Ask A Fitness Model!

I will be writing a column twice a month called Ask a Fitness Model exclusively here, where I answer questions about everything ranging from health, fitness, beauty tips, sex, and modeling.

Hi. My name is Christina Lindley and I am a professional fitness model. I have been featured in several spreads and covers in magazines including: Musclemag International, Weekly World News, American Curves, Fitness Beauties, Seventeen, YM, and Muscular Development. Until now, I have only been able to speak directly about fitness via appearances or my official website,

Special thanks to for enabling me to communicate with all of the readers. I will be writing a column twice a month called "Ask a Fitness Model" exclusively here, where I answer questions about everything ranging from health, fitness, beauty tips, sex, and modeling. So, here is the first edition of "Ask a Fitness Model".

Questions & Answers

I was wondering if you could tell me the best way to get started in the fitness modeling industry? Is just contacting the photographers directly the best way or are there reputable agencies out there now?

Thanks for asking. Unfortunately, there seems that there is no one "best way". I can only tell you what worked for me. The first thing I'd recommend is going to a fitness show live as a "spectator", like the Arnold Classic coming up in March. Go to the expos and look around. Check out the girls working at booths, talk with some of your favorite models.

Make sure that fitness modeling is definitely something you want, badly. If it is, take pictures, make business cards, and build yourself a self-promotional website. The most important advice I can give you is to be PROACTIVE. Read the magazines you want to be in, and become familiar with the photographers who are published most frequently in the magazines. Email them with your resume and pictures.

Don't take no for an answer! If someone turns you down, contact someone else. Keep at it until someone tells you yes. As far as agencies, I haven't found one yet that I would personally recommend in the fitness industry, but that doesn't mean that one doesn't exist.

I hope you don't get offended when I ask you this, but it is a truthful question. In May of 2004, I am graduating with my bachelor's in psychology and for graduation I am getting fake boobs. Does this help out or does it really matter?

Not offended at all. Boobs in my book, are a bonus. There are tons of beautiful, successful fitness models with sexy larger breasts. Then there are other beautiful, successful fitness models with small breasts. To me, it isn't about "just boobs". The most important thing is to be well proportioned.

If you are beautiful, in great shape, confident in yourself, and know how to work a camera, then you can be a successful fitness model.

I am 21 yrs old and I have two kids. I love to work out, but it's my stomach that doesn't get flat. It's that baby fat. I know that having stretch marks is not good. But if I could only loose my stomach fat and get some abs I could do something about the stretch marks. I have asked for advice everywhere, including bodybuilders and I get nowhere. Please help me!

Sorry no one else has helped you! I'll do my best. The first thing you need to do is ask yourself, "Is my Diet what it should be?" No matter how hard you are working doing exercise and crunches, the layer of fat masking a six pack won't come off unless you are eating right. Try to make sure you get in 4-6 smaller meals consisting of high, lean protein (chicken, fish, egg whites) and healthy carbs (like yams, brown rice, broccoli).

Make sure you do cardio (running, walking on a treadmill, or maybe even chasing the kids around the yard!) for 30-45 minutes a day, minimum three times a week. If you really want it to come off, try to do cardio 4-5 days a week. Don't give up, it will take awhile. But then again, it will all be worth it once you get that nice flat tummy you have been wishing for!

I started working out about 7 weeks ago at home and my main focus was to look better for myself and for my wife. I am 34 years old and am 5ft 9 1/2, and weigh 210 lbs. To lean out, what would you suggest as the best foods for me to eat each day or to get an established meal plan? Lastly how long can I expect it to be before I see any results? 3 months? 1 year?

First off, let me commend you for taking the first steps and wanting to be healthier for yourself and your wife. If you are serious about leaning out, try cardio in the morning on an empty stomach for about 30-45 minutes 3-5 times a week. You need to try and cut back on fast food, limit yourself to one "bad" meal a week. Watch your carbs.

Keep your protein high. Find a good fat burner that works well for your body (which for me was pure trial and error). Result time varies greatly depending on your dedication, work ethic, and genetics. This routine will definitely put you on the right track to achieving your goals.

Every time I see a picture of you, you have an awesome swimsuit, lingerie, or outfit on. You have really good taste. I was just wondering if you could recommend a few good places to purchase something like that?

Thanks! It takes me a lot of time to find something I like. My favorite form of shopping for intimate modeling stuff by far is over the internet. I get most of my lingerie from: Fredericks of Hollywood, and Trashy Lingerie. Most of the swimwear comes from a place in Australia, called Dream Girl. You can usually find a few things on Ebay that are really cute, and not so expensive. If all else fails, I go to the mall and hit up Victoria's Secret.

My wife and I have been married for five years, and our love life hasn't been as hot lately. Do you have any tips on how I can spice things up?

Yes. The secret tip in a long term relationship is surprise. Constantly surprise your wife, and even yourself with how creative you can be. Plan an unexpected getaway, even if it's just for the weekend somewhere close. Surprise her with it on Friday right before you leave.

Extend your boundaries, its OK to talk dirty, incorporate new positions, use sexy foods, pull some hair, do things that you have always wanted to try with her but have been to afraid to try. Surprise her at work during lunch one day, with one thing in mind. Send her flowers; COMPLIMENT her on how beautiful she looks. It will amaze you what a compliment will do for a woman. I remember hearing a comedian once say, "A woman needs two things in life to survive, food and compliments." It is true. Most of all make her feel needed, and she will be crazy for you.