Vital Stats
Name: Anthony Ciccariello
Bodyspace: halfasianbrah
Before: |
After: |
Why I Got Started
I was always active during high school and college but after I graduated college all the activity I relegated myself to was in front of the television focusing on the video games every day after work and non-stop on the weekends. One morning I woke and looked at myself in the mirror shirtless and was disgusted.
I told myself that a 26-year old should not look like this and I should be in the physical prime of my life. I shouldn't be out of breath when walking up stairs and feel lousy all the time. The same day I packed some gym clothes into a bag and headed to the gym after work and was hooked.
Basically, I did not feel good about myself and wanted to change that.
How I Did It
I had no muscle; I was just a skinny fat person. So I started by reading a poorly written article on bulking. I wish I could say everything perfectly fell into place after that, but it didn't. I did bulk up but in all the wrong places. I went from 160 pounds at over 20% body fat to 220 pounds at 20%. Granted I gained tons of strength, but I did not look good.
So I started to research dieting and finally got my butt on a treadmill. I kept my diet strict, consuming mostly chicken or fish with tons of veggies and learned about the different types of carbs. As soon as I started to cut the fat away, I focused more and more on cardio. I learned about how supplements can actually improve my results along with good diet and exercise.
Then, I finally started to run outside. A big step for me! It was something I thought I could never do! I kept lifting heavy 5 days per week, doing cardio such as jump roping or running for 15-30 minutes after every lifting session and on my rest days and kept my diet strict and clean.
Suggestions for Others
- I learned to have those cheat meals and enjoy a beer occasionally with my friends. Just not to the point where I had to be carried out of the bar by them. Have fun with it!
- Keep focused and don't let the little setbacks turn into roadblocks and stop you!
- Surround yourself with positive people.
- Work hard!