Personal Trainer Of The Month - Jason Phillips!

Congratulations Jason Phillips on being our Personal Trainer Of The Month! Jason was awarded the Personal Trainer of the Month for his health and fitness contributions that he provides for his clients!

Vital Stats:

Name: Jason Phillips
Age: 24

  • Bachelor of Science from Florida State University
  • Certified by NSCA
Location: Orlando, Florida
Contact Info:
# Of Clients: Anywhere from 50-80 depending on time of year
Rates: Varies by program


[ Q ] Can you tell me a little about yourself?

    I currently live in Orlando, Florida where I own and operate Celebration Boot Camp for Women. I also am the coach of Team JP FIT. Growing up I was an athlete, but at the same time I was the All American kid that ate whatever he wanted and was "Skinny Soft." After a bout with an eating disorder, I learned a lot about nutrition and today I am able to apply what I know to help others.

Growing Up I Was An Athlete, But I Was Also The Kid That Ate Whatever He Wanted And Was 'Skinny Soft.'
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Growing Up I Was An Athlete, But I Was Also The Kid
That Ate Whatever He Wanted And Was 'Skinny Soft.'

[ Q ] Why did you become a trainer?

    I became a trainer after rehabbing a golf injury. I fell in love with being in the gym and instead of working the front desk thought that training would be more fun. The rest is history.

I Became A Trainer After Rehabbing A Golf Injury.
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I Became A Trainer After
Rehabbing A Golf Injury.

[ Q ] What is your training style? What methods do you use?

    This is a tough question. I think every trainer has their "style" but it needs to be adapted to each client. (Example: Palumbo is a keto guy; Layne is a carb cycle guy; etc..) Personally I like volume for the training and I typically carb cycle when dieting.

[ Q ] Do you have examples of success stories from clients using your methods?

    I have several, most notably Catherine Holland - she turned pro in 2008 using my training methods.

    Recently another client of mine - Ryan Everson - won the overall at the Tanji Johnson figure classic. This comes after placing dead last at last years Emerald Cup. I met Ryan backstage with my girlfriend who was competing. We spoke briefly after the show and decided to work together. She is one of the most dedicated people I have ever met. She followed every word I said and the results certainly speak for themselves.

[ Q ] What programs (diet, nutrition, and supplementation) did you use on those particular clients?

    Ryan carb cycled the entire year and ended up dieting on approx 200g of carb. Because she was so diligent in the off-season I really didn't have to do anything drastic in prep and it was an easy ride into the show.

It Was An Easy Ride Into The Show.
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It Was An Easy Ride Into The Show.

[ Q ] What are the most common mistakes newbie's make?

    Most people are not patient. This is not an industry of absolutes, people need to figure out what works for them. Hiring a knowledgeable coach is never a bad idea either.

[ Q ] What is your approach to nutrition and supplementation? Do you set your clients up with a full diet plan?

    Each and every client is set up with a full nutrition and training program. The diet is updated when the progress dictates that a change is needed.

[ Q ] How do you keep your clients motivated?

    I make myself available to my clients 24/7. I live on my blackberry and all of my clients receive answers to their questions typically within an hour or so. While I don't always tell them what they WANT to hear, I do always tell them what they NEED to hear, and typically that is motivating in and of itself.

I Will Always Tell Them What They Need To Hear.
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I Will Always Tell Them
What They Need To Hear.

[ Q ] What is the average length of a client?

    I have clients with me today that I had 4 years ago and I have clients that only keep me for a month. I think this is probably in line with every trainer in the business.

[ Q ] How have your changed your approach to clients over the years of experience?

    As a trainer, I never stop learning. I really do try to learn more everyday and keep my programs the best they can be for my clients. As far as an absolute change to my approach, I don't know as though I can pinpoint one.

As A Trainer, I Never Stop Learning.
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As A Trainer, I Never Stop Learning.

[ Q ] Who are you working with currently and in the future that our BodySpace members may have heard of?

    I currently train my girlfriend HollandC (Mike Davies does her nutrition) and I work with LegallyBlonde who will be making quite the impact on the national scene. Raaach521 is a teen competitor of mine that will be hitting the national stage in the next 2-3 years and trust me when I say this girl has potential.

    CStupek is a masters level competitor that will be competing in 6 weeks and I anticipate great results. Chicky9914 is a fitness competitor that recently took second in the Europa Show of Champions. Look for Jenna to take the national stage later this year with an improved physique and her AMAZING routines.

I Anticipate Great Results.
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I Anticipate Great Results.

    Bella38 is currently undergoing a transformation with me as is ladarling. Both women have been ideal clients and follow what they are told. My first bikini competitor is RunFit. She will be competing later this year in two Tampa shows, with a much improved physique she is one to watch out for. I also have numerous other clients that have recently competed and all of which have placed top 5, if not won.

[ Q ] How do you start a client on a new program? Do you do some kind of assessment?

    There is a questionnaire that each client is required to fill out. If I need information beyond that then I ask, but typically at that point I have what I need. From there I make an initial plan. At that point we assess weekly with pictures and other feedback that I request. Based on these I make any changes needed to the program.

[ Q ] Do you prefer to train male or female clients and why?

    I have no bias when it comes to this. As it turns out I have many more female clients than I do male, but honestly I will take anyone that is willing to work.

[ Q ] Do you feel just as much like a psychologist as you do a personal trainer?

    YES!!! Any good trainer does. However my unique background gives me a pretty good understanding as to what the client is going through. I also credit my girlfriend IFBB Pro Catherine Holland for a ton of support. Catherine has answered numerous female questions that I can't even begin to relate to.

Any Good Trainer Feels Like A Psychologist.
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Any Good Trainer Feels Like A Psychologist.

[ Q ] Do you or your team use a specific brand of supplements?

    Yes, Team JP FIT uses Optimum Nutrition and American Body Building (ABB) supplements exclusively.

    I would like to give a huge Thank You to all of my clients for their hard work but also to my amazing girlfriend Catherine Holland. Without her support, none of this would have ever been possible. She believed in me from day one and encouraged me to follow my passion. She is the organizational component to the team and without her none of us would have half the success that we do.

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