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Kris Gethin knows how to push himself. In fact, he knows how better than just about anyone else. But this week, he also pushes himself to dial it back and reflect on the bigger picture. After a brutal bike ride and a full week of training, he retreats to scenic Stanley, Idaho, to create his own mini triathlon, and follows it up with some serious quiet. Don't forget to download this week's workouts and follow along yourself.

Training and Nutrition Tips from Week 22:

  • Whether you're a pure bodybuilder or a hybrid athlete, your leg training is where your real commitment shows. "A lot of people miss out on legs," Kris says. "Leg workouts are never as popular. So this is what separates the men from the boys…It's just short term pain. Just think about that."
  • There's nothing quite like having your ass handed to you. One reason Kris is so successful is that he never shies away from it. After crushing legs, he joins some experienced triathletes for what he calls, "The toughest ride I've done. Tough but good. It's a gut check."
  • You get to see the rarest of sights this week: Kris having dessert! But if you're going to have, say, a little frozen yogurt, do it right. Bring on the berries!
  • When doing runs, include a couple of faster-paced sections of a few hundred yards at a time, especially if you largely train on flat ground. This can help simulate the changes in elevation on a race course, or the pushes you must make to overtake someone.
  • Don't focus so much on the miles that you lose sight of the beauty around you. For Kris, running and biking outside, rather than on machines, has been a game changer. "I've really enjoyed this journey," he says. "It's been a lot of self-exploration."
  • Have a run or ride in the morning? Get everything ready the night before. Food, supps, clothes—all of it. This can help your workouts, too!
  • "Muscle is your friend," Kris says. Don't forget that! Many endurance athletes treat it like it's just dead weight, but muscle is anything but dead. "That's what I want to show you guys. That you can complete this Ironman with a lot of muscle, with much more efficiency," Kris says. "Saving time and stress on your body…if you play it smart."

Ambitious athletic goals require strategic nutrition. Fuel up right to get big and go long.

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About the Author

Kris Gethin

Kris Gethin

Kris is a writer and photographer, and periodically provides with articles and pictorial features.

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