Vital Stats
Name: Colton Schenk
Bodyspace: Schenk51
Before: |
After: |
Why I Got Started
I started lifting when I was in 8th grade to prepare for High School football. I kept lifting through high school when I played O-line for the '06 state champion team.
I kept my passion for lifting but fell due to "grown up" life that hit me hard and fast. I was 18, married, a new father and stuck working a desk job. I kept eating like I was training while I sat on my butt constantly.
It wasn't just waking up one day and realizing I was huge. I knew that I was getting bigger and instead of taking that and using it as motivation I let it depress me. Before long I was unhealthy, ashamed of my appearance and my self-esteem was plummeting.
I knew I needed an out in my life. Lifting was the way for me to keep a cool head. Without the physical exertion I was used to, I was constantly uptight and quick-tempered. I was finally urged to take control of my life and pick up a hobby and lifestyle I enjoyed.
I joined a gym and started lifting three times per week. I didn't change my diet so progress was really slow at first. I was challenged by a co-worker to do a 12-week transformation. Once I saw my body begin to change I was immediately hooked.
How I Did It
The first transformation I tried was Kris Gethin's daily video trainer series. I loved the format and getting to watch a video everyday. It was great to see the exercises and the proper form used to do them.
During this transformation I struggled with my diet and didn't really take it seriously. However I did see some decent results. My latest transformation was Kris' "12 Week Hardcore Trainer" video series.
After the average results from my first transformation I was determined to do this one better. I made sure to hit all my cardio sessions and stay away from the junk food that I was used to.
Suggestions for Others
If I gave anyone advice it would be to take their diet seriously. A food log is a great way to stay accountable for what you're putting into your body. It doesn't make sense to work your butt off in the gym and then keep it from coming off by putting junk back into your body.
If you're stuck and you don't know what to do, be proactive and find some help. is a great resource to consider. It has excellent programs that you can follow on a daily basis. Or simply ask someone at the gym what they are doing or if they know of something you could apply to your life.
It's your body and you have to live with it (hopefully for a long time) so take care of it, get it in shape and have some fun while doing it.