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Forgotten Food Choices That You Should Be Including In Your Diet Plan

If you're like many people, you're constantly looking for latest news on what to eat for maximum fat loss and muscle building and what foods will just do you in with all their fat, calories, and added sugars.
As more and more food companies are constantly producing new tasty offerings that you'll find lining the shelves of your local grocery store, it can be hard at times to choose as natural as possible, eating only those foods that you know will supply you with the utmost of good nutrition. By arming yourself with the basic knowledge of which foods do provide good nutritional support while also pleasing your taste buds, you can better create a diet plan that not only keeps you interested, but also keeps you reaching for top results.
Let's take a quick look over some of the smart food choices that some people often forget about including. Rather than searching for food variety at your local drive-thru like many people do when they tire of grilled chicken, broccoli, and rice, turn to one of these options.
Giving yourself a break from the everyday by preparing any of these choices will help you forget all about that juicy burger that you had set your sights on.
King Crab Legs
While they do come in as a more pricy protein option, if you are in the mood to treat yourself, consider picking up some king crab legs. Even at their more expensive cost, often these will still be cheaper than ordering out anyway, so when you put it in those terms it's not quite the drain on your wallet as you once had thought.
The great thing about king crab meat is that it's not only low in fat, but it is very high in zinc content. For anyone who is actively trying to build lean muscle mass, zinc is an important nutrient that you must be getting enough of.

The Great Thing About King Crab Meat Is That It's Not
Only Low In Fat, But It Is Very High In Zinc.
Zinc is also going to play a role in immune system function and when you're doing intense workouts 4-5 days out of the week, your immune system is something that you must take care of. Without it, you won't recover as quickly from the hard workouts you're doing and will likely find yourself getting sick from the common cold and flu more often as well.
Bok Choy
Do your salads have you tired out? For many people, the thought of a side plate of fries over another side salad sounds far more appealing. When you're always recreating the same old salads time after time though, how could you expect otherwise?
Instead, spice up that salad by adding some new veggies to the mix. Bok Choy, a Chinese cabbage, is a very nutritious option that will supply you with plenty of calcium, helping you to promote strong bones.
If you're currently involved in a strength training program, you're already doing plenty to promote strong bones but by making sure that your diet is rich in calcium as well, you take this one step further.

Bok Choy, A Chinese Cabbage, Is A Very Nutritious Option
That Will Supply You With Plenty Of Calcium.
When it comes to your vegetable selection, are you quick to choose broccoli, asparagus, and green beans?
If so, you follow the norm. These are by far the most common vegetables eaten by those who are looking to boost their body composition.
For a few days out of the week, try going with leeks instead. An entire leek will provide you with just 38 calories and is a very good source of folic acid. This is one nutrient that is of particular importance to women of the child bearing age and also helpful for males to eat as it can help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer development.
Add a leek to your stir-fry, salad, or eat it on its own as a side.
If you're on a muscle building diet, getting in plenty of higher calorie fruits is one way to increase your calorie intake while still providing good nutrition to the body. Dried figs are one of the best ways to go about doing this.
Figs are a fruit that contain plenty of antioxidants so will help to fight off any free radical damage present in the body as well as help to improve your immune response. Figs are also very high in dietary fiber content so you won't see the blood sugar rush that you might otherwise get from eating other calorie dense carbs.
Ricotta Cheese
By far, one of the most common dairy sources eaten by those who are looking to either lose weight or build muscle mass is cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is known to be a slower digestion form of protein since it's of the casein variety and works very well as a pre-bed snack on almost any diet plan.
If you're someone who just can't tolerate cottage cheese though or is simply looking for something to change it up with, you may want to consider ricotta cheese.
Ricotta cheese, as long as you choose the lower fat variety, is also rich in amino acids and will release slowly in the body as well. It can be eaten in a number of ways such as with crackers and jelly, added into your smoothie, or eaten on its own if you are someone who really does enjoy the taste of cheese.
Another good fruit that you should be including in your diet are cherries. Cherries are often only available during some months of the year depending on where you happen to live so making good use of them when you can get a hold of them is a very wise move.
Cherries are great for helping to reduce the development of arthritis related conditions and are also a great source of antioxidants. Toss some into your vanilla protein powder based smoothie for a really nice change of pace from your usual banana.

Cherries Are Great For Helping To Reduce The Development Of Arthritis Related Conditions And Are Also A Great Source Of Antioxidants.
So there you have a few of the top foods that often get forgotten about that you can start adding back into your diet to prevent yourself from cheating with foods that you really shouldn't be eating. The most important thing to always remember is the fact that when it comes to variety, adding more fruits and vegetables will always be a good idea.
Far too many people get stuck in a rut eating the same thing day in and day out and not only is this going to cause them to become bored with their diet, but it could also cause them to take in less nutrition than they otherwise could.
Since fruits and vegetables are such nutrient powerhouses, by adding many different kinds into your regular diet you can be sure that you cover all your bases. Plus, it may just help prevent you from cheating on foods you shouldn't.
Next time you're in a diet slump, be sure that you try one of these foods with your next meal.
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