Teen Amateur Of The Week: Ripped At The Seams!

This teen streamlined his mind-muscle connection to prepare for competition. Check out the principles that lifted Avery into first place!

How Did Your Fitness Journey Begin?

I started going to the gym at age 15 and went through the motions in the beginning. I didn't care what happened during my gym time. When I started to see results, my infatuation for lifting took off. I focused to perfect my technique and mind-muscle connection. Then I asked my older brother for advice and did research.

My passion for bodybuilding gave me new strength and size, which increased my performance for football and baseball. The athletic benefits got me hooked. Now sports are over, but I still call on and remember the basics of what delivers results.

How Did Your Passion For Fitness Emerge?

I learned quickly that the rewards from Bodybuilding can be endless and I will be successful if I put in work. When I discovered I would get out what I put in it, a new level of desire emerged. The gym is more than training time. It helps me mentally to cope with positive and negative emotions. It's therapy. The iron allows me to express myself in a way that can't be understood. It keeps me coming back for more.

What/Who Motivated You To Be A Fitness Guru?

At first, I was lukewarm on fitness and my body. Then I came across Romans 6:13: "Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God." This verse is one of my favorites and made me want to maximize my genetic potential to let God shine through my journey and results.

My family is my best fans. I wouldn't be who I am today or where I am today without their love and support. They keep me driven, motivated, and on the path to success.

Where Did You Go For Inspiration?

Bodybuilding can be extremely lonely. I went to my brother, Tucker, who always has my back and is a great motivator. My close friend and roommate, Hunter Harris, knows how hard dieting is and what it does to you. These guys are in my corner and understand the process it takes to see gains and progress.

Walking into the gym made me realize how hard it is for a natural bodybuilder to see results. When I was surrounded by unnatural individuals, it gave me untapped drive to succeed in an era of shortcuts.

What Are Your Future Fitness Plans?

I just finished my first competitive season and am excited about my future. In the future, I will add quality mass and maintain an aesthetic physique from power movements that build dense muscle. My long-term goal is to become a natural pro bodybuilder. My ultimate goal is to always enjoy training and let bodybuilding enhance my life.

What Is The Most Important Fitness Tip?

Do it for you. Don't start lifting to alter your body image because of someone's opinions or remarks. Fitness is beautiful, but it's not for everyone. Your goals and reasoning behind anything should be individualized. If you do it for others, you won't give it your best.

Who Is Your Favorite Competitor?

Kai Greene's mental engagement toward his craft and his life story about rising from nothing is astounding. Kai took time at the Arnold Classic Expo to talk with me and give advice. It amazed me that a world-class athlete did that. Kris Gethin is legit because of his passion, ability to motivate, and hardcore methods to forge success.

How Did Bodybuilding.com Help You Reach Your Goals?

I ordered my supplements and competition gear from Bodybuilding.com and got product advice from articles. The articles guided the structure of my workout split, nutrition, and competition prep. The supplement reviews and forums are extremely helpful to debate new theories. Bodybuilding.com is a one-stop shop.