One bodybuilder who has established a large fan following and a great career in the bodybuilding industry, despite having never won a pro show, is the entrepreneurial Guy Grundy. Originally from Australia, Guy, 33, has an almost unparalleled passion for bodybuilding, exemplified by the fact he has been training for 22-years (14 of these competing), whilst developing an entire fitness industry around himself.
Key competition highlights for Guy include a win at the 1999 Australian Championships, and two second placing's at the World Champs. On the business front, Guy writes and models for Muscle-mag International, produces bodybuilding DVDs, writes books and dabbles in acting, among other things.
One of the increasing number of bodybuilders who speak their mind, Guy has plenty to say, all of which I found compelling and interesting. Having retired from bodybuilding, Guy spends his time focusing on the aforementioned business ventures, and, the most important thing in his life, wife Kiyoko and daughter Jesse.
In this interview, guy talks about his bodybuilding journey, as well as some of the more controversial elements of his life.
[ Q ] Hi Guy. Give the readers some background on yourself (age, height, weight, history). Also, what got you interested in bodybuilding to begin with?
- I turn 34 on July 9. I am just a fraction under six foot and my weight is at 235lbs. As to why I started Bodybuilding. I was a very skinny and under developed kid. I hated being smaller than everyone else. For some reason it really annoyed me and affected me being so small. I was a physical and energetic kid, and would I not back down against the larger, older kids so I had my ass kicked a lot when I was younger.
I started training when I was 11 year's old, when I turned 13 I was in the gym every day, rain hail or shine! I was pretty good at sports, representing at state and national level in numerous sports so that was another factor in my training as I needed to become stronger and bigger to compete against that level of competition.
I have dreamt about being big ever since I can remember. It was just something I knew would happen eventually. One problem we face as a bodybuilder is that no matter how big you get, you never really think you are that big. Now that I have retired, I look at my PICS from my career and I think I looked pretty big back then. It is a strange sport in that most don't see themselves as big until after they retire.
[ Q ] What are you doing these days?
- I have made a full recovery from all the shoulder surgery I have had the last 18 months. I had three surgeries during that time, mentally it was very tough. Being small and looking normal did not suit me well.
I realized how much I like being big. One thing it did was reinforce how blessed I was to be big and muscular and getting attention. I missed that, some may call that insecurity, that is cool. I enjoy the way I look and am grateful I have the genetics to stay in shape and look good.
Other than my various businesses I am a Husband and father, first and foremost. I did not have a good family life growing up. I went without a lot as a child due to both my parents' treatment and neglect.
Once my daughter was born it changed me straight away. Things that used to be important to me were put into perspective. It made me less selfish and a better person. I love being a father and spending time with my little girl Jesse and my wife. Nothing is more important to me than my family.
I have focused on family and business which I really enjoy. If you can channel all the energy and focus you used for bodybuilding into other ventures you will be successful once you retire.
Bodybuilding is an all consuming sport, when you take a step back and reflect on your career, you realize how much commitment is required to be successful. Bodybuilders are a rare breed to say the least.
[ Q ] Are there any plans to return to the competition stage? If you were to return, how would you approach pre-competition training and dieting?
- No Mate! I am done competing. It's funny, for the first time in my life I am financially able to take what is needed to be successful in this sport. But, it is not worth it to me any more. I love bodybuilding and always will. However to be competitive at the elite level you have to compromise your health in a big way. Anyone that thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.
I know what the guys go through and some of the problems they encounter and they only get worse as you get older. I know what the top guys take, I am not willing to do that to my body or my family. When you have a family you cannot think the same way as you did in the past. If you do you are selfish person, plain and simple. I am not surprised we have had so many deaths in the sport recently. Bodybuilding is such a focused sport that you end up doing things to your body that you later regret.
If you approach the sport the way you need to in today's level of competition, you have to go to the extremes to be competitive. I would be endangering my health and the chance to be a healthy and positive role model for my children if I started competing again.
If I was to compete I would work with a nutritionist, Tom Prince seems to be doing a great job with the guys he works with. We do not see eye to eye these days, but if I was to compete I would work with some one like Tom.
Guys competition history
1991 South Coast bodybuilding titles
Division - Junior
Age - 19
Place - 2nd
Drug tested
1992 NSW Championships
Division - Light heavy weights
Age - 20
Place - 1st Still eligible to compete as a Junior
1992 South Pacific Titles
Division - Light heavy weights
Age - 20
Place - 2nd
Still eligible to compete as a Junior
1993 Australasian Championships
1st National show
Division - Light heavy weights
Age - 21
Place - 2nd
Still eligible to compete as a Junior
1994 Australasian Championships
Division - Heavy weights
Age - 22
Place - 2nd
1995 Australasian Championships
Division - Heavy weights
Age - 23
1st Place Champion - with a PERFECT score of 20
1996 IFBB pro Qualifier
Division - Open to all national champions
Age - 24
Place - 2nd
1997 IFBB pro Qualifier Division - Open to all national champions
Place - 2nd
1999 National Championships
Age - 26
Place - Champion
1999 World Championships
Age - 26
Place - 2nd
2000 World championships
Age - 27
Place - 2nd
[ Q ] You are known as one of the more entrepreneurial bodybuilders. What businesses are you currently involved in? What are you future plans on this front?
- Thank you for the kind words mate! they are much appreciated. I liked the sound of that! I do quite a bit of writing and photography for Musclemag. I have a ton of fun working with the guys in the industry. I am friends with just about everyone I work with so for me it is a lot of fun. I wouldn't call it work. Although, I still take the money!
I have been getting involved in acting and have my sag card, I have been gaining some experience in front of the camera. I have done a few things, but nothing worth bragging about. I had a scene in Starsky and Hutch with Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and Chris Penn. I was on set with them for the whole day in Redondo Beach, it was a real learning experience. I guess my performance was so powerful that Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller asked me to be cut from the scene as I made them look bad. I ended up on the cutting room floor as you can imagine! I feel blessed that I was able to work with and watch those guys work.
I am doing a lot of Martial arts training for the movies along with different styles of fighting. I am good friends with a lot of professional fighters and enjoy training with them and sparring. It's just like when I was a kid all over again, I am getting my ass kicked everyday..
I enjoy Boxing and Muay Thai for standing and Ju Jitsu for ground fighting.
I authored a book on weight training which has been selling well as an E-book. It will be available in book form within the next couple of months. What I am most proud of is Guy Grundy's Bodybuilding DVD series. This has been a dream of mine for quite a while. Each edition contains four bodybuilders, training, posing, up close and personal interviews and whole lot more. The initial release has Abbas Khatami 4 days after his North American win, Jerome Ferguson 5 days after his breakthrough runner up spot at the North Americans as well as the emerging force Jason Bard who took 9th at the USA's and the up and coming Mr. Symmetry Richard Farley.
These will be selling at Gold's Gym and various other locations which we are currently negotiating with. For more info on the DVD series check out, Each DVD is only $19.95 so they are very well priced compared to the others on the market. We will be releasing four Volumes each year! We have a lot of special features that have never been seen before.
We teamed up with Vance "McD" McDaniel who has worked with the likes of Donald Trump. His special effects and editing have to be seen to be appreciated. There is nothing like his work in the industry. I am really excited about the series and would like to thank everyone that has been involved in this project! It is a dream come true for me.
[ Q ] What qualities do you feel a good personal trainer needs to build their business and help their clients?
- First they need to have practical experience, if your trainer looks bad! Then he does not know what he is talking about or he doesn't care enough to use the knowledge he has. In either case your trainer should look like he trains. If he has the knowledge but doesn't care about his appearance, why would you train with someone like that.
Plus you want to be motivated by them, it is hard to be motivated by someone that looks like shit. I was a trainer for 8 years and I loved it for a time. But as with most things they get boring after a while. Be sure your trainer is not just turning up for his $50. He should motivate you and be focused on you for the whole session.
You are paying top dollar for their time and they should be professional and courteous to you at all times.
Prime examples of great trainers are Charles Glass and Robert Farag. These guys are the cream of the crop in the training business. if you are in LA, they are the people to see. I have learned a great deal over the years from both these guys and always feel grateful for the knowledge they are willing to share with me.
[ Q ] What would you suggest a bodybuilder wanting to promote themselves do, to gain the highest amount of exposure?
- Be professional! That is the most important thing you can do. Being successful in this sport takes a whole lot more than a great physique. A lot of bodybuilders are so insecure and focused that they are rude to people in the gym and various other places. I have made some of my best business relationships at the gym, guest posing, competitions and even the super market.
I read and study how to communicate with people and improve my people skills, this has been something that has really benefited me as a person and a business man. Not many people expect you to be respectable, articulate and a businessman when you are a bodybuilder. It's sad but true.
It is a stereotype which is unfortunately a very accurate portray of how a high percentage of bodybuilders are. I have found that most people tend to underestimate me in business and other areas because I am a bodybuilder, I personally like being underestimated because it feels good when people realize you are a lot more than a slab of beef! It also gives you the upper hand when dealing with people.
A web site is a must in this day and age, you need to keep up with the competition to get noticed and make money in this sport. There is not a lot of money available for the athletes so you need to ensure you are making as much as you can from all your hard work under the heavy iron.
Your career only lasts so long. An injury could end your career tomorrow so you need to be smart about all this. I am tight with a lot of pro's and it amazes me how many of the guys live off their contracts, guest posing and appearances. The thing to remember once you leave the sport due to injury or age is the money dries up and most are doing personal training if their lucky while others are working late night security. Be smart with what you have as in this sport things can change quickly.
Another amazing thing to me is that so many of the guys do not pay their taxes. You would be surprised how many big names have been caught out by the tax department and they make life very hard if you screw them. The crazy thing is when you are a professional athlete and earn money from your body, you have so many tax deductions that paying your taxes saves you money and you don't have the fear of getting audited. Trust me on this one, this is a lot more common in the sport than you think.
Learn about taxes and what deductions you can take. You will be amazed what you can deduct as a form of expense. If you do not wish to learn get a financial advisor. This is where people say "but that costs money". It sure does, I agree, But it saves you a great deal more come tax time.
If you learn how to talk and communicate with people and understand that we are quite intimidating to regular folk, you can then make people feel at ease with you. Let them see that you are not a meat-head bodybuilder who has more to talk about than what you benched and how big your arms are! Have other interests as not to may people out there want to hear what you are eating and how many hours a night you sleep.
You need to stand out from the pack. And you do that by promoting and marketing yourself. That is where the money is. If you want to eat, sleep and just train, then you can forget about making a good living from the sport. You have to get your name and body out there.
[ Q ] What has been your greatest bodybuilding achievement to date? Any disappointing moments?
- In bodybuilding I had the best and worst moments at the World Championships in 1999. It was my first attempt at the World Championships. I was broke and had no money. I had something like $120 to my name. My good friend and sponsor Lou of
Kaizen Nutrition
- paid my airfare over to Austria so I could compete.
I nailed my condition right on the money that day. I was on and was the clear winner. About 10 minutes after I come off stage after prejudging, I was informed that I was way ahead on the score card, but would be put into second place due to my excessive use of synthol and site injecting. I went from being on cloud nine too a shattered man. I sucked it up as best I could.
It was my fault and no one else's that this happened. Sometimes you want something so bad that you hurt yourself in the process. I will regret that day for the rest of my life. I took second at the World Championships twice and should have won both times. But that is life and I have to deal with my mistakes. I believe that is what a man does and I see myself as a strong man so that is what I did.
I did feel a little better in the night show, the Holland team were all back stage and they lit up a nice fat joint. I could smell it a mile away and caught their eye and they asked if I would like to join them. You best believe I did! I felt a whole lot better after that. I was the happiest man to get second place at the World Championships you have ever seen.
[ Q ], I bet. Describe you current training regime, and diet. How does this compare to your pre-contest program?
- I train with weights 3 times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It breaks down like this:
- and
- and
- .
Each workout would take an hour max. I do some type of martial arts 3-4 times a week. So that keeps me lean and in shape. My diet is pretty strict.
I eat 6 meals a day. 2-3 of those are shakes and the remainder are meals which consist of either, Chicken, Turkey or a Japanese meat called Yakiniku.
My carbs are derived from white rice, whole meal pancakes, corn, bagels and a lot of salad. I will have the occasional junk meal which will be cookies and Milk generally. That dam Cookie monster gets me every time! I am also partial to the old Mac attack at McDonalds.
I eat similar to when I competed, although I eat a lot less protein and have a wider and more healthy selection of foods within my diet. I was very bland and strict with my diet when I was competing. I feel a lot healthier at 235lbs than I did between 260-280 which is what I weighed in the off season. I also enjoy my food now as I used to eat because I had to. Not because I wanted to. All I wanted then was to be big. I am a lot more well rounded now!
[ Q ] What are your thoughts on supplementation? What ones do you use, and why?
- I think there are a lot of good supplements out there and a lot of shit. So many people are looking for a quick fix that they believe all kinds of ridiculous claims of what a supplement will do for them. I stick to the basics with my supplements.
My preferred supplements are Whey Protein, Creatine and Glutamine in that order. I use Kaizen Nutrition supplements and have since I arrived in the US. I also like to Kaizen "Oxygen" That gives me a real nice full pump.
[ Q ] What do you consider to be important in life, and why?
- The most important thing is that you should do with your life what you choose. You have to set goals and work towards their attainment. What is important to me changed when I became a husband and father?
In the past I was very selfish and self centered. I thought only of my self! For me personally, my wife Kiyoko and my daughter Jesse are my world now. So for me that would be them no question. However for some people they have a different perspective and outlook on life.
In my experience these are things I believe are very important in life:
- Always stand up for yourself. If you don't, people will eventually walk all over you!
- Know what you choose to have and make plans for its attainment
- Be friendly and respectful to everyone until you have reason to treat them otherwise
- Know what is right and wrong for you and avoid doing what's wrong. If I do something I know is wrong (trust me I have) I always feel guilty afterwards, I hate this feeling. So I avoid doing this as I know it will eat at me later.
[ Q ] What influences have shaped you into the type of person you are today?
- From my perspective it is up to a persons inner strength and faith in themselves to do what they choose with their lives. I had a bad upbringing.
My old man abandoned me when I was two and my mother mistreated when she was home which was not often. I was kicked out onto the street when I was 16. I brought myself up and learnt things my parents should have taught me the hard way. I had no one to watch my back or guide me. I was unable to read or write at 13. I suffered horrendous acne for a five year period and was really down about my life, I hated the way I looked and the person I was.
However, I always had this faith that I would make it through this tough period and be someone I could be proud of. Had I not had to deal with my life's trials and tribulations I would not be the man I am today. If you know who you wish to be and work towards that, then you cannot fail. We only fail and have fear when we take our eyes of the prize. Stay focused and think of what you choose to have, not what you fear.
One major influence was a guy named Arthur. He was the first bodybuilder I have ever seen. I was 13 and Arthur took me under his wing and gave me so much confidence. By the time I was 15 I was taking the fitness classes for all the rugby players and fighters at the gym and felt like a man. It was a rough gym back then. That gym and Arthur made me feel that I had a purpose and was important.
I think I was blessed to have been able to hang out with so many older guys. They were all between 30 and 40 while I was 15. So that gave me a lot of confidence. If anyone had a problem with Little Grundy around town then they also had a problem with Pedro and the boys. I liked having people looking out for me as I never had that in my life. The gym and the people that helped meld me during those tough years will always have a special place in my heart.
I am always giving encouragement to the younger people I see, I know what an impact someone they look up to can have on them and impact the way they view the world. I will be forever grateful for the interest Arthur and the boys showed in me. I hope that I am in some way able to help the younger guys and gals feel the same way about themselves. I am proud of the man I have become, my past is the reason I am who I am.
[ Q ] What are your thoughts on the current state of bodybuilding? Is there a particular period, in the history of bodybuilding, you preferred?
- Now, it is too drug orientated. Genetics and hard work are still a major factor, but not like it was in the old days. The guys that can afford the most chemicals are the ones that typically place the highest these days.
Guys of today would rather hang shit on another competitor than say something positive about them. I think this comes down to insecurity. King Kamali is the most insecure bodybuilder I have ever seen. He belittles everyone and continually tells people how great he is and he likes to talk about other men's penis size. Ask Shawn Ray about that one! He is by far the most least liked guy in the sport.
King Kamali & Shawn Ray
His fellow competitors laugh at him talking tough when he lived with Mommy and Daddy till he was 31. You'd think he would keep his mouth shut with a past like that. The guys that give encouragement and are positive to their competition and the guys coming through are the ones that have their shit together and are not weak mentally.
I liked the Haney Era as that was when I started in the sport and followed it. It was a close group then and everyone was cool with each other. I would have loved to have lived through the Arnold era. That was a great time as well.
[ Q ] You say you have made many friends among professional bodybuilders. Who are some of the better personalities in your view and why? Also, what are your thoughts on the types of physiques on stage today?
- The first person I met, that was a real thrill, was
Craig Titus
- . He had just served his time and was training at Gold's in Venice. I seen him and walked up and said hello and we started talking. We got on straight away, I said to Craig I better introduce you to my girlfriend before you hit on her.
He just laughed, anyway my girlfriend comes walking up and he had already made a move on her earlier. We all laughed at that one. Craig was someone I always looked up to and meeting him and becoming Mates was something special. I also think a lot of Craig's wife Kelly Ryan, she is awesome! I have had some fun nights out with them to say the least.
I get on well with most of the Pro's and I always enjoy talking with Chris Cormier, Lee Priest and Mike Morris. Mike loves bodybuilding and he is always a pleasure hang out with. He has a real passion and enthusiasm for the sport. I would have to say the person I get on the best in the Pro ranks is Chris Cook, Chris is a Great guy! He is a good man and a good bodybuilder. We don't get together as much as we would like, as we both have busy schedules.
Chris is a real professional in every way, he is so cool with the fans and his fellow competitors. He gets a lot of jealousy shown towards him by a lot of the other pro's. He never lets this bother him and stays focused on what he has to do. Chris is the epitome of what a professional bodybuilder should be.
On the amateur scene I get on well with Abbas Khatami and Rob Kredier. Those guys are studs and are always fun to hang out with. I am good friends with The Barbarian Brothers as well. I am closer to Dave and really enjoy his company as he is a funny guy and is so talented it is scary. If you are in car with those two, look out!
The only people I don't see eye to eye with in the industry would be Ernie Taylor, King Kamali and Tom Prince. Other than these guys I get along with just about everyone in the sport.
[ Q ] There has been some controversy in your life over recent years. Describe the situation between yourself and Ernie Taylor. Are you guys still going to fight?
- No, that seems to be off. I was trying to set the fight up with Ernie, but something always seemed to get in the way. I am pretty much over it, but if he still wants to fight me, then that is fine with me. He knows how to contact me if he wishes. He comes to LA regularly, so it is still a possibility.
I was going to fly over for the fight initially but he wouldn't commit to a date. He kept insisting I fight him when he wanted. He knew I had a doctors clearance for my third shoulder surgery for the fight and I could not fight until after that date. He knew this as I explained it many times. His comment was always the same, you fight me now or not. I am not going against the doctors orders after having 3 surgeries. I want to fight the guy, but I am not risking having a 4th shoulder surgery to fight him. He knew this!
If he wants to fight me in LA, he just needs to give me 6 weeks notice to get things set up and get into the type of shape required to box. I have let it go, but if Ernie wants to fight me in LA, I will bet him a $1,000 on the fight. I don't think it will happen now. But it would be a real challenge to fight someone as large as Ernie. I am 235lbs at 6 foot while he would be 270lbs at 5ft 8. I have never fought someone with that much weight over me.
I like the thought of fighting someone so big. Ernie would have to end it early, carrying all that weight around soon takes away your wind. He couldn't take me out early and I would pick him apart after the first couple of rounds. Talking about fighting him has got me all pumped up now.
If I could clarify one thing about the fight! Some people think I just challenged him to a fight over him using Synthol. That is far from the truth, Ernie stated to me three times he was going to take care of me when he sees me. On all three occasions I made it clear I was not interested in fighting him.
I suggested he tell me why he is pissed at me so we can discuss it. He seemed a little annoyed with me and just keep saying his old favorite of "I will take care of you when I see you! I am not interested in a street fight. So I figured if he wants to fight me so bad, we should make some money out fo this and set up the fight like professionals and market the fight.
He was the British Champion and I was the Australian champion. People always wonder can bodybuilders fight? Also what would it be like having two National champions fighting each other? What kind of rivalry would there be? If promoted the right way, it could get a lot of media attention. Anyway that is how I think these days. I have no interest in a street fight, but a boxing match is cool with me. Just give me 6 weeks notice and I will fight.
[ Q ] You have warned people about the dangers of synthol use, and admitted to using it yourself. Did you experience any problems with synthol? Why is it dangerous to use this stuff?
- When I had my first surgery they also removed a cystic type lump that was GREEN from my biceps! The doctor said he had no idea what it was. I had a pretty good idea!. My arms are 18 1/4" now. They had been up to 21 inches in the past. that was in the off season though. In shape they were a fraction over 20. And I do mean a fraction. Sounds better than 20 inches. That was my thought on that one!
I have had no problems with any tendons or anything similar.
The main reason you shouldn't use it is that is cheating and looks stupid. I hit a nerve in my triceps and lost feeling and control of my arm for an hour and it was so numb and ached so bad that I couldn't sleep for three days.
After that my nails all went black and my fingers tips were so sensitive that if I even slightly bumped them it would hurt for hours. That lasted about 4 weeks. This was all happening three weeks out from the World Championships and then I had a 24 hour flight to the show.
It was the best I ever looked and I was ahead on the judges score card and I was informed after pre judging that I was being put back into second because of my over use of Synthol.
I screwed myself out of that World title. That pretty much ended my career, I was angry for a time. But really only at myself. I wanted it so bad that I pushed it away. I lost the hunger for the sport after that. I took second again the following year to Gary Guinn of the USA who took 5th to me the year before. I was not at my best, But feel I should have won.
Surprise-surprise I lost by 1 point! I love Gary Guinn. He is a great guy. He knows I mean no disrespect to his prestigious win. If I had to be beaten by anyone it would be him.
I hit an artery in my leg and almost had vascular surgery. I escaped that one and thanked God. Didn't stop me from injecting though. Can you say stupid! Dam that is embarrassing. I can still hear myself sitting there saying, God you get me out of this one and I will never site inject again. I think that lasted about three weeks.
So I think we can safely say that Synthol had a negative affect on me personally. I regret it, I am embarrassed by it and I apologize for my stupidity to all my friends and those that supported me. I cheated a lot of people that supported me. They deserved more for the love and support they gave me.
[ Q ] You have been featured in two bodybuilding documentaries. Describe these documentaries and the experience of featuring in them.
- They were great; I received so much exposure from doing these. I did one for the BBC on the Louis Therouz show and have done them for South African TV as well as another country, I think it was Bulgaria.
The Luis Theroux show was the most fun. We hung out together for 2 days and had a great time. I treasure those times, when I am old and grey I will look back and say I did 'Ok' in bodybuilding.
It means a lot to be recognized for your achievements and that is how I feel about all the shows I have appeared on.
[ Q ] What advice would you give to someone starting out in bodybuilding?
- Learn the basics first, Dorian Yates studied nutrition and how to train before he even started lifting weights. His approach is one of the reasons he was the best of his era. You need to know the basics before you worry about anything else. You can train hard all your life, but if you do not know how to train, eat and recover then you are shooting yourself in the foot.
If they can afford it, I would have a trainer that is a bodybuilder design a routine for them and show them the correct way of training. This will save years of mistakes and errors. I am not saying have a full time trainer, just someone to keep an eye on you from time to time. Another point is that we are all different. There comes a time when you know your body and you can train the way that benefits you.
Not everyone can train like Dorian Yates or Ronnie Coleman. You need to know your body and what it can handle and what it cannot. Some people can squat all their life and they get great results while others like myself get sore knees and there legs don't grow from squatting. Learn and listen of other's that are ahead of you, but realize that it is your body and your responsibility to train your body to get the best results. If you think you know everything you have stopped improving!
[ Q ] Is there anyone you would like to thank for helping you to get to where you are today?
- Definitely, I would like to thank the Big man upstairs for the opportunity to be the person I choose to be. I have been blessed in many ways in my life. But when it comes to friends I have been extremely lucky.
Back home I trained with my best friend until I left for the US. Steve Hunter was there for me and I will never forget that. Ali was my girlfriend for 5 years and she took care of me like I was her son. We are good friends till this day and I am grateful for all that she did for me.
When I arrived in the US I met and became very good friends with Lou Routbard of Kaizen Nutrition. He and his lovely wife Joan are my Daughter's God parents. That is how special they are to my family. Last but not least is my wife Kiyoko. She came into my life at just the right time. I was out of control partying and doing a lot of things I shouldn't have.
My wife turned everything around for me and made me get my act together. She stayed by my side when I went through withdrawals from Nubain and nursed me back to health during all my shoulder surgeries. The main thing my wife did for me was that she believed in me. When a woman as special as her believes in you, there is nothing you cannot achieve. Thank you Kiyoko, I love you babe.
[ Q ] Thank you for your time guy. Is there anything you would like to add?
- I would like to thank you Dave for the opportunity of doing this interview.
I often check out and feel honoured to be interviewed by you guys. Thank you! To all the people that have supported me through the good times and the bad, your the greatest! Your support has always been appreciated more than you could possibly know.
I apologize that I let you and myself down with some of the mistakes I made during my career. I would like to add a saying that has got me through some tough times I came up with.
Champions keep going no matter the obstacles, that is why they are champions. Believe in yourself and you can do anything you choose in life.
Take care all!