Week 3
Having my mom and aunt on vacation here was really fun, but now it's time to buckle down and get serious about bodybuilding. There's not much on my mind right now to talk about. I just have to get it done. It's as simple as that.
Monday, June 7
Meal 1:
- 2 egg yolks
- 9 egg whites
- 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal
- 16 oz water
Meal 2:
- 4 oz turkey
- 2 small red potatoes
Meal 3:
- 4 oz chicken on brown bread
- 4 oz chicken
- 1 medium red potato
- Apple
- Brown rice
- 16 oz water
Meal 4:
- 1 can of tuna on brown bread
- 2/3 cup of oatmeal
- Brown rice
- 16 oz water
Meal 5: Pre-workout
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 banana
Meal 6: Post-workout
- A little over 2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 60 grams of dextrose
- 1 tbsp of Gplenish Glutagain
Meal 7: Post-workout 2
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 medium white potato
Meal 8:
- Two 95% lean hamburgers on one what bun w/ ketchup and mustard
- 16 oz milk
Meal 9:
- 1 cup of cottage cheese
- 8 oz milk
- Pull-ups: Bodyweight(bw)x12, bwx10, bwx8, bwx6
- Deadlifts: 205x10, 225x10, 245x10, 265x10
- T-bar Row: 115x10, 125x10, 125x8
- Pull-downs: 150x12, 150x8, 140x8
- Cable Rows: 140x8, 130x8, 120x8
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Today was a killer back workout. I am getting back into the grove with deadlifts and they are working well for me. This working was very demanding and I decided not to do abs after back because I was completely wiped out. I will see if I can fit them in somewhere else during the week or something.
Tuesday, June 8
Meal 1:
- 2 egg yolks
- 9 egg whites
- 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal
- 16 oz water
Meal 2:
- 4 oz turkey
- 1 red potato
Meal 3:
- 4 oz chicken on brown bread
- 4 oz chicken
- Brown rice
- Apple
- 16 oz water
Meal 4:
- 1 can of tuna on brown bread
- 2/3 cup of oatmeal
- Brown rice
- 16 oz water
Meal 5: Pre-workout
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 banana
Meal 6: Post-workout
- A little over 2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 60 grams of dextrose
- 1 tbsp of Gplenish Glutagain
Meal 7: Post-workout 2
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 medium white potato
Meal 8:
- Lots of spaghetti w/ meat sauce
- 16 oz milk
Meal 9:
- 1 cup of cottage cheese
- 8 oz milk
- Military Press: 125x10, 125x7, 105x10, 115x8
- Dumbbell Press: 50x8, 50x7, 50x7, 50x7
- Reverse Machine Fly: 60x12, 60x10, 60x10, 60x10
- Side Lateral Raises: 25x12, 25x9, 20x12, drop set to 15x5
- Barbell Shrugs: 225x12, 245x11, 265x8, 265x6
- Dumbbell Shrugs: 110x10, 110x9, 110x8
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I messed up on military press and thought there was 115 on the bar for my third set. I guess that didn't matter because this workout actually felt a lot harder and better than my last Shoulders/Traps workout.
I tried reverse flyes today on the pec deck machine for my rear delts and it was surprisingly harder than I expected it would be. I really felt it working and I will most likely be very sore in the morning.
Wednesday, June 9
Meal 1:
- 2 egg yolks
- 9 egg whites
- 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal
- 16 oz water
Meal 2:
- 4 oz turkey
- 2 small red potatoes
Meal 3:
- 4 oz chicken on brown bread
- 4 oz chicken
- Brown rice
- 1 medium red potato
- Apple
- 16 oz water
Meal 4:
- 1 can of tuna on brown bread
- 2/3 cup of oatmeal
- Brown rice
- 16 oz water
Meal 5: Pre-workout
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 banana
Meal 6: Post-workout
- A little over 2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 60 grams of dextrose
- 1 tbsp of Gplenish Glutagain
Meal 7: Post-workout 2
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 medium white potato
Meal 8:
- Stir Fry w/ lots of vegetables and chicken
- 16 oz milk
Meal 9:
- 1 cup of cottage cheese
- 8 oz milk
- Overhead Tricep Extension: 80x12, 85x12, 90x9, 90x8
- Machine Triceps Extension: 90x12, 100x12, 110x10, 120x7
- EZ-bar Curl Bench: 115x15, 145x10, 145x8
- Cable Curl: 110x11, 110x9, 110x7
- Alternate Dumbbell Curl: 45x10, 45x9, 45x7
- Incline Dumbbell Curls: 40x7, 35x8, 35x7
Click here for printable workout log!
I ran the mile in PE today and that was the first major physical activity that I had done since football season. When I started my calf exercises today, my calves felt like they had already been worked.
I thought it would be a bad idea to work them today and decided to let them rest so they wouldn't be overwhelmingly sore during my leg workout tomorrow. Other than that my workout went very well.
Thursday, June 10
Meal 1:
- 2 egg yolks
- 9 egg whites
- 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal
- 16 oz water
Meal 2:
- 4 oz turkey
- 2 small red potatoes
Meal 3:
- 4 oz chicken on brown bread
- 4 oz chicken
- Apple
- Brown rice
- 16 oz water
Meal 4:
- 1 can of tuna on brown bread
- 2/3 cup of oatmeal
- Brown rice
- 16 oz water
Meal 5:
Meal 6:
- 1 cup of cottage cheese
- 8 oz milk
My legs were sore from running the mile yesterday in PE and my body felt like it needed a rest. I will do legs tomorrow and continue on normally with my split.
School got out today! I had been looking foreword to this the past several weeks and I am definitely going to have a lot of fun this summer while putting on a lot of lean mass at the same time.
Friday, June 11
Meal 1:
- 2 egg yolks
- 9 egg whites
- 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal
- 16 oz water
Meal 2:
- 4 oz chicken on brown bread
- 4 oz chicken
- Apple
- 16 oz milk
Meal 3:
- 1 can of tuna on brown bread
- 2/3 cup of oatmeal
- Brown rice
- 16 oz water
Meal 4: Pre-workout
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 banana
Meal 5: Post-workout
- A little over 2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 60 grams of dextrose
- 1 tbsp of Gplenish Glutagain
Meal 6: Post-workout 2
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 medium white potato
Meal 7:
- Salmon patties w/ tator tots
- 16 oz milk
Meal 8:
- 1 cup of cottage cheese
- 8 oz milk
- Barbell Squats: 185x12, 205x12, 225x10, 235x8
- Hack Squats: 230x10, 250x10, 270x8
- Leg Press: 400x10, 490x10, 540x8
- Straight-leg Deadlifts: 185x12, 205x12, 225x10
- Seated Leg Curls: 150x12, 150x9, 150x7
- Lying Leg Curls: 100x8, 90x9, 90x9
Click here for printable workout log!
Today was another brutal leg day. I am still exhausted from my workout while I am sitting here typing this. This routine has definitely been getting the job done.
Saturday, June 12
Meal 1:
- 2 egg yolks
- 9 egg whites
- 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal
- 16 oz water
Meal 2:
- 4 oz chicken on brown bread
- 4 oz chicken
- Brown rice
- Apple
- Water
Meal 3:
- 1 can of tuna on brown bread
- 2/3 cup of oatmeal
- Brown rice
- 16 oz water
Meal 4: Pre-workout
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 banana
Meal 5: Post-workout
- A little over 2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 tbsp of Gplenish Glutagain
Meal 6: Post-workout 2
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 medium white potato
Meal 7:
- 4 slices of frozen pizza
- 16 oz milk
Meal 8:
- 1 cup of cottage cheese
- 8 oz milk
I didn't put any dextrose in my first post-workout shake because I only did abs at the gym and my glycogen stores were far from depleted.
- Incline Crunches:15, 12, 10, 8
- Leg Raises: 15, 15, 13
- Cable Crunches: 150x20, 150x18, 150x15
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I didn't work my abs on Back/Abs day so I decided to work them today. I also rested on Thursday, so this didn't have to be a complete rest day. It was a decent workout and everything went smoothly.
Sunday, June 13
Meal 1:
- 2 egg yolks
- 9 egg whites
- 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal
- 16 oz water
Meal 2:
- 4 oz chicken on brown bread
- 4 oz chicken
- Apple
- 16 oz milk
Meal 3:
- 1 can of tuna on brown bread
- 2/3 cup of oatmeal
- Brown rice
- 16 oz water
Meal 4: Pre-workout
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 banana
Meal 5: Post-workout
- A little over 2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 60 grams of dextrose
- 1 tbsp of Gplenish Glutagain
Meal 6: Post-workout 2
- 1 1/2 scoops of Optimum Whey
- 1 medium white potato
Meal 7:
- Lots of Homestyle Bake (dumplings and chicken)
- 16 oz milk
Meal 8:
- Calf Press: 400x10, 490x10, 580x7, 630x6
- Standing Calf Raises: 360x10, 380x7, 380x6
- Dumbbell Bench Press: 80x10, 85x8, 85x7
- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 70x9, 70x8, 70x8
- Dips: 10
- Dumbbell Flyes: 55x10
- Dips: 10
Click here for printable workout log!
I fell asleep on the couch after church, so some of my meals got pushed back a bit. I squeezed them all in, but I got to the gym later than I wanted to. The gym closes early on Sunday's, so I had to hurry up with my workout.
I didn't get to do all the sets that I wanted to and I am upset about it. I guess I will just have to forget about it and look to the future. There's nothing I can do to change it so it's worthless thinking about it. Other than not fitting in enough sets, the workout went pretty well.
My last dose of MAN Bodyoctane was taken Thursday. I believe this product worked better for me than creatine ever did. This product didn't cause me to hold water and didn't give me cramps. I definitely see a big future for this supplement and I believe it will become as popular if not more popular than creatine. The more popular it becomes, the more affordable it will become. Right now it is a bit expensive, but definitely worth it in my opinion. I am hoping the price will drop in the future so everyone can use it and benefit from it.
My next supplement that I am going to try is Creator G2 by LegalGear. I am going to be testing that product similar to how I tested MAN Bodyoctane. I will be honest and accurate in describing the effects that the product has on me. I am not sure when they are shipping out the samples, but hopefully I will begin using the product soon.
I am still 178 pounds, but my weight has been changing around a lot lately.
Applied Knowledge is Power