BodySpace Member Of The Month - Juliet_Virgo!

Lisa loves how great it feels to be in shape and look fit. Check out this Bodyspace Member of the Month!

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Bodyspace Member of the Month: Juliet_virgo

 Name: Lisa Schirok-Dardis
 BodySpace: Juliet_virgo
 Height: 6'3"
 Weight: 151 lb
 Member Since: 2007

Members of BodySpace come from all walks of life, but everyone shares a common thread - fitness. This wonderfully expansive fitness community attracts competitive athletes, working professionals and even stay-at-home parents.

It just so happens that our newest BodySpace Member of the Month is a 22 year veteran police officer, who goes by the moniker Juliet_Virgo on her profile. Lisa, as she's otherwise known as outside of the world of BodySpace, loves fitness so much that she has also taken up a second job as a personal trainer. Interestingly enough, her two jobs go hand-in-hand, because her main job requires her to be in the best shape possible.

Fair Juliet_Virgo is a great testimony as to how BodySpace can help people reach their goals. She applies every aspect of BodySpace to her personal profile - from her BodyBlog, to her Workout Tracker, to making over 1,500 friends. If you haven't met this incredible lady yet, make sure you do so because she's the newest BodySpace Member of the Month, and an inspiration to many!

Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Lisa Schirok-Dardis and I am 45 years of age. I live in Calgary, Alberta and my full time career the past 22 years has been as a police officer.

My part time gig which I started a few years ago is personal nutritional coach and fitness trainer. I will retire from policing in the next 3 years and will continue to pursue personal training as a full time career.

How long have you been using BodySpace?

I have been a member since October 19, 2007. I originally joined when I was preparing for my first competition. I blogged the entire 16 weeks of prep leading up to my competition. It was great, especially to help keep me on track and have support from other members with the same goals and aspirations.

When I began to prepare for my second competition, being able to read what I had gone through both mentally and physically from the first time really helped me to remain focused and also reassure myself that I was on track. I had a trainer for my first show and the second time around, I trained/dieted myself.

Being able to access this information was a fantastic way to help me mentally know that I was preparing correctly and on track with my training.

Lisa (far right) stands a head above the rest; we think her uniform should be standard issue.

What was it that led you to start focusing on your health and fitness?

I was a high level athlete in college, and fitness has always been part of my lifestyle. As a police officer, my job relies on me to be in excellent physical condition.

Now as a mother and trainer, it is a part of my lifestyle. It is important for me to be a role model for other women but most importantly for my daughter. I never speak of dieting. We eat clean in our house and I talk about healthy nutritional programs when I work with my clients.

Do you compete or do you stay so dedicated for other reasons?

I only started competing at 42 years of age, but I was dedicated to fitness long before this. In the beginning it was for playing sports, and then it was career driven.

Now after competing in several competitions it truly is a lifestyle. I have a role to play as a trainer and fitness coach. The past 3 years I have judged the World Bodybuilding Fitness Federation Alberta Championships and believe I have to maintain the credibility of being as fit as those who grace the stage.

Ultimately, I love how great it feels to be in shape and look fit.

What is the most important thing you've learned since you started training?

Listen to your body. I mean really listen to it. After a fitness competition if you to continue to train hard it can really have a negative effect on your physique. You need some time off, even if it's just a week to let your body recover.

Pay attention to your body when you have a cold, injury or anything else that may affect your training negatively. Take the time to heal and you will be further ahead in the long run.

Beachside recovery is preferred over hospital stays; take the time to heal before you are forced to.

What is your favorite body part to train and why?

I love training legs. After all, this is what most people would notice on my 6'3" frame. I have a 38" inseam so it takes me a long time to gain any size. I work them hard and if I was to give anyone any advice when working their legs it would be: lunges, lunges, and more lunges.

What is the best fitness advice you could give to someone who is just starting?

Eat clean and start off by building an active lifestyle into your daily routine. Celebrate little goals often to help keep you motivated. This can be something as simple as a cheat meal to celebrate once a week. It has to be fun or you won't stick to your plan.

Be creative, like going outside for a playground workout. According to Steven Covey, it takes 21 times to build a habit. Do something every day for the next 21 days and it will become a part of your lifestyle.

How often do you treat yourself to a cheat meal and what is your favorite?

Yummy! Every Saturday night (until 2 weeks out from a competition) I have a cheat night. It is one meal and I pretty much eat the same thing every weekend. PIZZA! I make a homemade whole wheat crust and create my California Shrimp Pesto pizza. I eat 2-3 slices depending on how hungry I am.

I also have a glass of red wine; my preference is a Shiraz or Malbec, but I really don't consider red wine a cheat. It's healthy and good for your heart. One glass on a Saturday night during competition season is not a bad thing. Everything is in moderation.

One last tidbit for me to indulge in is something chocolate. Like a dark chocolate bar! It doesn't have to be the whole thing, just a couple squares to satisfy that sweet tooth.

Four years on Bodyspace and Lisa still goes strong. Are you prepared for the long road? For lifelong fitness?

Why do you think BodySpace would be beneficial to others?

I have suggested BodySpace to all of my clients. It is a great communication network where you can find like minded people, and gather support to assist you in reaching your fitness goals. You can blog your own journey, mark your progress through the fitness charts, and create your own network in the fitness community.

There is a great wealth of knowledge right at their finger tips. One can read other members trials and tribulations and steer clear of repeating similar setbacks. BodySpace is an incredible motivational site with great tips, inspiring members, and a way to hold oneself accountable to their fitness goals.

What are your future fitness goals?

I will continue to try to be in the best shape of my life, while being a role model for others and assisting my clients in reaching their goals whatever they may be.

I plan to continue to be involved in fitness competitions whether judging, participating or assisting others in reaching their goal to walk across the stage.

Is there anything you would like to say to all the BodySpace people out there?

You only live once, live it well!