Scott Campbell Shed 72 Lbs And 11% Body Fat--And He's 52. Here's How!

Scott wanted change his body in order to improve his health and he knew he couldn't do it alone. Read on to see how Scott found the motivation and a team to help him along the way.

Vital Stats

Name: Scott Campbell


Bodyspace: V-240

Scott Campbell Scott Campbell


360 lbs
Body Fat:


288 lbs
Body Fat:

Why I Got Started

I saw myself in photos and video and realized what I thought I saw in the mirror didn't match reality! On my 50th birthday, some really bad-looking photos of me were taken. I was horrified and disgusted. I use those photos now for motivation.

Also my doctor was on my case about my weight, my BP and my sleep apnea. I knew there were better ways to live but I didn't really know where to start. I had to seek out help.

I knew there were better ways to live but I didn't really know where to start
+ Click To Enlarge.
I knew there were better ways to live but I didn't really know where to start.

How I Did It

The first thing I did was eliminate drive-through meals, sugary drinks, frappucinos and most dairy products. They were just loading me up quickly with fat and sugars.

I met a great coach named Eric Johnson at a gym near my house and he has been helping me with nutrition, functional strength, cardio and agility since 2006. We train outdoors now in a small group and we keep each other motivated.

As a team, we have competed in a very tough 10K mud run and obstacle course called Bakersfield Volkslauf. We are training for it again this year in October. This gives us focus and a hard target to train for.

Several people more fit than I am were not able to complete Volkslauf last year and had to be taken away by medics. I am fairly sure I was only able to make it through because we trained hard all year before and pre-hydrated the night before and just before the race started.

We train outdoors now in a small group and we keep each other motivated
+ Click To Enlarge.
We train outdoors now in a small group and we keep each other motivated.

Also my coach and teammates helped me through the hot, dusty run and over the highest and toughest obstacles. Teamwork!

About a month after Volkslauf, I individually ran in the NorCal Warrior Dash. While I came in nowhere near first, I came in faster than a lot of skinnier and younger runners because I had been training hard for a while now!

My username on BodySpace is V-240. The V stands for Volkslauf, and the 240 is the next goal weight in lbs. I am working toward.

Over 40 Transformations

Over 40 Transformations: Scott Campbell Trains For The Volkslauf (06:21)
Scott dropped 70lbs to compete in the grueling Marines-style obstacle course competition known as the Volkslauf.


Twice Daily:
Three Times Daily:
Pre Workout:
Pre & Post Workout:
Pre Workout, Post Workout, and Before Bed:
  • Meal Replacement Bars: 1 bar (Any time I need a quick meal on the run - keeps me away from drive-thru!)


Meal 1:


Meal 2: Pre Workout


Meal 3: Post Workout
Meal 4:
Late Night Snack:

If I'm really hungry after a tough day or workout, I'll add some more lean beef or other meat.


My team meets daily in our local park for mostly bodyweight and kettlebell exercises, and sometimes rock work, this is on the side of a levee on the hill with large rocks.

Day 1: Circuit Training (Repeat 3-4x)
Day 2: Circuit Training (Repeat 3-4x)


Day 3: Circuit Training (Repeat 3-4x)
Day 4: Circuit Training (Repeat 3-4x)
Day 5: Car Pulls

We hook up a pull harness to either my 1999 Chevy Tahoe or a lighter Honda minivan, and we take turns pulling it as fast as we can across the parking lot at the park, 2-5 sets of 500 yards.

I have videos of this and other workouts in my journal:

We also do a 1 mile lap around the park.

Day 6: Rest

Day 7: Rest

* We call these Dead Dips or Dip Hangs, because I can post myself up on the dip station but can't really yet do a full dip.

** We use the concrete picnic tables at the park, running up to them and hopping up and over them as quickly and quietly (no stomping) as we can, Ninja style, part of the circuit mentioned. This is tougher than it sounds! It took me a long time to master it!

*** We pull up to the bars, feet planted, back toward the ground, almost looks like a reverse push-up.

Suggestions for Others

Find something you like to do and get off the couch. Getting started is the hard part. I work best in a group dynamic where we motivate each other and we have a lot of laughs.

We have a great coach who participates in the events we train for. We keep each other accountable.

It's never too late. I just turned 52 and I'm doing things I never thought I'd do or even heard of before in my life! You're never too old as long as you can still get up and get out.

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