know that they are eating the wrong way but they do it anyway.

So why do we not just do what we are supposed to do? I have been asking myself this question over the past week over and over and over again. The only answer that I can come up with is weakness. We as humans are weak and we need comfort. If for some reason we are not getting that comfort from other things in life we give in to something to fill that void. Whether your are the bodybuilder that can not wait to break their diet, the doctor that smokes or the dietitian that abuses carbohydrates you are giving in to something that is doing you harm and in some instances running your life.

The Jar Of Peanut Butter Taught Me A Lesson

What would happen if you became brave? What if you had the power to overcome those little voices that call you? The voices that make you give in to your weaknesses. I know what would happen because I have been doing this for quite sometime now. Just do what you are supposed to do. You will feel better about yourself and you will get your life back. For example, I have just started a very demanding job (dietetic intern) one in which I am unable to eat as frequently as I am used of. I became down at first. I was worried that I was not getting my kilocalories in. I said to myself "you need to hit the peanut butter or some other type of good fats in the morning to bump up your kilocalories." I had some soy nut butter and after it was gone I went to the grocery store to buy some more "good fats." For some reason (weakness) I bought regular peanut butter. After eating the jar over a three day period I sat down and said to myself "why did you do that ... you know that the natural peanut butter would have been a much better choice."

It was after that experience that I remembered how important it is to make crucial sacrifices and devote myself to my dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder (IFBB Pro in 2006). I canned the peanut butter and began to pack meals and protein powder to bring to the hospital. Every opportunity that I have to eat, I eat or drink some protein. I got on the right track and got my motivation and "life" back. I am happier than ever and realize that I must do what I am supposed to do and everything will happen as it is supposed to. I have a feeling of accomplishment when I make it through the week while successfully completing all of my goals. I just do what I am supposed to do. I am a bodybuilder. I have to live like one and this means living out of the ordinary and enjoying what you do. Sure tuna fish is harder to swallow than pizza, but which will get me a first place trophy and a "Pro-Card" at the 2006 NPC Nationals? The tuna right? It is all about doing what you are supposed to do and not always what you want to do.

I've learned through that little peanut butter experience. Sure it was a bad way to learn but I can walk away with positive results using the information that I gathered from living that experience. Disappointment, particularly disappointment in yourself can be used as a powerful motivational tool. Disappointment can give you the determination that you need to be your best. However, choosing to be close-minded and dishonest to yourself by giving in to that little voice in your head you shut out the feelings of accomplishments that you could achieve by just doing what you are supposed to do.


I have switched my training regimen from training 5 days per week to training 3 days per week. This was a recommendation that Maris Lee (long time nutritional/bodybuilding guru) made to me. I respect his input and decided to try it for 6 weeks. I am really busy and training 3 days per week allows me to lose some stress by not having to be thinking about when the heck am I going to train today, allowing me to recuperate adequately, and stay hungry for the gym.

I train each body part once a week. The routine is broken down as follows:

Day #1 Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves
Day #2 Chest, Triceps, & Shoulders
Day #3 Back, Biceps, Traps, & Forearms

I train when it is the most convenient time for me. I never train on the same three days of each week since my schedule does not allow for that much of a set schedule. I also schedule my training days to happen when I feel the most up to it. After being secured at 5:30 p.m. and being on my feet all day I do not feel like I can attack a full tilt workout like I would be able to first thing in the morning after a meal or two.


A goal of mine this year is to stay in shape year round. This means that performing cardio in the off-season is a necessity. Therefore I am committed to following my cardiovascular program all year long. I start my day off by doing 15 minutes of Max-OT style cardio on my treadmill at home every morning! I wake up extra early sacrificing a little sleep, but I never miss remember I just do what I am supposed to do. The intensity level is considerably lower than it would be during the competition season but I am still burning kilocalories.

Weekly Cardio Program

Machine: Treadmill
Time: 15 minutes + 5 warm up minutes
Miles Per Hour (Increase speed every five minutes): 1.8 - 2.5 - 3.0 - 3.4

Weekly Goals & Objectives:

I love setting short-term daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. Goal setting is a great habit. Once you set and accomplish your smaller daily goals your larger scale goals have moved that much closer to being accomplished. Great days compiled over a consistent time period equal results in the end. To improve my performance every day of the week, I outline my goals and objectives. These are things that I must accomplish during the week in order for it to be considered a successful one. Each week I will review how well I did in attempting to accomplish them.

My goals for the week are:

  1. Maintain consistent protein intake throughout the week and follow my nutritional plan 100%. I will eat high quality protein and supplement with soy and whey protein drinks. I will eat lots of fibrous vegetables. I will only consume liquid high glycemic carbohydrates during and after training.
  2. I must follow my supplementation plans 100% every day of the week. I will pack my supplements for the next day before turning in each night so I can have them ready to go in the morning. This means loading my film containers with creatine and L-glutamine and filling my pill case. Another sacrifice, but the results are worth it.
  3. I must use an intelligent weight selection when training. I need to concentrate on working and building the muscle utilizing great execution during training. I must get inside the muscle mentally to understand what I am doing during each exercise. I must attempt to go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form and execution during the movements.
  4. I must complete my cardio sessions, which are scheduled every morning. They will be done according to the prescribed intensity or with an increased level of intensity.

Current Supplementation Plan:

Daily Supplement Regimen

3000 mg Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
30 grams L-Glutamine (spread through day)
15 grams of Creatine Monohydrate (post cardio/workout)
Nighttime ZMA
Ripped Fuel** (one capsule before training with weights, not used everyday)

At this point I am not too concerned about being as precise concerning my exact nutrient totals. All I am worried about is getting in at least 300 grams of protein a day. Additionally, I take all of the supplements listed above but the times vary depending on when I can down a meal to take my supplements with. I do not keep a food log anymore. This is the first time in about 4 years that I have stopped doing this but I feel that I know how to eat now. I am really busy and I do not want too much added pressure and stress because it is bad enough as is. I know that when I began to prepare for the 2003 contest season I will maintain a log once again and eat according to a strict meticulous schedule for 25-30 weeks so I need this mental break during the off season.

Until next week stay strong, be brave, and just do what you are supposed to do!

Dino Paul Pierce, CFT (III)
B.S. Dietetics
Natural Bodybuilder