Eight Weeks Out!

Wazzzzup people?? How is everyone? I am now 7 weeks and 6 days out from my competition and feeling good. I am weighing about 78 kg which is about 173 pounds.

Wazzzzup people?? How is everyone? I am now 7 weeks and 6 days out from my competition and feeling good. I am weighing about 78 kg which is about 173 pounds.

Training has been going very well as I have been using the pyramid principle combined with the drop set principle. I will explain the way I have been training. First I will pyramid from 15 reps to 8 reps using 3-4 sets then after my last heavy set of 8 reps I will drop to a lighter weight and rep out and depending on what body part and/or exercise I will drop the weight again to a lighter weight and rep out once more. This is taking the muscle to failure, using a high volume and even keeping my poundage's up all in the one training session.

    My training split for the last 2 weeks looked like this:
  • Chest
  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Shoulders + Traps
  • Back
  • REST
  • Repeat
The rest day is optional it will depend on how I am going and how I feel.

Before each training session I will usually do a 10 minute abs workout giving the upper, lower and obliques a workout.

I will choose the exercises to do when I get to the gym but the rep scheme will vary from time to time but I will always try to stay between 15 and 8 reps then a drop set at the end f the last set.

At night after dinner but before my pre bedtime meal I will hit abs with the squeezing crunches and leg lifts for around 10 minutes then go and practice posing for half an hour.

After I posed I would have my protein shake and either piece of fruit or cup of rice and watch TV and then go to bed.

My diet consists of 6 meals per day, usually about 2-3 hours apart. I try to keep the proportions the same but will not go to the lengths of measuring the food with scales. I still occasionally have sauce with my dinner and lunch meals but only a low sugar pasta sauce or a Soya sauce.

  • Breakfast- 6 egg whites+1 yolk, 1 cup rice
  • Morning Tea- Protein Shake, Apple or Orange
  • Lunch- 450g Tuna, 1 cup of Rice
  • Afternoon Tea- MRP, 1 cup of rice
  • Dinner- Chicken Breast or steak, 1 cup of rice, vegetables
  • Before Bed- Apple or Orange or 1 cup of rice, protein Shake

The only supplement that is on my grocery list at the moment is a high quality protein powder and a good MRP. One from Muscle Tech or Human Development, or Labrada, which are my favorites. I am not currently using any Creatine, Glutamine, or Thermogenics.