Vital Stats
Name: Deana "D" Jones
Before: |
After: |
Why I Got Started
When I turned 40 I could tell my body feeling things that it shouldn't be. I was tired, achy and just simply out of shape. I had been battling some female issues that ended up leading to a hysterectomy in November 2009. Things started to make sense as to why I wasn't feeling good and I took that as an opportunity to start eating healthy and doing something positive about it.
Just as my body started on course to feeling better my personal life detoured and after 14 years of marriage I was now getting divorced. That put a dent in everything. The stress put me into to overdrive and I started to run and stay focused on getting myself healthy and fit.
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Things Started To Make Sense As To Why I Wasn't Feeling Good
And I Took That As An Opportunity To Start Eating Healthy.
How I Did It
On May 21, 2010 my daughter asked if I would join the gym with her and so I did. The following week I hired a trainer (Mike Neumann) and decided to get serious about getting myself into shape. After the first session I knew I was going in the right direction. I started training 1 hour sessions twice weekly and made every session count. By the end of June I was hooked and started researching in a variety of bodybuilding magazines and started to visualize myself competing in a figure competition.
The next day I went to the gym I told my trainer my plans. I decided to go for it. There was a show in October that I was shooting for. I went head first and never turned back. I increased my training schedule to make sure I would be ready for showtime. I knew I could do this but the hard work would ultimately be up to me.
I competed in my first figure competition on Oct. 23rd at the NANBF Great Lakes and placed 1st in first time figure class and 2nd in Masters. I was hooked and decided to do another show the following month in November at the OCB Midwest States and placed 4th in Masters and 4th in Short Open class. I felt like myself again and found a sport, I loved it and wanted in my life forever. I am now in the off season and training hard. My plans are to compete again in the fall and try to achieve the ultimate goal: a Pro Card.
I was also fortunate to also meet one of the best Pro Natural Bodybuilders out there, Dr. Layne Norton. Attached is a picture of the two of us at the OCB show that he was the guest poser. There was history between Layne and one of the doctors I work with (Dr. Michael Corcoran of Oak Orthopedics in Kankake, IL) who had performed surgery on Layne years ago.
Click To Enlarge.
I Was Also Fortunate To Also Meet One Of the best Pro
Natural Bodybuilders Out There, Dr. Layne Norton.
Twice Daily:
- Multivitamin: 1 cap
1 hr Pre-Workout:
- Fat Burner: 1-2 tabs
Pre and Post Workout:
- Amino Acids: 8 caps
- Whey Protein: 1 scoop
I hired a nutrition coach Graig Presti with to help me. This nutrition program is customized to each individual's genetics, metabolism, activities and lifestyle you have. This program uses science to help you lose while eating carbs and the foods you like. You are simply taught how to manage your metabolism and keep the weight off.
My diet was based on the right amount of protein, carbs and fats for my body. I was at 100g/100-125g/25-30g daily.
Meal 1:
- 1/2 cup Oats
- 1/4 cup Egg Whites
- 1 scoop Whey Protein
- 1 tbsp Peanut Butter
Meal 2: Post Workout
- 8oz Almond Milk
- 1 scoop Whey Protein
Meal 3:
- 1/2 Sweet Potato
- 4oz Chicken
Meal 4:
- 4oz Tilapia or Chicken
- 1 cup Asparagus
- 1 cup Spinach Salad
Meal 5:
- 1 Rice Cake
- 1 tbsp natural Peanut Butter
- Dash Cinnamon
I switched things up a bit in my meals but made sure I came as close to possible to my Macro numbers that were given to me. Macro numbers were the amount of protein, carbs and fat I could have each day.
Day 1: Shoulders
- Rear Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 15 reps
- Side Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 15 reps
- Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 12 -15 reps
- Upright Rows: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
I wanted to prioritize shoulders so I dedicated a day solely for them.
Day 2: Back/Chest
- Pullups: 3 sets of 15 reps
- T-Bar Rows: 3 sets of 15
- Reverse Grip Pulldowns: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
- Hyperextensions: 3 sets of 20 reps
- Smith Machine Incline Press: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
- Dumbbell Incline Press: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
- Cable Crossover: 3 sets of 15 reps
My back was my favorite part to train so the focus was back width. I would start with pull ups to use my energy there. I feel strong doing T-Bar Rows which were one of favorite and so I would exhaust all energy I had left. I would increase my weight and add an extra set to finish it off.
Day 3: Cardio
- 40 min on Elliptical and Treadmill
Day 4: Arms
- Standing EZ Bar Curl: 3 sets of 15 reps
- Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 3 sets of 12 reps
- Cable Curl: 3 sets of 15 reps
- Close Grip Bench Press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
- Skull Crusher: 3 sets of 12 reps
- Triceps Pushdown: 3 sets of 15 reps
Day 5: Legs
- Leg Extensions: 3 sets of 15 reps
- Barbell Squats: 5 sets of 8-15 reps
- Leg Presses: 4 sets of 12-20 reps
- Standing Lunges: 3 sets of 24 reps
- Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 3 sets of 15 reps
- Lying Leg Curl: 3 sets of 15 reps
- Seated Leg Curls: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Leg day is insane and it's all about getting it done with some intensity and/or insanity! I find that standing lunges work the glutes more than walking lunges so, I try and focus on those instead. Squats are my favorite and strongest exercise for legs so whether it's free weight or smith machine squats I will always try to push for 3 more reps.
Day 6 & 7: Cardio
- 40 min on Elliptical and Treadmill
When I trained I did 20 minute intervals. Once I got closer to my competition it moved up to 25-30 min on training days and 40 min on off days. My favorite type of cardio work outs for intervals was changing things up every time:
- Treadmill at highest incline (no holding on to sides), speed about 3.8 for 10 minutes.
- Elliptical at level 7 and speed at 7.0 at 10 minutes.
- I would run up and down stairs for 10 minutes and then follow with sprints for the next 10 minutes. I love to run so I would switch things up in between.
- I would run on the Treadmill @ 5.8 speed and 2.5 incline or run outside when I got the chance uphill or on a track.
Suggestions For Others
You are capable of anything you set your mind to. You have to start from the inside and work your way out. When things get tough reach for that inner strength to help you. Put yourself around positive people and remember you get what you put into it. All you can do is work hard at your goal and be proud of who you are!
3 key things that I learned through all of this are:
- Stay positive!
- Your Attitude matters!
- You get what you put into it!
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