Because he's been interested in fitness for so long, Chris has seen and tried just about every training scheme under the sun. All of this experience has coalesced to teach him one very important thing: failure leads to growth.

If you want to put Chris's knowledge into practice, try the super-intense training regimen he uses almost exclusively to great success. It's called the Militia 30-Minute Workout, and it's guaranteed to push your body to its limits.

Growing From Failure

"You have to find what works for you, and then you need to do it consistently," says Chris. "And I say that having done pretty much everything there is." Chris has done a lot of different training programs and various protocols, but the one methodology that never changes is going to failure. "It's difficult to figure out what going to failure really means. And it's only through failure that we grow—literally, figuratively, and metaphorically."

"I've been doing the Muscle Militia training routine as my go-to for 9 or 10 months," explains Chris. "I go to complete physical failure and move as quickly as possible from exercise to exercise to exercise. I hit all parts of my body doing compound movements. High-intensity training becomes a cardio challenge very quickly. Through it, I've been achieving results."

Although he mostly trains by himself, he gets an extra boost of motivation when his Militia brothers—Ronnie Milo and Jason Wheat—join him in the gym. "They're both way bigger than I am and way stronger than I am. They motivate me because they believe in me. They say, 'You can do this. Step up, let's go.' And I respond by saying to myself 'Yes, I can do it.'"

Total-Body Muscle Militia Training
Notes: Perform 1 warm-up set for each exercise.Warm-up sets are important because we're going really heavy. Get those muscles warm before you work them hard. Working sets are to failure.
Seated leg tuck
1 set, to failure
+ 13 more exercises


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Chris Thompson Fitness 360

About the Author

Cassie Smith

Cassie Smith

Cassie Smith is a freelance writer living in Boise, Idaho.

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