Wallpapers - Full Archive, Page 1

Page 1 of's full archive of our high-quality desktop wallpapers (background images). These pages contain every wallpaper we've ever offered.

Here is the complete collection of every wallpaper we've ever offered, in chronological order, whether as part of our normal weekly Wallpapers Of The Week, or as part of our monthly Super Features - they're all here! Use your web browser's "find" command to quickly search for your favorites!

Wallpaper Full Archive, Page 1

Download Past Special Features Wallpapers:

2011 BodySpace Spokesmodel Search!
2011 BodySpace Spokesmodel Search!
Group A Of The Finalists!
Image Courtesy Of Michael Neveux.
Week #234 - 02/10/2011
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2011 BodySpace Spokesmodel Search!
2011 BodySpace Spokesmodel Search!
Group B Of The Finalists!
Image Courtesy Of Michael Neveux.
Week #234 - 02/10/2011
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 BodySpace Spokesmodel Search Contestants!
2010 BodySpace Spokesmodel Search!
Group A Of The Contestants!
Photo By Michael Neveux.

1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 BodySpace Spokesmodel Search Contestants!
2010 BodySpace Spokesmodel Search!
Group B Of The Contestants!
Photo By Michael Neveux.

1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Jamie Eason
Cardio Fanatic: Jamie Eason
Jamie Is No Stranger To The Stair Stepper!
Photo By SecondFocus.

1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Super Supplements Wallpaper
Download Your Free Copy Now!

1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Dorian Yates
6-Time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates!
Part Of The Five Days Of Dorian Yates Feature!
Photo By Kevin Horton .


Download Past Wallpapers Of The Week:

The Striking Truth: Georges St-Pierre!
Georges St-Pierre.
The Striking Truth!
Image Courtesy Of Liana Saadi.
Week #233 - 11/23/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

The Striking Truth: David Loiseau!
David Loiseau.
The Striking Truth!
Image Courtesy Of Liana Saadi.
Week #233 - 11/23/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

365 Circuit Trainer: Julien Greaux!
Julien Greaux!
365 Circuit Trainer.
Image Courtesy Of BSN.
Week #232 - 11/9/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Competitor & Fitness Model Amanda Harris!
Amanda Harris!
NPC Competitor & Fitness Model.
Image Courtesy Of Brent Allen.
Week #232 - 11/9/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Blood & Guts 6-Week Trainer: Dorian Yates!
Blood & Guts 6-Week Trainer.
Dorian Yates: 6x Mr. Olympia!

Week #231 - 10/19/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

ErgoGenix Quantum Body Method: Robert Hatch!
ErgoGenix Quantum Body Method.
Robert Hatch: NPC Bodybuilder.
Image Courtesy Of Paul Buceta.
Week #231 - 10/19/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler Vs. Phil Heath!
Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler Vs. Phil Heath!
4x Mr. Olympia & Runner-Up.
Images Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #230 - 10/5/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 Olympia Champions Sonia Gonzales & Erin Stern!
Olympians Sonia Gonzales & Erin Stern!
2010 Olympia Champions.
Images Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #230 - 10/5/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Mr. Olympia Contender Kai Greene!
Mr. Olympia Contender Kai Greene
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #229 - 9/21/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Former Mr. Olympia Dexter Jackson!
Former Mr. Olympia Dexter Jackson
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #229 - 9/21/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Mr. Olympia Contender Phil Heath!
Mr. Olympia Contender Phil Heath
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #229 - 9/21/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Crowd Favorite Dennis Wolf!
Crowd Favorite Dennis Wolf
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #229 - 9/21/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Fitness Olympia Champion Adela Garcia!
Fitness Olympia Champion Adela Garcia
IFBB Fitness Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #229 - 9/21/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Ms. Olympia Hopeful Iris Kyle!
Ms. Olympia Hopeful Iris Kyle
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #229 - 9/21/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Ms. Olympia Hopeful Cathy LeFrancois!
Ms. Olympia Hopeful Cathy LeFrancois
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #229 - 9/21/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Bikini Olympia Hopeful Amanda Latona!
Bikini Olympia Hopeful Amanda Latona
IFBB Bikini Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #229 - 9/21/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Reigning 3-Time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler!
Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler!
Reigning 3-Time Mr. Olympia!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #228 - 9/15/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 Bikini Olympia Hopeful Nathalia Melo!
Bikini Pro Nathalia Melo!
2010 Bikini Olympia Hopeful!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #228 - 9/15/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 Europa Winner Essa Ibrahim Hassan Obaid!
Essa Ibrahim Hassan Obaid!
2010 Europa Super Show Winner!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #227 - 8/19/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Seth Feroce!
IFBB Pro Seth Feroce!
2010 Europa Super Show Competitor.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #226 - 8/10/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben White!
IFBB Pro Ben White!
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #225 - 7/20/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Bikini Pro Bianca Binno!
Bianca Binno!
IFBB Bikini Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #224 - 7/13/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

BodySpace Member Parker Cote!
Fitness Model Parker Cote!
Avid BodySpace Member.

Week #224 - 7/13/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Avid BodySpace Member Laura London!
BodySpace Member Laura London!
NPC Figure Competitor.
Image Courtesy Of Corey Grenier Photography.
Week #223 - 7/6/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Figure Competitor Amy Palmquest!
PR Girl Amy Jo Palmquest!
NPC Figure Competitor.

Week #223 - 7/6/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Have An Inspiring Independence Day Weekend!
Happy Independence Day!
NPC Figure Competitor Sasha Porshnikoff.
Image Courtesy Of Dan Ray.
Week #222 - 6/29/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 NPC West Coast Classic Winners!
Contest Champions!
2010 NPC West Coast Classic.
Images Courtesy Of Ron Avidan.
Week #222 - 6/29/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Figure Competitor Shawn Hektor!
Shawn Hektor!
NPC Figure Competitor.
Image Courtesy Of Shannon Fontaine.
Week #221 - 6/22/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Figure Competitor Kristie Johnson!
Kristie Johnson.
NPC Figure Competitor.
Image Courtesy Of Jason Hayes.
Week #221 - 6/22/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Figure Pro Louise Rogers!
Louise Rogers!
IFBB Figure Pro!
Images Courtesy Of Ian Holder .
Week #220 - 6/15/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Bikini Competitor Tatum Miranda!
Tatum Miranda!
NPC Bikini Competitor.

Week #220 - 6/15/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Figure Pro Kathleen Tesori!
Kathleen Tesori!
IFBB Figure Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Mike Vader.
Week #219 - 6/08/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Fitness Model Whitney Reid!
Whitney Reid!
Male Fitness Model.

Week #219 - 6/08/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Fitness Bad A$$ Kane Sumabat!
Kane Sumabat!
Fitness Bad A$$.
Image Courtesy Of Controlled Labs.
Week #218 - 6/01/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Fitness Model Katie 'Chung-Hua' Barnes!
Katie 'Chung-Hua' Barnes!
Fitness Model.
Image Courtesy Of Jory Sutton.
Week #218 - 6/01/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Figure Pro Jelena Abbou!
Jelena Abbou!
IFBB Figure & Bikini Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #217 - 5/25/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Male Fitness Model James 'Hollywood' Ellis!
James "Hollywood" Ellis!
Fitness Model & Actor.

Week #217 - 5/25/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

BodySpace Member John Shumate!
John Shumate!
BodySpace Member & Gym Owner.

Week #216 - 5/18/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Fitness Model Amer 'The Hammer' Abdulbaki!
Amer 'The Hammer' Abdulbaki!
WBFF Pro Fitness Model.

Week #216 - 5/18/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 New York Pro Winner Roelly Winklaar!
Roelly Winklaar!
2010 New York Pro Winner.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #215 - 5/11/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

BodySpace Member Steve Chen
Steve Chen.
BodySpace Member.
Image Courtesy Of SecondFocus.
Week #215 - 5/11/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Bikini Pro Nathalia Melo!
Nathalia Melo!
IFBB Bikini Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Issac Hinds.
Week #214 - 5/04/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Bikini Pro Dianna Dahlgren!
Dianna Dahlgren!
IFBB Bikini Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Issac Hinds.
Week #214 - 5/04/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Bikini Pro Leigh Lingham!
Leigh Lingham!
IFBB Bikini Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Issac Hinds.
Week #213 - 4/27/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Figure/Bikini Competitor Khay Rosemond!
Khay Rosemond.
NPC Figure/Bikini Competitor.
Image Courtesy Of Issac Hinds.
Week #213 - 4/27/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Victoria Larvie!
Victoria Larvie.
IFBB Fitness Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Issac Hinds.
Week #212 - 4/20/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Bikini Competitor Meggan Clay!
Meggan Clay.
NPC Bikini Competitor.
Image Courtesy Of Issac Hinds.
Week #212 - 4/20/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Figure Pro Kathleen Tesori!
Kathleen Tesori!
IFBB Figure Pro!
Image Courtesy Of Lee Whittingham.
Week #211 - 4/13/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Fitness Model Tana Gabrielle!
Tana Gabrielle!
Fitness Model.
Image Courtesy Of Brent Allen.
Week #211 - 4/13/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

BodySpace Spokesmodel Jaquelyn Kay!
Jaquelyn Kay.
BodySpace Spokesmodel!
Image Courtesy Of Michael Neveux.
Week #210 - 4/06/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Bikini Pro Sonya Vecchiarelli!
Sonya Vecchiarelli!
IFBB Bikini Professional.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #210 - 4/06/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Powerlifter Rob Carbo!
Rob Carbo.
Image Courtesy Of SecondFocus.
Week #209 - 3/30/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

MMA Fighter Jon 'Bones' Jones!
Jon 'Bones' Jones.
UFC MMA Fighter.
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #209 - 3/30/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

BodySpace Spokesmodel Ben Booker!
BodySpace Spokesmodel Ben Booker!
Known As 'BookerBrother' On BodySpace.
Image Courtesy Of Michael Neveux.
Week #208 - 3/23/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Personal Trainer Wendy Lucas!
Personal Trainer Wendy Lucas!
BodySpace Physique Of The Month!
Image Courtesy Of Esgrima.
Week #208 - 3/23/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Phil Heath & Branch Warren Go Head-To-Head!
Phil & Branch Go Head-To-Head!
At The 2010 Arnold Classic!
Image Courtesy Of Issac Hinds.
Week #207 - 3/16/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Fitness Model Nick Paniagua!
Fitness Model Nick Paniagua!
Also Known As "XNick EdgeX" On BodySpace!
Image Courtesy Of SecondFocus.
Week #207 - 3/16/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Sylvester Stallone & Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Sly Stallone & Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation.
Image Courtesy Of Issac Hinds.
Week #206 - 3/09/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 Arnold Classic Winner Kai Greene!
2010 Arnold Classic Winner Kai Greene!
Congrats On Your Win In Columbus, Kai!
Image Courtesy Of Issac Hinds.
Week #206 - 3/09/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 Arnold Classic Contenders!
2010 Arnold Classic Contenders!
Hidetada Yamagishi & Melvin Anthony!

Week #205 - 3/02/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Figure International Contender Erin Stern!
Ms. Figure International Contender!
The Lovely Erin Stern!
Image Courtesy Of Michael Neveux.
Week #205 - 3/02/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 IFBB Phoenix Pro Figure Top 3!
2010 IFBB Phoenix Pro Figure Top 3!
From The First Ever Phoenix Pro.
Image Courtesy Of Ron Avidan.
Week #204 - 2/23/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Fitness Model Tana Gabrielle!
Fitness Model Tana Gabrielle!
Working Our Arnold Expo Booth.
Image Courtesy Of Brent Allen.
Week #204 - 2/23/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2010 Arnold Classic Contender Dexter Jackson!
Arnold Contender Dexter Jackson!
Former Mr. Olympia!
Image Courtesy Of Gary Phillips.
Week #203 - 2/16/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Personal Trainer & Fitness Model Kari Hoyda!
Personal Trainer Kari Hoyda.
Fitness Model & Marathon Runner!
Image Courtesy Of Nightwing Photo.
Week #203 - 2/16/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128 Spokesmodel Jamie Eason! Spokesmodel Jamie Eason!
The World's Fittest Model!
Image Courtesy Of Satio Photography.
Week #202 - 2/09/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Ms. Figure Olympia Nicole Wilkins-Lee!
Ms. Figure Olympia Nicole Wilkins-Lee!
Took 1st Place @ 2009 Figure Olympia!
Image Courtesy Of Fitness Management Group.
Week #202 - 2/09/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Figure Pro Gina Aliotti!
IFBB Figure Pro Gina Aliotti!
Took 2nd Place @ 2009 Figure Olympia!
Image Courtesy Of Fitness Management Group.
Week #201 - 2/02/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Figure Competitor Amber Lobao!
NPC Figure Competitor Amber Lobao!
Took 4th Place @ 2009 NPC Sacramento!
Image Courtesy Of Charlie Couch (C2 Photography).
Week #201 - 2/02/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Figure Pro Catherine Holland!
IFBB Figure Pro Catherine Holland!
Took 1st Place @ 2008 NPC Jr. Nat'ls!
Image Courtesy Of John Stutz.
Week #200 - 1/26/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

MuscleMania, FAME & WBFF Pro Bodybuilder Renaldo Gairy!
FAME & WBFF Pro Renaldo Gairy!
Also A MuscleMania Pro Bodybuilder!
Image Courtesy Of Neddy Nyce.
Week #200 - 1/26/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Figure Pro Alicia Harris!
IFBB Figure Pro Alicia Harris!
Took 3rd Place @ 2009 New York Pro Figure!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #199 - 1/19/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Bikini Competitor Kristal Martin!
NPC Bikini Competitor Kristal Martin!
Competing In The 2010 Arnold Amateur!
Image Courtesy Of Caliber Photography.
Week #199 - 1/19/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Bikini Pro Nathalia Melo Moreira!
IFBB Bikini Pro Nathalia Melo Moreira!
Placed First @ 2009 NPC Ft. Lauderdale!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #198 - 1/12/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

WBFF Fitness Model Pro Lindsey Giometti Szvetits!
WBFF Fitness Model Pro Lindsey Giometti Szvetits!
Also A Team MusclePharm Member!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #198 - 1/12/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Male Fitness Model Armond Scipione!
Male Fitness Model Armond Scipione!
Magazine Cover Model & Natural Bodybuilder!
Image Courtesy Of Frank Antonio.
Week #197 - 1/05/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Figure Competitor & Model Breanne Mollman!
Fitness Model Breanne Mollman.
Also An NPC Figure Competitor!
Image Courtesy Of Gene X. Hwang.
Week #197 - 1/05/2010
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Bikini America Competitor Josephine Dalton!
Bikini Competitor Josephine Dalton!
Placed Top 10 @ 2009 Bikini America Pageant!
Image Courtesy Of John Lathrop.
Week #196 - 12/29/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

New Year's Determination
New Year's Determination.
Have You Got It?
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #196 - 12/29/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Figure Competitor Laura Bailey!
NPC Figure Competitor Laura Bailey!
All-American EFX Sponsored Athlete!
Image Courtesy Of Darren Wellhoefer.
Week #195 - 12/22/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

FAME Pro Fitness Model & Swimsuit Model Natalie Minh!
FAME Pro Natalie Minh!
Fitness Model & Swimsuit Model.
Image Courtesy Of Wim Vanderwegen.
Week #195 - 12/22/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Bikini Pro Dianna Dahlgren!
IFBB Bikini Pro Dianna Dahlgren!
Won Pro Card At '09 Team U!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #194 - 12/15/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

WBFF Fitness Diva & Bikini Diva Mindy Karuk!
2010 Spokesmodel Finalist Mindy Karuk!
WBFF Fitness Diva & Bikini Diva.
Image Courtesy Of David Ford.
Week #194 - 12/15/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2009 NPC Excalibur Overall Winner Troy Tate!
Overall Winner Troy Tate!
2009 NPC Excalibur Champion.
Image Courtesy Of Ron Avidan.
Week #193 - 12/08/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2009 NPC Excalibur Overall Figure Winner Helene Ahlson!
Overall Figure Winner Helene Ahlson!
2009 NPC Excalibur Champion.
Image Courtesy Of Ron Avidan.
Week #193 - 12/08/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Florida's Favorite Ski Bunny Gina Ostarly!
Florida Ski Bunny Gina Ostarly!
NPC Figure Competitor.
Image Courtesy Of Walt Ostarly.
Week #192 - 12/01/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Women's Tri-Fitness Competitor Gretchen Ritter!
The Lovely Gretchen Ritter!
Women's Tri-Fitness Competitor.
Image Courtesy Of Gene X. Hwang.
Week #192 - 12/01/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Nationals Overall Winner Cedric McMillan!
Overall Winner Cedric McMillan!
2009 NPC Nationals Champion!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #191 - 11/24/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

IFBB Figure Pro Alicia Harris!
IFBB Figure Pro Alicia Harris!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #191 - 11/24/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC National-Level Bodybuilder Steve Kuclo!
NPC National-Level BB'er Steve Kuclo!
Took 3rd Place @ 2008 NPC Nationals!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #190 - 11/17/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

NPC Female Bodybuilder Sarah Hayes!
NPC Female Bodybuilder Sarah Hayes!
Won The 2009 NPC Europa!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #190 - 11/17/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2009 IFBB Sacramento Pro Winner Toney Freeman!
Sacramento Pro Winner Toney Freeman!
Placed 1st In Men's Open Class!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #189 - 11/10/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

2009 NPC Sacramento Figure Class 'F' Winner Mindi Smith!
Sacramento Figure Champ Mindi Smith!
Figure Overall Winner!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #189 - 11/10/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Biceps Flex I: Male Form
Biceps Flex II.
Male Form.

Week #188 - 11/3/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Biceps Flex II: Female Form
Biceps Flex I.
Female Form.

Week #188 - 11/3/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

New IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Zack 'King' Khan!
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Zack Khan!
Won The 2009 IFBB British Championships!
Image Courtesy Of Kevin Horton .
Week #187 - 10/27/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

New IFBB Bikini Pro Monique Minton!
New IFBB Bikini Pro Monique Minton!
Won The 2009 NPC USAs!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #187 - 10/27/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Get Yourself A Training Partner!
Get Yourself A Training Partner!
For Motivation & Safety!

Week #186 - 10/20/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Teen Bodybuilder Of The Week: Brody Bloom!
Teen BB'er Of The Week: Brody Bloom!
And He's Only 18 Years Old!

Week #186 - 10/20/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

The Ever-Captivating Jamie Eason!
The Ever-Captivating Jamie Eason!
Just In Time For Halloween!
Image Courtesy Of Jacqueline Megaw.
Week #185 - 10/13/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128

Gettin' Back To The Gym!
Gettin' Back To The Gym!
Get Back On The Wagon!
Image Courtesy Of Isaac Hinds.
Week #185 - 10/13/2009
1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1152x864 - 1024x768 - 800x600
480x640 - 320x240 - 240x320 - 160x160 - 160x120 - 128x128