The following drills simulate a number of the movement patterns required in game and practice situations. They are designed to help improve functional strength, range of motion and mobility in the hip and groin. Do them three times per week year around.
Leg Swing Drills
- Leg Swings. Stand with your left hand on a wall for balance. Swing the right leg forward and backward 10-15 times. Repeat with the left leg.
- Ins/Outs. Place both hands on a wall for support. Swing the right leg out away from the body and back across the body 10-15 times. Repeat with the left leg.
- Hip Flexion/Extension. Lean forward, with your hands on a wall for support. Keep the toes up and swing (pull) the right knee up to the chest. Pause and extend (kick) the right hip and leg back as far as possible. Do 10-15 reps with each leg.
- In, Out and Hold. Lean forward, with your hands on a wall for support. Swing the right leg out and in 3 times and hold for 6 sec after the third swing. Start by swinging the right leg out away from the body. Then swing it back across the body and out again. Hold in the "out position". Next, swing the leg inward across the body, back out and in again. Hold in the "in position". Do 3 reps with each leg.
- Hip Flexion. Stand with you back to a wall. Lean against the wall with your shoulders and hands. Keep your toe up and leg straight. Raise the right leg forward as high as possible and return. Do 10-15 reps with each leg.
Ladder Drills
If you don't have a speed ladder, make your own. First, draw two parallel lines on the ground approximately 18 inches apart.
Then, make squares by connecting the parallel lines with shorter lines. Make each square approximately 18 inches long.
- Straddle Skips. Straddle one end of the ladder. Skip forward with the right leg (raise the right knee as high and wide as possible) and then put the right foot down outside the second rung of the ladder. As soon as the right foot hits the ground, skip forward with the left leg and put the left foot down outside the third rung of the ladder.
Continue skipping forward, keeping both feet outside the ladder at all times. When you get to the end of the ladder, pause and skip backward to the starting position. Start with 2 trips in each direction. Add one trip per week, to a max of five trips, forward and back.
- Crossover Skips. Stand with both feet on the right side of the ladder. Skip forward, bringing the right knee up as high as possible and across the body. Put the right foot down outside and to the left of the second rung.
As soon as the right foot hits the ground, skip forward, bring the left knee up across the body and put the left foot down outside and to the right of the third rung. Continue skipping across the ladder. When you get to the end, pause and return by skipping backward. Cross your feet behind your back. Start with 2 trips in each direction. Add one trip per week, to a max of five trips, forward and back.
- Hip Twists. Stand on one side of the ladder with your right foot in the first rung and your left foot out. Jump up, twist your hips to the right and bring your right foot out of the rung and replace it with your left foot. Then jump up, twist your hips to the left and bring your left foot out of the first rung and place your right foot in the second rung.
Continue down the ladder twisting your hips and moving your feet. Keep your shoulders parallel to the ladder at all times. When you get to the end, pause and return twisting in the opposite directions. Start slow and gradually increase the speed with which you twist your hips. Start with 2 trips in each direction. Add one trip per week, to a max of five trips, forward and back.
Hurdle Drills
- Forward Unders. Stand facing the hurdle. Step forward under the hurdle with your right foot. Bend at the hips, knees and ankles and place your head and back under the hurdle. Push with the left leg and drive your body under the hurdle. Square up your shoulders and stand up on the opposite side. Turn around and come back under the hurdle with the left foot forward.
- Forward Overs & Twist. Lower the hurdle to crotch height and stand facing it. Pivot on your left foot and step over the hurdle with your right foot until your body is straddling it. Pivot on your right foot, and bring your left foot (heel first) over the hurdle. Stand on the opposite side facing the hurdle. Step back across the hurdle with your left foot.
- Forward Overs. Keep the hurdle at crotch height and stand facing it. Lift your right knee and right foot as high as possible and step forward over the hurdle with your right foot. When your right foot hits the ground, lift your left knee and foot and step forward over the hurdle. Turn around and step back across the hurdle with your left foot.
- Lateral Leg Lifts. Stand at the end of a hurdle, with our body slightly to the left of the hurdle. Keeping your right leg straight, lift it up and over the hurdle. When your right foot hits the ground, lift your left leg and circle it over the top of the hurdle. Pause and step back across the hurdle with your left foot first. Start with 3 sets of 5 reps in each direction and build to 3 sets of 10.
Lateral Unders. Lower a track hurdle, or broomstick, until the top is even with your navel. Stand with your left side next to the hurdle. Step sideways under the hurdle with your left foot. Bend at the hips, knees and ankles and keep your lower back tight and your upper back, neck and head straight. Push with your right foot to move your body sideways (to the left) under the hurdle. Stand up on the opposite side and come back under to the right. Do 10-15 reps in each direction.