Eight Week Mass Attack: Day 31!

We had some really bad weather last night and due to a brief power outage that reset all the clocks I over slept this morning until 5:05 am. One clock reset itself and it read 6:50 am.

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All-Out 8-Week Mass Attack. No Holds Barred.
Day # 31 of 56 - 02-20-02

We had some really bad weather last night and due to a brief power outage that reset all the clocks I over slept this morning until 5:05 am. One clock reset itself and it read 6:50 am. When I read that I was pissed off thinking that I had missed the gym time for today, but I found out that it was only 5:05 am so I calmed down got dressed, took my pre workout supps and off I went.

After the past few weeks of pounding my back and shoulders I decided to lighten the load a little today and hit them from more angles rather than a ton of weight.

Chins - 2x10
Bent rows - 1x10 - 135lbs, 1x10 - 225lbs, 1x8 - 315lbs
T-bar rows - 2x10 - 120lbs
Incline dumbbell rows - 2x10 - 50lbs
Pull downs - 1x10 - 110lbs, 1x10 - 150lbs
Close grip pull downs - 1x10 - 110lbs, 1x10 - 150lbs
Seated rows - 1x10 - 110lbs, 1x10 - 150lbs
Seated dumbbell press - 1x10 - 40lbs, 1x10 - 70lbs, 1x6 - 90lbs
Bent laterals - 2x10 - 70lbs
Side laterals - 1x10 - 25lbs, 1x8 - 40lbs
Cable side laterals - 1x12 - 30lbs
Cable upright rows - 1x12 - 120lbs
Behind the back shrugs - 1x20 - 225lbs
Shrugs - 1x10 - 315lbs, 1x10 - 405lbs
Barbell curls - 2x8 - 135lbs
Seated dumbbell curls - 2x10 - 50lbs
Cable curls - 1x21 - 120lbs
Machine preacher curls - 1x8 - 90lbs, 1x12 - 70lbs
One arm cable curls - 1x12 - 40lbs

It felt really good to lighten up the load today. My joints were starting to ache at night and I just felt uncomfortable. My pumps are still great and my strength seems to go up daily. On Saturday I will take my stats to check on my progress. The thing that has impressed me with the stack is I have cut back on my calorie intake by 500-1000 cals a day and I am still making some great progress. Very powerful stuff.