Body Transformation: 3 Easy Moves For The Ultimate Military Body

When it comes to his fitness regimen, Eric believes in keeping it simple. It worked for him, let it work for you too!

Vital Stats

Name: Eric Holmquist
Bodyspace: zombyfrog

Eric Holmquist Eric Holmquist


220 lbs


171 lbs

Why I Got Started

I am in the U.S. Military (Navy) and staying in shape is a bit of a job requirement. As I got older, I kept the same eating habits as I did when I was a lot younger. I was lifting heavy weights at the time and figured the more the better.

Next thing I knew I looked like a bloated warthog. I got sick of feeling fat, so in 2007 I changed my diet and workout to affect a change in how I looked and how in shape I was. Realizing that "bigger" isn't necessarily "better" I ended up losing almost 50 pounds and 7 inches off my waistline in about 4 months.

I feel MUCH leaner and I have far more endurance and stamina now, for whatever activity I need it for.

Realizing that 'bigger' isn't necessarily 'better' I ended up losing almost 50 pounds and 7 inches off my waistline in about 4 months.

How I Did It

In 2007 while on a deployment to the Persian Gulf, I cut carbs out of my diet, almost completely. I did NOT cut any fat or meat, just anything made with sugar, potatoes, grains of any kind, and rice (meaning NO baked goods or pasta, which really sucked).

I also switched to a body weight workout a SEAL buddy of mine enlightened me on, no weights whatsoever. Simple pushups, pull-ups, dips, and a little treadmill work (little really). Worked like a charm, my body really responded to it.

I switched to a body weight workout a SEAL buddy of mine enlightened me on, no weights whatsoever.


The only supplements I take are NO Xplode before my workouts and 3 scoops of whey protein immediately after it. (All my workouts are done at around 6 a.m.)

Pre Workout:
Post Workout:


I don't really monitor this too much anymore. The only thing that I do each day is the 3 scoops of whey protein after my workouts Monday-Friday. Other than that, whatever the wife is making.

I still try to stay away from carbs, and eat mostly meats, egg whites, and veggies. Other than that, I have NO specific diet plan, at all.

Meal 1:

Meal 2:

  • Chicken fiesta taco salad

    Taco Bell Chicken fiesta taco salad

    1 (triple chicken, no sour cream or guac or sauce of any kind, did NOT eat shell, meat, veggies and beans only)

Meal 3:

Meal 4:

Meal 6:


  • water


    1/2 - 3/4 gallons


Day 1/Day 3/Day 5: Full Body Circuit

I do 40 sets of this circuit, adding 2 seconds of rest after each set (set 1: 25 seconds, set 2: 27 seconds, set 3: 29 seconds, and so on).

It all totals up to 800 push-ups, 400 pull-ups, and 400 dips. Usually takes about an hour.

Repeat 40x, 25 sec rest, add 2 sec to each additional rest period:

Day 2/Day 4: Cardio Only
Days 6 and 7: Off/Active Rest
  • Bicycling Bicycling


    I occasionally take a 7-10 mile bike ride on Saturday mornings.

Suggestions for Others

It's simple, you CAN make a change in how you look and how you feel, regardless of how old you are. All it takes is a little hard work, some discipline, and dedication to diet and exercise (diet being the hardest of those two).

You don't even need a ton of supplements to do it either. I know I don't look like a bodybuilder or anything like that, but at 41-years old and in the military, I can see that I am in far better shape than some of the sailors and soldiers who are half my age that I see in the gym.

Don't let anything stop you, if you want it, TAKE it, don't wait for it to come to you, because it won't. MAKE it happen, you can do it. I did.

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