This SWAT Guy Became A Fitness Enforcer!

Like many others Chad was in denial about the state of his health and physical appearance. Read on to see how Chad woke his body up and shed 50 pounds!

Vital Stats

Name: Chad Evans


Chad Evans Chad Evans


208 lbs
Body Fat:


158 lbs
Body Fat:

Why I Got Started

My story really starts with self-denial. I was the guy who would look at himself in the mirror, suck in my gut and then tell myself I was not fat and out of shape, how could I be? I was the guy who played sports in high school and college, the guy who went from college to the United States Marines Corps as an Officer and then on to Law Enforcement were I am currently in SWAT. I could not be the fat guy; I have always been in shape and I always will.

But at the same time I was the guy who would go to the gym stand around and talk and then tell myself I just had a great workout. Then I would head off to eat and order an appetizer with my meal or so much food I would eat myself to where I would almost be sick. But I still kept telling myself I was good, even though it was having an effect on my job and worst of all my family.

I finally decided it was time for a change when I was playing with my kids one night and I started to chase them around the house. Both of them were running and having a great time with their dad when they decided to run up stairs so they could hide in the rooms. I gave chase up the stairs and as I reached the top (a whole 16 steps) I was winded so bad I had to stop playing with my kids and rest.

Shortly after that I was looking at myself in the same mirror again and this time I told myself I needed a change.

I still kept telling myself that I was good even though it was having an effect on my job and worst of all my family.

How I Did It

So I went and looked up the HitchFit website. I had heard about through other police officers and friends particularly Brandi Wisdom. But even then I sat around for another 2 weeks until I finally told the wife I felt like I needed a change in my life. She was behind me 100%, she just said, "you need a plan and if you can get that from HitchFit I say do it."

It all started with the first email. A list of questions, most of which I was not even sure how to answer, my goal was to lose weight and get in better shape. Nothing specific just get in better shape, then I received my plan and I started looking over the information. I realized right away I did not have a clue on proper nutrition or working out.

Plus there was the little matter of the accountability to Micah on what I had been doing the week prior. I realized almost instantly that HitchFit was not a diet or workout plan, it was a change in lifestyle and one that I needed.

It started slow, I can't remember the last time I was as sore as I was after the first two weeks. I even sent Micah an email asking what I could do to help the soreness, as I felt as if I could barely get out of bed. His words of wisdom were keep pushing forward, it will get better and you will get stronger, even though I am sure he wanted to say stop crying.

With Micah's plan I was able to push myself farther then I thought possible, with everyday I was feeling and looking better. I started to believe I could be the person on the outside I have always wanted to be.

In the end I not only met my expectations, but I surpassed them. I finished weighing less then I had since I was in high school, but looked and felt so much better. It did not just stop there as I now had the tools to keep moving forward and be the husband, father and person I have always wanted to be. Dropping over 50 lbs of fat and reaching an all time low of 6.07 % body fat.

With Micah's plan I was able to push myself farther then I thought possible, with everyday I was feeling and looking better.


Before Bed:


2200-2400 calories per day.

Meal 1: 7:00 a.m.

Protein: 30-40g   |   Carbs: 30-40g   |   Fat: 8-10g

Protein: 60g   |   Carbs: 10g   |   Fat: 20g

Protein: 40g   |   Carbs: 40g  

Meal 4: 3:00 p.m.

Protein: 40g   |   Carbs: 30g  

Protein: 40g   |   Fat: 8-10g  
Note: No starchy carbs at this meal! Vegetables only! Best choices are broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, squash, spinach, brussel sprouts, onions

Meal 7: 9-10pm


  • Cardio: 750-1000 calories per day, 4-6 days per week, interval training (1 minute fast, 30 seconds slow)
  • Weights: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
  • Warm ups: Cardio for 5-10 minutes

Day 1/Day 4: Legs/Core


  • Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers


    30-45 sec max high intensity
    running in place, jumping jacks, jumps, skis, burpee, mountain climbers, or jump rope
  • Leg Extensions Leg Extensions

    Leg Extensions

    2 sets of 20 reps
    tempo 3-3-3
  • Seated Leg Curl Seated Leg Curl

    Seated Leg Curl

    2 sets of 20 reps
    tempo 3-3-3



  • Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers


    30-45 sec max high intensity
    running in place, jumping jacks, jumps, skis, burpee, mountain climbers, or jump rope
  • Side Bridge Side Bridge

    Side Bridge

    2 sets of 2 minute max reps
    1 minute each side
  • Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise

    Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise

    2 sets of 10-15 reps
    tempo 4-5-4
  • Sit-Up Sit-Up


    2 sets of 15-25 reps
    tempo 4-5-4
  • Flutter Kicks Flutter Kicks

    Flutter Kicks

    2 sets of 2 minute max reps

Day 2: Chest/Triceps


Giant Set:

  • Bench Dips Bench Dips

    Bench Dips

    3 sets of 100 reps
  • Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers


    30-45 sec max high intensity
    running in place, jumping jacks, jumps, skis, burpee, mountain climbers, or jump rope

Day 3: Back/Biceps/Core


  • Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

    Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

    4 drop sets of 10 reps
  • Pullups Pullups


    2 sets to failure
  • Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers


    30-45 sec max high intensity
    running in place, jumping jacks, jumps, skis, burpee, mountain climbers, or jump rope


Giant Set:

Day 5: Shoulders/Traps/Forearms/Core


  • Standing Military Press Standing Military Press

    Standing Military Press

    4 drop sets of 10 reps
  • Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers


    30-45 sec max high intensity
    running in place, jumping jacks, jumps, skis, burpee, mountain climbers, or jump rope




Suggestions for Others

Don't let your lifestyle be the thing that keeps you from reaching your goals. If you want to change the way you feel on the inside and also the way you look on the outside, make the choice to do whet ever needs to be done to fix it. It won't happen by itself and the hard work that you put out will be rewarded in the end.

Also don't be afraid to reach out for help, I did and Micah never made me feel like I was less of a person because I did not know what I needed to do to achieve my goals. I reached out to HitchFit and Micah handed me a plan that has forever changed my life. He was able to push me in away that no one else was able to do.

I deeply believe, that with this new knowledge I have, I am better prepared to take care of my family and me. I see now that as you go through a transformation like this, you are given the tools that will not only benefit you, but the people around you.

Trainer Credit:
Micah LaCerte - Hitch Fit Online Personal Training,

Photographic Credit:
David Bickley - David Bickley Photography,

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