Teen Amateur Of The Week: Jordan Is A Consistent Competitor!

Bodybuilding became more than a hobby when Jordan learned the importance of consistency. Learn the importance of fitness fundamentals like he did to succeed!


How did your fitness journey begin?

My journey started during my freshman year of high school when my brother dragged me into the gym, but I had no interest because I was mostly into rollerblading and other extreme sports. When I started seeing results I loved it, but I never worried about diet, sleep, or consistency.

I joined the wrestling team during my sophomore year of high school, got leaner, and decided to see how far I could take myself. I joined the football team as a senior and tore my ACL. After rehabbing my ACL and taking two months off from the gym, the season was over and I needed something competitive.

Bodybuilding quickly stoked an interest, but I never considered it before. I watched thousands of YouTube channels from the Hodge Twins, Mike Rashid, Kevin Johnson, Cohn Wolfe, and Doug Miller. I competed in the 2013 NPC Pittsburgh and won the teen bodybuilding class. After the show, I fell in love with the sport. Now I'm a personal trainer at my local gym and love helping people reach their potential.

"I love going to the gym and have fun with it. I don't think about it as something I have to do."

How did your passion for fitness emerge?

My passion emerged when I started seeing results. I stuck with it since then and made it a lifestyle.

What/Who motivated you to be a fitness guru?

My motivation comes from my family, friends, and girlfriend. Without them I wouldn't have the drive I do today.

Where did you go for inspiration?

My inspiration for fitness isn't an issue. I love going to the gym and have fun with it. I don't think about it as something I have to do or want to do.

What are your future fitness plans?

The only plans I have for the future are to keep doing what I love and have fun with it. When you make it something you have to do, the excuses start and you lose motivation.

What is the most important fitness tip?

Consistency is the key to bodybuilding success.

Who is your favorite competitor?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the Michael Jordan of bodybuilding.

How did Bodybuilding.com help you reach your goals?

The articles on Bodybuilding.com helped me from the start. They provided fresh ideas and new workout plans when things got stale. Bodybuilding is the only website I've used for anything fitness related. I always order my supplements from Bodybuilding.com because they have the best deals.

Competition History
  • NPC Pittsburgh Pro - 1st Place Teen Division