Fitness 360: Supplement Program—Gal Ferreira Yates

Gal has all the support she needs to be a star. She’s also got her husband’s awesome supplement line to help her succeed in the Physique category!

Fitness 360: Supplement Program—Gal Ferreira Yates

Gal's supplementation is based almost entirely off her husband Dorian Yates's line of products. Clearly, they're working. Gal knows supplements are essential to an athlete's nutrition. Together with a healthy diet, Gal's supplements have made workouts more effective and helped her body become a more efficient machine.

Whether she's cutting for a competition or growing off-season, Gal's supplement plan remains the same. "When I'm not competing, I take a break from pre-workouts, fat burners, and nighttime growth formulas," she explains. Other than those small changes, her supplementation remains on-point throughout the year.

Gal Ferreira Yates's Supplementation

Meal 1
meal 3
meal 4
meal 5

Gal Ferreira Yates Fitness 360