Eight Week Mass Attack: Day 12!

Today it was harder to get up than normal. Man, am I glad the weekend has finally arrived; it's time for me to catch up on some much needed rest as well as sleep.

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All-Out 8-Week Mass Attack. No Holds Barred.
Day # 12 of 56 - 01-24-02

Today it was harder to get up than normal. Man, am I glad the weekend has finally arrived; it's time for me to catch up on some much needed rest as well as sleep. This morning was arm day. I felt really good this morning, really strong but my shoulder has started bother me again. It feels like a deep muscle pain, nothing seems to be wrong with the joint, I think with some good rest this weekend it may be better by Monday.

After warming up for a few minutes and get some Static X, Korn and some Rob Zombie going through my ears I was ready to go.

Close grip bench - 2x10 - 135lbs, 1x6 - 185lbs, 1x4 - 225lbs, 1x4 - 275lbs, 1x5 - 245lbs
Skull crushers - 1x12 - 85lbs, 1x12 - 105lbs
Dumbbell overhead press - 1x10 - 80lbs, 1x10 - 90lbs
Cable pushdowns - 1x10 - 110lbs, 1x10 - 140lbs, 1x10 - 170lbs
Overhead cable extensions - 1x12 - 110lbs, 1x12 - 140lbs
Reverse one arm cable extensions - 1x10 - 40lbs, 2x10 - 50lbs
Barbell curls - (2 warm up sets with the bar), 1x6 - 95lbs, 1x6 - 135lbs, 1x4 - 185lbs, 1x6 - 135lbs
Cable curls (with arm blaster) - 1x12 - 110lbs, 1x12 - 120lbs
Dumbbell curls - 1x8 - 70lbs, 1x10 - 40lbs
Preacher curls - 2x10 - 85lbs
One arm cable curls - 1x10 - 40lbs, 2x10 - 50lbs
Cable curls (21s) - 2 sets - 7 reps from ½ contraction to full, 7 reps from extension to ½ contraction, and 7 full range of motion reps.

My arms were about to explode. The pumps get better every day. One thing I noticed today is lower back pain. That means I am making some weight gain. My lower back always hurts very low, almost to my butt when I start an increase in my body weight. I receive remarks on a daily basis on me getting bigger. I feel great.

Well until Monday, have a great weekend!