The Misunderstood Egg
First, I would like to apologize to the egg for its longtime confusion, misinformation and general lack of respect. The public view has images of cholesterol winding its way through your arteries, gradually plugging them up and causing heart disease. So we have been told!
Bodybuilders who train hard have considerably higher levels of good cholesterol. Research has shown the average cholesterol of 76 body builders consuming 90 eggs a week (each person) to be 182 mg/dl. (under the recommended 200 mg/dl.).
Let's look at the opposite extreme; the Lamas of Tibet are very specific about their diet.
Their idea of proper use of the egg is one whole egg per day. The Lamas would not eat more than one unless performing hard physical labor. The common chicken egg contains half the necessary elements required by the brain, nerves and organs of the body. The egg whites without the yolk is the cleanest form of animal protein and contains most of the essential amino acids.
There is no culture that doesn't have its favorite egg dishes (Huevos Rancheros). Eggs are versatile, there are countless number of ways to cook them and some people even eat them raw. Eggs are so complete, they contain life itself.
Thank you for the egg!
What they are, and what enzymes do:
The best way I've found to explain enzymes, is the light bulb example. The bulb can only light up in the presence of electrical current; the current is the life force of the bulb. Without the electricity is just a physical object without light. The enzyme is the electricity, and your body is the bulb.
An enzyme is said to be part of a protein molecule and acts in a certain way in the body to do specific jobs, such as digesting food and building proteins in bones, skin and hair. Enzymes are very sensitive, once exposed to high temperatures the enzyme is destroyed. It no longer carries its designated function. Although the physical protein is present, its life force is not. Like a battery that has lost its power. The physical structure is there, but no electricity (energy). A protein molecule is actually a carrier of enzyme activity.
Enzymes are involved in every process of the body. Enzymes digest all of our food and make it small enough to pass through the minute pores of the intestines into the blood. Enzymes in the blood take prepared, digested food and build it into muscles, nerves, blood and tissue. They assist in storing sugar in the liver and muscles.
Enzymes help eliminate carbon dioxide in the lungs. There is an enzyme that builds phosphorous into bone and nerve tissue and another enzyme to help iron attach to red blood cells. Male sperm carries enzymes that dissolve the tiny crevice in the female egg membrane so it may gain entrance. Enzymes in our immunity system attack waste materials and poisons in the blood and tissues.
After the age of 40, levels of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes begin to decrease. As we get older, we are more likely to become victims of poor absorption and multiple nutritional deficiencies, even though we may be eating a diet that was adequate for us when we were younger. It is important that we preserve and replenish our body's enzyme level. This is done by eating more raw plant type foods (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) or by taking enzyme supplements.
The number of enzymes in the body is overwhelming and each one of them has a specific function. This is frequently called enzyme specificity. Aging correlates perfectly with the enzyme reserve in the body. There is a greater amount of enzymes found in a young person's tissue than in an elderly person's tissue. During all the acute and chronic illnesses, enzymes are being used up more rapidly than normal; taking enzyme supplements would be beneficial.
People with hypoglycemia, endocrine gland deficiencies, obesity, anorexia nervosa and stress-related problems could all benefit from enzyme supplementation. In athletes, because the body temperature is raised during exercise, enzymes are used up more rapidly. Most athletes usually eat mostly cooked food and do not replace the enzymes properly and timely. More energy, a stronger mind and body will be needed to face the stresses that the future will bring. Enzymes can be instrumental.
As we get older, our digestive organs and mechanisms to digest and absorb the necessary vitamins and minerals we must eat a higher percentage of raw food compared to cooked food in order to get the benefits of enzymes.
Juicing is the most popular way to bring more enzymes to your diet.
The benefits and necessity for fasting:
Fasting refers to refraining from food for a period of time. We all fast each night and breakfast in the morning. Fasting is very beneficial provided that it is done intelligently and not prolonged for more than six consecutive days at any one time. During fasting we eat no solid food. Only drink large quantities of water or diluted fruit juices.
This dilution is necessary to burn up debris in the system, concentrated juices become too severe. Fruits are the cleanser of the body, and particularly during a fast. The amount of liquid during the fast has usually been not less than two quarts, but preferably one gallon or four quarts each day of fasting. Such a fast usually has the effect of stirring up a great deal of waste matter which has been allowed to accumulate in the body. Hot water lemon and honey in the morning and at night are excellent for further cleansing.
Fasting helps clear general food anxiety and fear of not eating. Going on fasts generates confidence and security knowing that we can go several days without eating. Fasting serves to sharpen and refine our instincts. With each fast our body's tastes begin to change from what is desired and what is needed. Fasting gives the internal mechanism time to rest and detoxify itself. It also gives the mind a greater ability to think clearly and make better decisions.
All ancient spiritually aware cultures have embraced fasting. Upon completion of your fast you will have the desire to binge on food.
Eat small, clean meals before going back to a more normal diet. This is a good time to change your diet for the better. Some have found that one day of fasting a week has become very beneficial. You can also start by doing half-day liquids to build up confidence for a full day fast. The jar of wisdom fills drop by drop.
Personal Comment:
Please don't laugh at me. In my personal experience I eat approximately 18 to 25 eggs a day, one yolk per 4 eggs. Also my personal diet consists of 80% raw food.
When it comes to fasting, I fast one day a week, only water for one day, usually the day when I'm not training in the gym. This habitual weekly fasting I have been doing for 12 years and I notice that my reading capacity tripled on my days of fasting. I'm 55 years old and sometimes I feel like I have a special handle on the ageing process.