They start lifting, not only are they struggling to lift the weight but their form is so sloppy that they are hurting themselves more than increasing their muscles. With everyone that I ever worked out with or trained at the gym I always say the same thing. Bodybuilding is not about lifting heavy, its all about proper technique and physique.
Keys To Success
A lot of times at the gym you will see teen bodybuilders who are starting out working out the same muscle day in and day out. You are tearing your muscle instead of letting it grow. You must let your muscles rest for 48 hours after workout before you can work that same muscle out again. Your muscles are not growing when you are working out but when you are resting.
Another key to bodybuilding is proper nutrition you have to watch what enters your body. You do not want unnecessary fat or unnecessary sugars. Eating a lot of salad which has enzymes is good for your digestive system and will help to break down your food a lot easier. If your trying to put on mass you need to concentrate on eating high protein foods such as fish, turkey, chicken, white meat only, peanuts, beef.
Water is an important factor too since your muscles are mostly made up of water. Drinking a lot of water during workouts and while resting is important too. Don't let your body dehydrate especially during workouts.
Beginner Workout
If you're a beginning bodybuilder, first you need to increase your upper and lower body strength before you hit the gym. Here are some exercises to do to increase your strength a little bit and get your body into shape.
Dips-between chairs
Rowing between chairs (take to chairs put them 5ft. apart and brook stick on top. Heels on the floor pulls your self up slowly then down.)
Bent-leg sit-ups
Bent-leg raises
Squats (with your body weight)
Calf Raises
Close-grip biceps chin-ups
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Advanced Workout
If your not a beginner in bodybuilding all your looking for is a routine to bulk up or get muscle definitions. Here is a routine I have been using for past 2 years to help me.
Six Days A Week
Monday & Thursday
Squats - 5 sets 10 reps
Leg extensions - 5 sets 10 reps
Leg curls - 5 sets 12 reps
Lunges - 5 sets 8-10 reps
Standing calf raises - 5 sets 15 reps
Sitting calf raises - 5 sets 15 reps
Leg raises - as much as you can minimum 50 reps
Twists - 50 reps and up
Crunches - 50 and up none stop as many as you can
Leg extensions - 50 reps and up
Wrist Curls - 5 sets 12 reps
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Tuesday & Friday
Chin-ups - 5 sets 10 reps
Rowing with bar - 5 sets 10 reps
T-Bar Rowing - 5 sets 10 reps
Bench Press - 5 sets 10 reps light weight 4 in heavy
Barbell incline press - 5 sets 10 reps light weight 4 with heavy
Bent-arm flyes - 5 sets 10 reps
Pull-over with Dumbbell - 5 sets 10 reps
Press behind the neck - 5 sets 10 reps
Lateral raises front - 5 sets 8 reps
Lateral raises back - 5 sets 8 reps
Wrist Curls - 5 sets 12 reps
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Wednesday & Saturday
Triceps pull-down on machine - 5 sets 10 reps
Triceps extension with dumbbell behind neck - 5 sets 10 reps
French press - 5 sets 10-12 reps
Dumbbell curl on incline bench - 5 sets 10 reps
Preacher bench curl - 5 sets 10 reps
Concentration Curls with dumbbell - 5 sets 10 reps
Do also Calves, Abs and Forearms again.
This is a routine that has been working for me for the past 2 years I have noticed a lot of results from it and I do recommend others to try it. Try to switch up your routines every 3 months so that your muscles don't get used to the same routine. Give your muscles a little bit of variation. Also give it that extra push to feel the pump. If you stick to this routine day in and day out with proper dieting you will begin to see results.
Also set a goal for yourself what you want out of bodybuilding. That goal will help to develop your muscles more. Keep track of your weight and how much you lift on the exercises so that your getting that extra push. Plus try to increase the weights slowly and gradually on each exercise.