Hitting The Contest Stage After The Age Of 40!

Too old to enter a contest? No way say our baby boomer readers! Hitting the contest stage after the age of 40!

Hitting The Contest Stage After The Age Of 40!

From Baby Boomers that have spent a lifetime devoted to hard-core resistance training to those that make a lifestyle change towards health and fitness after the age of forty, one thing many of our baby boomer readers have in common is the desire to enter a bodybuilding contest. After working hard to achieve a legendary physique, the contest stage provides an arena to show off your efforts and provides the opportunity for ongoing, lifetime physique goals.

Physique contests offer those of all ages a target in the pursuit of physical improvement. But, as we boomers acknowledge, a lean and fit over 40 physique provides much more than a trophy. It is the key to redefining the aging process by improving our levels of health, longevity and an ever-increasing quality of life.

Tony Moore, 42

Tony Moore at 42!
Tony Moore, 42, is an ISSA-CFT II trainer at Gold's Gym in Panama City, Florida. Competitive gymnastics was the first passion for Tony, but by the time he reached the age of 24, Tony was considered too old for competitive gymnastics, so he turned his fitness efforts towards bodybuilding. A year later, he entered his first contest in Kingsport, Tennessee where he won the open lightweight class and overall trophy.

At only 136 pounds, he possessed detailed muscularity from his extensive gymnastics background. This impressive baby boomer later won the Southern States contest as a lightweight in 1997 and placed 5th in the middleweight division in the 1999 Junior USA.

A recent 2nd place finish, middle-weight division at the Southern USA in April allows Tony a solid foundation on which to build in preparation for upcoming contests in Pennsylvania and Florida later this summer.

As is the case with many of our baby boomer readers, Tony Moore models himself after the classic physiques of yesterday which include Bob Paris, Lee Labrada, Francis Benfado and Frank Zane. And like many of the over 40 lifters, Tony has made changes in his lifting routine and nutrition plan to accommodate, yet minimize the effects of aging while still maximizing results.

Rotator cuffs problems have eliminated flat benches and squatting as he works around impingement issues from an old shoulder injury. Tony also notes a common problem after the age of 40 in the form of unwanted bodyfat in places where it didn't exist prior to the age of 40.

As a result, he keeps a close watch on carbohydrate levels. For contest prep, carbs are kept at very low levels.

In terms of training, Tony works out four times per week, training each body part, one time per week. Age begets wisdom, so he now concentrates on working the muscle rather than on the weight, with a goal of improving muscle density. Training sessions remain intense as Tony trains by taking his sets to failure to meet his goals. Tony Moore, we congratulate you on creating your legendary physique!

Rose Bouatic, 43

Rose Bouatic at 43!
Rose Bouatic, 43, an ISSA trainer at Flex Fitness Center in Holland, Michigan came to our attention when she contacted us seeking information on judging criteria for figure contests. Rose and her 26-year-long commitment to fitness created her legendary baby boomer physique with an intensive cardio, resistance training and nutrition plan.

Here's a look at the routine that created a legendary physique for Rose Bouatic.

Workout Routine

45 minutes high incline walk in morning every morning at 4 am (medium pace)

Day 1

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Day 2

Click here for printable workout log!

Day 3

Click here for printable workout log!

Day 4 - off

I still do 45 minutes cardio (bike or stair stepper)

I also train abs-calves every other day plus 45 minutes cardio every night 6 pm

Repeat cycle


Meal 1

  • 1 cup of old fashioned oatmeal
  • 6 strawberries
  • vitamins

Meal 2

  • 6 egg whites with 1 yolk
  • 3 oz chicken or turkey
  • 1 cup of vegetables

Meal 3

  • 4 oz chicken or turkey
  • 1.5 cup of salad with 2 tsp of flax seed oil-1tbls vinegar
  • apple

Meal 4

  • 5 oz chicken or turkey
  • 1 baked potato or yam
  • 1 cup of salad

Meal 5

  • 6 egg whites 1 yolk
  • 3 oz turkey
  • 6 strawberries

The secret to Rose's success is year-round commitment to her goal. The nutrition plan remains in place whether or not she is getting ready for a contest. At 5'5", Rose stays lean at 136 pounds in the off-season, just six pounds heavier than her contest weight. An occasional cheat day for Rose includes chocolate or gummy bears.


1999 Miss Grand Rapids, Miss Kalamazoo, Western Michigan
2002 Central State, Miss Michigan (Middle Weight and overall in bodybuilding)
Figure 2003, 2nd Place, Peggy Sue Crawford Contest, Master 2nd and 3rd overall

Monty Masterson, 42

Monty Masterson at 42!

Monty Masterson, 42, decided to enter the Southern USA in April 2004, just one month prior to the contest. Caught up in the contest fever that infiltrates gyms across the country at this time of year, Monty entered his very first bodybuilding contest. Although a newcomer to contests, Monty has been a devoted lifter his entire life.

To prepare for the contest, Monty consumed 40 grams of protein every 2-2 ½ hours. Carbohydrates dipped below 100 grams per day during the last two weeks in an effort to get cut. Lots of cardio in the form of trail running and intense sprints help Monty get lean very quickly.

From entering this first contest, Monty will take the lesson learned from dropping weight too quickly and prepare for his next attempt in August. Now, 12 weeks out from the Mr. Fitness contest at the Southern States in Florida, Monty is attempting to stay lean while adding some mass to enhance his physique.

Training is at an intense level right now, as Monty acknowledges that he will need to back off from heavy weights in about six weeks to prepare for the fitness end of the contest where he will need to perform pull-ups and pushups.

Our desk is filled with many stories and photos of baby boomers just like you that are working towards physique goals that promote our motto of redefining the aging process. We hope that these four examples provide you with a spark of inspiration to rekindle your desire or to continue down the chosen path of fitness, creating legendary bodies, one baby boomer at a time. You CAN do it!

Coming Soon! Couples training. Send us your thoughts on the pros and cons of male/female training partners.

Be sure to check out Diane and Richards site www.legendaryfitness.com.

Train hard, train smart and make it a legendary week!
Diane Fields, Member. Legendary Fitness, LLC.
Richard Baldwin, Member. Legendary Physique, LLC.

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All submitted photos become property of Legendary Fitness, LLC; submission shall constitute a grant to the use of your photos and information as we deem appropriate.

Copyright 2004. Diane Fields, Member. Legendary Fitness, LLC. All rights reserved.

The advice given in this column should not be viewed as a substitute for professional medical services. Before undertaking any exercise or nutrition program, Legendary Fitness, LLC advises all to undergo a thorough medical examination and get permission from their personal physician.