The Steen Fat Loss System
Darin Steen wants anyone and everyone to know that superb health is available to all highly competitive athletes, bodybuilders, stay at home house moms, and even the sick and diseased.
It is true that Darin Steen is a Professional "Drug Free For Life" Competitive Bodybuilder in the WNBF (for the last 12 years); but at the age of 43 he is much, much more than that.
Steen says that "We are all Body / Life Builders". He says to people who do not compete, "Whether you compete on stage like me, or compete on the stage of life, you are a bodybuilder". Or at least if you want to win, you ought to be.
Steen is publicly asking Oprah to test his time-efficient, trademarked "Fat Loss Lifestyle" Program to transform ordinary individuals into pillars of health and fitness.
Not only is Steen an accomplished personal trainer, but a "mind coach" and a self-taught "fitness" psychologist.
The System, The Message And The Motivation
Steen has developed a more streamlined, results orientated body / life transformation system than anything anyone has ever experienced; even better than his mentor Bill Phillips' " Body For Life".
- He is arguably the busiest fitness trainer in the world, and has been for the last eight years, logging over 18,000 one-hour sessions that were sold and serviced by him. Now he is training other trainers his techniques. His companies and endeavors are exploding in growth.
His name is Darin Steen and his message, he insists, must be heard, now more than ever. In a very challenging time when people are literally taking their own lives, his ideas ring true. And his message is simple: Anyone and everyone has the power to change. They just need a simple easy to follow plan of attack.
You see; Steen is really on a soap box; he just found out that his very good friend and co-worker from UPS committed suicide. Steen slightly shaken last week was quoted "People are killing themselves; and they are saving themselves; it all comes down to our thoughts".
Steen spent nearly 18 years as a truck driver for UPS before realizing his dream of helping others boost their health and transform their thinking. During that period, he spent his time creating a healthy, strong body of his own, participating in many drug-free-for-life bodybuilding competitions.
Today he is helping countless individuals get excited about his new 12-week lifestyle program called "Fat Loss Lifestyle." It's a plan that's within the reach of accomplishment of all no matter their current health status.
Anyone, Steen asserts, can exercise 3-4 hours a week. And to prove this assertion, he has already helped hundreds of clients get into the best shape of their adult life. "But that is only part of the story," Steen explains, "because the real story is embedded in the transformational accounts of those who made the giant leap to robust, energetic health."
Steen says his services are in such demand that he has placed a series of videos on the web to be used along with his eBook. This 12-week program (designed to duplicate his personal training sessions in every possible aspect) is reinforced with regular personal correspondence and communication from Steen himself. When individuals join his very special membership club at, they'll receive unique, personalized services from this intensely dedicated personal fitness trainer and motivational coach. He aspires to reach thousands of more people to not only show them how important their health is, but to actually have a real part in changing their lives for the better.
What Is NLP? NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP is a pragmatic school of thought—an 'epistemology'—that addresses the many levels involved in being human. NLP is a multi-dimensional process that involves the development of behavioral competence and flexibility, but also involves strategic thinking and an understanding of the mental and cognitive processes behind behavior.
Real People Transforming Their Lives Because Of Steen's Fat Loss LifeStyle System
Steen points to just a few examples of those individuals who have followed his patented plan.
The Incredible Story Of The Newest WNBF Professional (Drug-Free For Life) Bodybuilder
Mike Deagle ( totally transformed his body and his life. He dropped over 13 inches off his waist, while gaining an incredible confidence, self- and body-image, and a totally new outlook and expectation on life.
When Mike first came to me from another trainer on 7/1/07, I told him that I thought he had unbelievable potential for competitive bodybuilding. In fact, when I told him that he had more potential than me (a 12-year veteran professional bodybuilder in the WNBF) he laughed in my face.
It was fantastic to see the fat, and the insecurities/doubts melt away as an incredible physique emerged. Each week as he lost fat / stress; gained muscle / confidence / energy / he strengthened his belief that he would accomplish the goals Darin made him write out on a Commitment Sheet (Goal Card).
Since he competed and fulfilled a life-long dream by winning his Pro Card (WNBF) on 10/27/07, there is only one chapter left in his story. To defeat Darin in the WNBF Masters Cup would put icing on the cake for Mike.
When reminded of this "hopeful" last chapter to Mikes story Steen simply smiles, and says; "anything is possible; as long as you believe it deep down in your core; then it will be true for you". My bet is that Steen's imagination is a little more experienced than Deagle's. But time will tell.
Mike drives to Steen's "Private Fitness Laboratory", to do sessions of the "FAT LOSS LIFESTYLE" with Darin from an hour and 1/2 away to train with Steen twice per week.
Mike lives in Geneva, IL. and is happily married to Nancy (she is expecting) and has two wonderful children. He is so excited to have more energy to enjoy his family.
So many people have been asking him what he is doing to look so ripped; I have decided to hire him as our Competitive Bodybuilding Expert for our "Inner Circle Success Team" @
Victim Of MS Stabilizes Disease For The First Time In 15 Years Only 2 Years After Using Fat Loss Lifestyle
Consider the story of Julie Hayes, 37-year-old wife and mother of two. She has struggled with multiple sclerosis for 15 years, trying every new drug and therapy. After only a year and a half of working with Darin, she experienced the stabilization of all her symptoms and absolutely knows that she is going to be 100 % healthy and totally independent within the year.
What Is Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis (also known as disseminated sclerosis or encephalomyelitis disseminata) is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the central nervous system, leading to demyelination. Disease onset usually occurs in young adults, and it is more common in females. It has a prevalence that ranges between 2 and 150 per 100,000.
Stroke Victim Lifts His Way Out Of Bed With Fat Loss LifeStyle
Zach Monohan is a 22-year-old young man whose body had been rendered immobile following a severe stroke.
The doctors and therapists all gave him little encouragement and even less hope. They predicted he would never walk again. But as chance would have it, Monohan met an older gentleman in the hospital who built some muscle after experiencing a stroke. Inspired by this man's progress, Zach would hobble into a health club and lopsidedly work one side of his body with incredible determination.
This was the same health club in which Steen worked. In fact, Steen was the busiest trainer (world wide out of 1800 trainers), training as many as 12 people daily. But, something spoke to this trainer when he saw Monohan struggling with his routine. Knowing that he could potentially hurt himself if he continued in this manner, Steen helped him be more centered on the machines.
Soon, in fact, Darin decided to train Zack for free after consultation with his mother and learning that the insurance companies denied paying for Steen's fee.
Check out Monohan's results:
- Lost 7.5% Body Fat
- Lost 19.29 Pounds Of Fat
- Gained 6.69 Pounds Of Muscle
- Lost 2 9/16 Inches Off Waistline
His "come-back" story certainly can inspire us all. Those who told him he would never walk again underestimated Monohan's intense desire to succeed. But more than that, Steen explains, is that all the "experts" who told Monohan this also underestimated the immense power of progress in keeping a program "simple."
Through a positive athletic magnetic mindset, working out regularly, eating smart and deliberating shedding as many medications as possible, Monohan proved all the professional health care officials wrong.
Monohan has, indeed, made innumerable positive changes in his life. In his journey out of bed, into the weight room and in front of people (Monohan now speaks and is inspiring others) he has finally attained a childhood dream of having a lean and muscular physique.
"Having the stroke is the best thing that ever happened to me," Monohan said, "It has made me a much better person, and now I have a new life full of inspiration and fulfillment.
"Steen's program saved me," Monohan said. "It was exactly what I needed. The physical part of the program was incredible, but the positive, never-say-die attitude that I would take out of each workout is the biggest benefit."
The Incredible Story Of The Tim Windt Family
Tim Windt is a 40-year-old man who had a severe knee injury and had to undergo surgery. He witnessed Steen at the health club changing bodies and lives. Tim, though, could not afford Steen's services. But, inspired by his actions, Windt worked very hard. He also fought with the insurance companies who had denied payment for Steen's services. He eventually won the fight. The insurance companies did pay for this training instead of the traditional physical therapists.
And even at that, Steen trained Windt for a full four months before the payments eventually came through. It was easy to see that Steen loves what he does and does not do it for the money.
While it was Tim's knee that needed mending, Steen's training also tremendously improved his waistline as well as his lifestyle and life. Steen's intervention in Windt's life and the amazing changes in his health inspired both Windt's wife and children to improve their health, too.
Wheel Chair Bound Pastor Back In Shape
Lonnie Caha, the pastor at Steen's church was also touched by his amazing skills. For his entire adult life, Caha had been paralyzed at his thoracic vertebrae due to a car accident.
Despite this handicap, Caha refused to allow anything to stop him. He was loved by his church who had nicknamed, "Love on Wheels," because he was confined to a wheel chair. He had even returned from septic shock, however, weak his body was. He was, unfortunately, not able to function independently.
Steen generously donated his service to help Caha improve his general health. Today the pastor is in the best shape of his life. Not only does he take care of himself, but he takes care of his wife as well. His is an amazing example of the power of the simplicity and effectiveness of the Fat Loss Lifestyle Program. The motto at the church is now, "If Lonnie Can Do It..." so can everyone else!
Steen's unique 12-week mind and body transformation program radically changed the direction of this man's life using the power of physical exercise, mental discipline, healthy athletic nutrition, goal setting and the harnessing of God's law of attraction.
Caha—as well as everyone else who uses this program—is taught to focus on his attributes as well as the future benefits of the program to maintain the excitement of the potential of his mobility and ability to age gracefully.
The results that Caha received were indeed impressive:
- Lost 21 Pounds Of Fat
- Gained 6.5 Pounds Of Muscle
- Lost 4.75 Inches From His Waist Line
- Gained 1.75 Inches On His Arms
In addition to that, Caha experienced less pain in his rotator cuff (his shoulder joints) while gaining more strength and range of motion.
65 Year Old Mystifies Doctors By Reversing Disease Because Of "Fat Loss LifeStyle"
Ruth Martin's state of health looked bleak. She had undergone two major back surgeries as well as a prognosis of severe osteoporosis in her lower back as well as osteopenia in her hips. Martin's doctor gave her prescription medication to battle this. But even with this Martin could not walk without pain.
What Is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease of bone that leads to an increased risk of fracture. In osteoporosis the bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, bone microarchitecture is disrupted, and the amount and variety of non-collagenous proteins in bone is altered. Osteoporosis is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in women as a bone mineral density 2.5 standard deviations below peak bone mass. Osteoporosis is most common in women after menopause, when it is called postmenopausal osteoporosis, but may also develop in men, and may occur in anyone in the presence of particular hormonal disorders and other chronic diseases or as a result of medications, specifically glucocorticoids, when the disease is called steroid- or glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (SIOP or GIOP). Given its influence is the risk of fragility fracture, osteoporosis may significantly affect life expectancy and quality of life.
What Is Osteopenia? Osteopenia is a condition where bone mineral density is lower than normal. It is considered by many doctors to be a precursor to osteoporosis. However, not every person diagnosed with osteopenia will develop osteoporosis. More specifically, osteopenia is defined as a bone mineral density T score between -1.0 and -2.5.
Then she hired Steen and her life took a change for the better. Within a year, not only did she radically change the size of her waistline, but her lifestyle took a turn for the better. And much to the bewilderment of her doctors, she no longer displayed any signs of osteoporosis or osteopenia. The doctor, however, credited the prescription medication with this marvelous transformation.
Then Martin hit him with the news that she never even took the medication. "My liver was already sick and tired," she informed him. The doctor said the changes were impossible then if he couldn't credit them to the medication. He asked her what she had done. She answered simply and honestly, "I hired Darin!"
The Lives Of A Father And Son Changed Forever Because Of "Fat Loss LifeStyle"
Brian Karneboge stopped Myotonic Dystrophy(see below) in its tracks; and in the process not only saved his life, but that of his son's as well. Karneboge's body fat dropped from 21 percent to 13.3 percent. He lost 9.75 pounds of fat and 2 7/16 inches from his waist while gaining confidence, energy, and an expectation that he was going to live a long fruit-ful life.
"Darin's program has kept me excited about staying active and healthy," says Karneboge, 58. "I didn't believe that I could gain muscle and lose fat at this point in my life. Now, I'm so excited to take my physique to the next level. Even though 10 cousins and all three of my siblings passed at a young age with MD, I feel that I have the power in my hands to age gracefully."
Additionally, Karneboge explains, "Trust me. You can transform your body and your life at any age. I did! Darin's program saved my life."
Not only did Karneboge transform his life, but his son Adam also discovered a new, healthier way of living. In fact, Adam changed his life first with Darin's "Fat Loss Lifestyle" system.
His experience was so amazing that he came home one day and told his dad that he had to do the same thing.
Brian says; "I have always wanted to be lean and muscular my whole life. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could start a program at 53 years old and do it. I really like myself, especially the way my clothes fit."
So even though the doctors and therapist; and everyone else for that matter told me I would never see 55 years old, I am ready to hit 90 or even 100, God willing.
Big Brian is showing his son, Adam, and anyone who will listen that you do not have to relinquish your right for a long fruitful life to anyone; no matter who they are. Big Brian is definitely leading by example.
This is only a very small fraction of those individuals who Steen has helped. The only question remains is: Who is going to help Steen get his message to the public in the most expedient method, so thousands of people can start regaining control over their lives.
What Is Myotonic Dystrophy? Myotonic dystrophy is a chronic, slowly progressing, highly variable inherited multisystemic disease that can manifest at any age from birth to old age. It is characterized by wasting of the muscles (muscular dystrophy), posterior subcapsular iridescent cataracts (opacity of the lens of the eyes), heart conduction defects, endocrine changes and myotonia (difficulty relaxing a muscle). Most notably, the highly variable age of onset decreases with successive generations. Thus the disease shows at an earlier age in successive generations, a phenomenon termed anticipation.
Steen Is On A Mission
Without a doubt, Steen is on a mission. His friend committed suicide nearly a month ago. He is also watching his father lose his vitality, livelihood, and independence with one of the most painful deaths, advanced emphysema.
Out of his parents 17 siblings (55-74 years old), one is dead (died from alcoholism at age 52 years old) and 15 are suffering from strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure and in and out of nursing homes. He says it is heartbreaking to see what happens to the average 50-70 year old, and their family and friends.
Steen says that "anyone and everyone has the ability to take or save their own life". Just ask big Brian Karneboge.
He says that as far as his parents' generation, "the simple information that we have at our disposal today just was not available to my mom and dad". But now, there is too much information. Just punch in fat loss into a Google search and what do you come up with? 8.5 million sites that tell you how to do it?
Now there is too much information and most are confused; they've either tried (with the wrong info for them) or they have not tried because they have paralysis by analysis.
Steen likes to remind everyone that they do not have to relinquish their right to strength, health, and vitality just because a doctor says that you have a statistical chance for recovery or survival. He reminds his clients daily that what ever you believe with a sense of certainty in your gut is true for you.
Everyone has disabilities when trying to get lean, muscular, healthy, and fit. Most people have mental or emotional obstacles in between where they are presently at and their fitness goals.
Steen says that he likes working with people with physical disabilities for two reasons;
- They appreciate something (health and vitality) more because it has been taken away. So they adhere to simple "Fat Loss LifeStyle" more diligently than someone who is relatively healthy therefore they are always seeing dramatic results.
- They remind him and all his other clients not to gripe and focus on the little things and to be grateful to have to arms, two legs, and the ability to walk into his "Fitness Laboratory" in Chicago.
It is obvious that Steen feels like he has the ability to inspire, inform, and motivate anyone and everyone that they do have the power to change? The only question is, who will help him get his message out?
Oprah, will you help Steen?
Spreading The Word
To contact Mike Deagle;
For more information on Monahan's story, contact Monahan at
For more information on Lonnie Caha's incredible transformation from the wheel chair, contact Lonnie at
If you have any form of Muscular Dystrophy please e-mail "Big Brian Karneboge" at
If you have any form of Multiple Sclerosis contact Julie Hayes at
Steen can be reached at:
The really cool thing is that each one of these graduates are now a part of Darin's social support group. They are causing the ripple effect as an on-line support forum and are truly leading others by example around the world at
For over 500 more testimonials of client success stories contact Darin Steen at
We believe in the power of announcing intention. Darin will be on the Oprah show.
Not to sell more books or to become her trainer; but to get his word out that anyone and everyone has the power to change their waistline, their lifestyle, and their life; and create a positive ripple effect with their people of influence with his proven; time efficient, results orientated 'FAT LOSS LIFESTYLE' system.
The question is; how long will it take; how many lives will be lost before he gets this message out?