Vital Stats
Name: Ken DeWitt
Bodyspace: dewittk
Before: |
After: |
Why I Got Started
I have been fit for most of my life, from the time I was 12-years old I have lifted and ran daily. 8 years in the Marine Corps and 5 years as a beat cop fed my obsession. Then I became a headhunter, and I had to make it part of my lifestyle vs. part of my training for my job.
As the years passed, the more I worked out, the more successful I was at work.The more I worked out, the more energy I had for my children. I was in peak fitness shape when I fell down a winding staircase in an old home, landing on my back. I was out with pinched nerves and bulging disks for almost two years before I discovered inversion therapy (have a bar and boots in my bedroom now!), at which point I made a full recovery in two weeks! No more drugs, no surgery, no steroid shots in my spine.
I looked in the mirror one day (my before picture) and saw a big fat slob who used to workout. I decided it was time to get back on top of my game. I had allowed my injury to be my excuse. I was not going to wind up a slob who died of a heart attack at 50! I am amazed at the muscle memory my body has earned with all the years of hard work, it definitely paid off.
I have a long way to go to get to a 34-inch waist and ripped abs, but I will do it. The motto I taught my children is "I am a DeWitt and I don't quit!"
How I Did It
I work out 5 days per week, occasionally on Saturday, but never on Sunday. I made it part of my work day so that I do not interfere with family time, and they also do not interfere with my workout time.
Lift by plan, run by plan and eat by plan. I work based on a plan, my fitness and health is no different.
Pre & Post Workout:
Post Workout & Before Bed:
Three Times Daily:
NOW Tribulus 1000
1 cap
I eat 5-6 meals per day that include a fistful of protein and fistful of carbs. I take a free day on Saturdays. It's important to eat a solid mix of carbs and protein immediately following workouts.
Meal 1:
1/2 cup
egg whites
low fat turkey sausage
3 oz
Meal 2: Post Workout
whey protein
2 scoops
Meal 3:
grilled chicken breast
6 oz
steamed diced vegetables
1 cup
Meal 4:
whole eggs
low fat turkey sausage on 1 slice 12 grain bread
3 oz
low fat mayo
1/2 tbsp
Meal 5: Before Bed
whey protein w/ 1 cup 2% milk
2 scoops
Other Options:
2 tbsp chunky peanut butter on 1 slice rye bread
I do 3 different workouts and vary my starting workout on Monday each week.
Day 1: Chest/Abs
Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip
1 warm up set of 15 reps
5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps -
Wide-Grip Barbell Bench Press
5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps -
Barbell Incline Bench Press - Medium Grip
5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps -
2 sets of 12 reps each side -
Cable Crunch
3 heavy sets of 25-50 reps
Day 2: Upper Body/Abs
Superset (last set of first exercise only):
Seated Dumbbell Press
5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps -
Side Lateral Raise
1 set of 12 reps
Superset (last set of first exercise only):
Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment
5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps -
Cable One Arm Tricep Extension
1 set of 12 reps
Superset (last set of first exercise only):
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown
5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps -
Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown
1 set of 12 reps
Superset (last set of first exercise only):
Barbell Curl
5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps -
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
1 set of 12 reps
Cable Crunch
3 heavy sets of 25-50 reps
Day 3: Legs/Glutes/Abs
Superset (last set of first exercise only):
Sit Squats
5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps -
Sit Squats (Extra wide stance)
1 set of 12 reps
Superset (last set of first exercise only):
Romanian Deadlift
5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps -
Seated Leg Curl
1 set of 12 reps
Standing Calf Raises
2-3 sets of 20 reps
Superset (last set of first exercise only):
Cable Crunch
3 heavy sets of 25-50 reps -
Barbell Side Bend
2 sets of 15 reps, each side
Day 4: Chest/Abs
Same As Day 1.
Day 5: Upper Body/Abs
Same As Day 2.
Day 6: Legs/Glutes/Abs
Same As Day 3.
Day 7: Rest
I run every day immediately after lifting. I have a favorite 3.2 mile run near my house at an average of 8:30 minute per mile pace. 90% of the days, I do that run.
Some days, I do HIIT running either on the treadmill or road, 5-6x 30 second bursts of sprinting with 60 seconds of slow running.
Suggestions for Others
Make the workout part of your day; put it on your calendar as an appointment.
Do not let anything or anyone get in the way. It is the small efforts that make the biggest long-term results.
Involve the family if you can.