Personal Trainer Of The Month: Chris Walker!

Chris Walker wins the Personal Trainer Of The Month! He was chosen for his commitment to helping his clients achieve their fitness goals!

Name: Chris Walker
Age: 22
Education/Certification: National Academy of Sports Medicine/CrossFit
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Contact Info:
Number Of Clients: 25
Rates: N/A

My life up until 2 years ago consisted of one thing and one thing only, hockey. Then in November 2009, my career came to an unexpected end when I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.

Not only was my career over but as a result of my Crohn's disease I lost 90 pounds, was weak and did not feel like myself. I took the next year and got myself back in shape.

After one year I was back up to a healthy weight. Seeing my body change over that year helped me realize I wanted to help others transform their bodies. That is why I became a personal trainer.

When and why did you become a trainer?

I was always into fitness as a hockey player. I trained myself and friends during the off-season. It was not until a year after I got sick that training became my career.

What is your training style? What methods do you use?

I use many different styles when training my clients. The foundation of all of my workouts is my athletic background.

"Do as I say, and do as I do, too."

Do you have examples of success stories from clients using your methods?

All my clients take steps forward every day - no one is any better than the other.

Who are some of your most notable clients?

Rachel LaBender, IFBB Bikini Pro

Chris has a keen eye for perfect forms. He gets paid to do this?
Chris has a keen eye for perfect forms. He gets paid to do this?
Chris has a keen eye for perfect forms. He gets paid to do this?

Can you please give us an example diet and training program you put together for your clients?

All programs are tailored to the client's unique needs. No two are alike.

What are the most common mistakes a client makes?

The biggest mistakes I find with new clients is their form. Often small adjustments can make a big difference in the results they receive.

What are the most common mistakes you believe a trainer makes?

The most common mistake a trainer makes is to put all clients on the same routine.

Do you set your clients up with a full diet and training plan for them to follow by themselves?

All clients receive a specific nutrition and cardio plan for between sessions. All workouts are personally supervised so the client can get maximum results.

How do you keep your clients motivated?

My clients are motivated by the results they get.

Chris' motto? Not sure, but we think it should be, "Won't back down."

Do you train a male client differently to a female?

All clients are trained differently. It's not about male or female - it is about the client's personal needs.

How have your changed your approach to clients over the years of experience?

My approached to clients has not changed dramatically, it has evolved as each day I learn new things that benefit my clients.

Stacked high, those aerobics steps form the stairway to a heavenly body.

How do you start a client on a new program? Do you do some kind of assessment?

Each client receives an intro assessment. Together we discuss goals, agree to them together and set a timeline to achieve them.

Do you prefer to train male or female clients and why?

No preference.

Do you feel just as much like a psychologist as you do a personal trainer?
