Body Transformation: Anthony Went From Spud To Stud. No More Couch Potato

Anthony took one look in the mirror and knew he let himself go. After experimenting with bulking he got his fitness program on track. Read on to see how he did it.

Vital Stats

Name: Anthony Ciccariello
Bodyspace: halfasianbrah

Anthony Ciccariello Anthony Ciccariello


220 lbs
Body Fat:


175 lbs
Body Fat:

Why I Got Started

I was always active during high school and college but after I graduated college all the activity I relegated myself to was in front of the television focusing on the video games every day after work and non-stop on the weekends. One morning I woke and looked at myself in the mirror shirtless and was disgusted.

I told myself that a 26-year old should not look like this and I should be in the physical prime of my life. I shouldn't be out of breath when walking up stairs and feel lousy all the time. The same day I packed some gym clothes into a bag and headed to the gym after work and was hooked.

Basically, I did not feel good about myself and wanted to change that.

The same day I packed some gym clothes into a bag and headed to the gym after work and was hooked.

How I Did It

I had no muscle; I was just a skinny fat person. So I started by reading a poorly written article on bulking. I wish I could say everything perfectly fell into place after that, but it didn't. I did bulk up but in all the wrong places. I went from 160 pounds at over 20% body fat to 220 pounds at 20%. Granted I gained tons of strength, but I did not look good.

So I started to research dieting and finally got my butt on a treadmill. I kept my diet strict, consuming mostly chicken or fish with tons of veggies and learned about the different types of carbs. As soon as I started to cut the fat away, I focused more and more on cardio. I learned about how supplements can actually improve my results along with good diet and exercise.

Then, I finally started to run outside. A big step for me! It was something I thought I could never do! I kept lifting heavy 5 days per week, doing cardio such as jump roping or running for 15-30 minutes after every lifting session and on my rest days and kept my diet strict and clean.

I learned about how supplements can actually improve my results along with good diet and exercise.

Suggestions for Others

    • I learned to have those cheat meals and enjoy a beer occasionally with my friends. Just not to the point where I had to be carried out of the bar by them. Have fun with it!

    • Keep focused and don't let the little setbacks turn into roadblocks and stop you!

    • Surround yourself with positive people.

    • Work hard!