Section 4:
The development of linear speed and quickness for a tennis player is instrumental for on-court success. Linear speed work must be performed as a part of the entire training model and is synergistic with the other areas, such as resistance work.
In fact I will go as far as to say that the bounding drills need to be considered as part of the "resistance" work and that section would be incomplete without. Linear speed work directly includes the following training areas:
- Bounding-resistance jump drills
- Sprinting (maximal and sub-maximal)
Related Speed And Agility Articles:
Bounding Resistance Jump Drills
The following bounding drills will be performed two to three times (best Monday and Friday to ensure full recovery from exercise) over a 20 yard distance with 100% intensity.
- B skips
- Extension skips
- Forward bounding
- Backwards bounding
- Flutter straight leg kicks
- 45 degree forward bounding
- 45 degree backwards bounding
- High knees
- Butt-kicks
B Skips
This is essentially a tempo driven activity that exaggerates a child-like skip. Lead leg comes off the ground, thigh breaking past parallel hip joint and then striking down with force. Ensure good posture as you move throughout the exercise.
Extension Skips
As in "B-skip" but has lead heel is drawn up above knee of plant leg, extend forward and then drive down against ground in clawing type motion.
Forward Bounding
Run in an exaggerated manner, leaping as far as possible. The goal is to present a 45 degree angle of the upper lead thigh and the back leg continuing in the same angle to the ground. As a unique option, this can be a great exercise to be performed in heavy grass or sand.
Backwards Bounding
As above but backwards.
Running slowly with legs straight, aiming to kick heel towards trail leg.
45 Degree Forward Bounding
This is a brutal drill that is basically the same as regular bounding but obviously with a 45 degree zig-zag manner.
45 Degree Backwards Bounding
Repeat as forward but backwards (not forward).
High Knees
As above but backwards (not pictured as redundant). Simply repeat "b-skips" but in continuous motion with high knee lift. Lift your knees above your hip joints and then drive them down in a explosive manner, progressing forward at a slow rate.
In a slow progression jog, vigorously kick your heels to your buttocks. Hip to knee joint angle should remain relatively stable with all action coming for knee / foot lever. Running slowly on balls of feet, aggressively kick heel to buttocks.
Sprint Sequences
The following dry-land maximal sprint sequences are performed at 100% twice per week at opposite ends of the week (Monday and Friday) in conjunction after bounding drills.
Rest period between each sprint should be roughly 45-60 seconds depending upon the individual's level of fitness and the ability to recovery adequately from the sprints.
Sequence A
- 75 x 2, from flying 10-yard start
- 50 x 2, from three-point start
- 65 x 2, from two-point start
- 20 x 2, from three-point start on clap start
Sequence B
- 55 x 2, from flying 10-yard start
- 25 x 3, from three-point start
- 40 x 2, from two-point start
- 10 x 3, from three-point start on clap start
In addition to these maximal sprints we will alternate use of the sub-maximal sprints in the days following intense resistance training (i.e. Tuesday and Thursday). Both of these circuits are best performed on soft grassy conditions at roughly 75% intensity.
Renegade Gassers
The "Renegade Gasser" will have a huge impact on acceleration and is perfectly suited towards the energy system requirements for the most grueling matches. These should be performed once a week over the first sixteen weeks of off-season training.
The "Renegade Gasser" is made up of four stages of sprints. In stage 1, the athlete accelerates to 75% of his or her top speed by the 15-yard mark, maintains that speed until the 40-yard mark, and then slowly decelerates and at the 55-yard mark, the athlete makes a wide, 10-yard semicircle and returns to the starting line for stage 2, and repeats as Stages 3 and 4.
Rest periods typically start at 90 seconds and you should anticipate the athlete needing to "phase" into this sequence because of the exhausting demands.
Renegade Sprint Sequence ATM
- 100 x 3, with 20-yard walk between intervals, rest 90 seconds
- 100, 100 x 2, 100, with 20-yard walk between intervals, rest 90 seconds
- 100 x 2, 100, 100 x 2, with 20-yard walk between intervals, rest 90 seconds
- 100, 100 x 2, 100, with 20-yard walk between intervals, rest 90 seconds
- 100 x 3, with 20-yard walk between intervals