Follow The Plan Darcy Used To Lose Nearly 100 Pounds!

By making healthier choices and filling her life with activity, Darcy became a better role model for her daughter.

Follow The Plan Darcy Used To Lose Nearly 100 Pounds!

Darcy stayed active through her teen years, but once life got busy, the time and energy to focus on a healthy lifestyle fell by the wayside. "I played sports in high school, but didn't keep playing afterwards," she says. "I got caught up in school and caring for my daughter."

Along with a more hectic lifestyle, Darcy soon found meals and drinks out with friends becoming the norm, not the exception. Her choices led to a slow but steady weight gain. Darcy was in for a jarring wakeup call.

At what point did you realize you needed to make a change?

So many factors influenced my decision to change my lifestyle and get healthy. My main reason was my daughter. I didn't have the energy to keep up with her anymore. I was always tired and felt unhealthy.

In 2012, we took a family vacation, and when we got home, I was looking at the pictures and couldn't even recognize myself. I was shocked. I knew I needed to do something to get my life back under control or my quality of life would suffer in the future.

Tell us what that starting process was like

When I first started out, I was clueless! I had no idea what I was doing. I began by walking and cutting down calories. Then I started running and eating healthier. I even worked up to doing the Honolulu Marathon in December 2014.

Before 235 lbs.
After 148 lbs.
Age: 21
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 235 lbs.
Body Fat: 42%
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 148 lbs.
Body Fat: 25%

Despite that accomplishment, I still felt shapeless and weak. I actually gained some weight back training for the marathon. I decided to seek help at the gym. That's when I fell in love with lifting and got some diet help from a knowledgeable trainer.

You've been at this for a few years. How have you dealt with the ups and downs?

If I said that I never felt like quitting, I would be lying. Adopting a healthy lifestyle hasn't been easy. I've had some really hard days where I felt like eating a tub of ice cream and binging on Netflix. Not every day is perfect, but you always have to keep pushing toward your goals.

Not every day is perfect, but you always have to keep pushing toward your goals.

I get my inspiration from my daughter, who is constantly watching me. She looks up to me, and I want to set a good example. I also get support from friends, and that inspires me to do better. I don't beat myself up if I mess up a day; instead, I learn from it and move along.

How is your life different now?

Changing my lifestyle has enhanced my life and the lives of those around me in so many different ways. My family now goes on hikes together. I love to go hiking! The island is full of amazing hikes, and I love how beautiful it is here. My favorite hike so far is Koko Head because of the awesome views. I take my daughter on some smaller hikes, and she enjoys the time outdoors with me.

But we also go on walks, go to the beach, and eat healthier. I'm able to help my friends and family reach their goals and be more supportive now. I'm a happier person, and this has made those around me more joyful as well.

I'm able to help my friends and family reach their goals and be more supportive now. I'm a happier person, and this has made those around me more joyful as well.

I focus more on positive changes and being the change I want to see, instead of complaining about my body. I replaced some of my less helpful influences with good friends at the gym who have been really supportive. I live an extremely active lifestyle now and wouldn't change it for the world.

Tell us about some of your upcoming fitness goals

I plan on doing a figure competition after next year. I'm on the right track; I just want to make sure I'm ready. I have a long way to go, but I have the tools I need to reach my goals. I would definitely consider doing another marathon, but a long way down the road after focusing on my bodybuilding and stepping on stage.

How was instrumental in your success?

I have always admired and been inspired by Jamie Eason's physique and wanted to do the workouts she used to get there. I followed many of her workout plans and have made some of her tasty recipes. Specifically, I love her turkey meatloaf muffins—I used to make them a lot when I first started meal prepping!

I also liked that if I didn't know how to perform an exercise,'s exercise database had photos and videos demonstrating proper form and techniques. I also spent plenty of time looking at other people's transformations, because they made me feel like I could do it, too!

If you could give some words of advice to aspiring transformers, what would you say?

  • You are worth it so don't give up.
  • You are stronger than you think and you can do this.
  • Take it one step at a time.
  • If you've already started, just keep going. You are doing great and will reach your goals before you know it.