2011 Bodybuilding.com Military Challenge Transformation Success Stories

''My life has been full of challenges, but that is no different than anyone else's life. My story is unique because I took control of my life and started pursuing what I believed in. My journey all started with Bodybuilding.com...''

2010 Military Spokesmodels

2010 Military Challenge Top Winner Sean Hardge

Sean's Story »

Sean Hardge

My life has been full of challenges, but that is no different than anyone else's life. My story is unique because I took control of my life and started pursuing what I believed in. My journey all started with the Bodybuilding.com website, an order for about $100, and a workout plan from a friend on BodySpace.

"The Army turned me down the first time I tried to join because of injuries... I think of these things everyday and it drives me to make it."

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2010 Military Challenge Top Winner Pam Wilson

Pam's Story »

Pam Wilson

What an honor it is to be recognized as a Bodybuilding.com Spokesmodel. This time last year, I would have never thought about lifting a weight much less being where I am today. Thanks goes out to my trainer, Shelly Howard, who has been such a inspiration to me this year. She pushed me hard and kept me motivated. I couldn't have done it without her or the love and support of my husband Rob.

"TEN YEARS AGO I COULDN'T PASS MY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST... i had never run in my life. it took me 2 years of practice to be able to run 2 miles and do pushups."

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