BodyGroup Of The Month: The Transformation Group

The Transformation Group on BodySpace is the source of motivation for more than 7,000 members! You don't have to go at it alone!

Group Profile: The Transformation Group
Group Founder: Kaged Muscle
Number of Members: 7080 (as of February 13, 2012)

Group Description

We all want to transform our bodies and feel better about ourselves. By joining this group you should be prepared to be motivated by others. We are a contagious group of motivators! In 12 weeks we will all have defined abs and bulging biceps. Where will you be? You can't beat us, so you might as well join us.

Group Commitment

"Every member of this group committed to ..."
Everyone who joins my BodyGroup must be committed to helping all the members reach their goals, stay motivated, and hold each other accountable. By doing this we will transform our physique in only 12 weeks.

What is your BodyGroup about and who are the members?

Our BodyGroup is a hub for everyone who wants to transform mentally, physically, and seek inspiration, provide motivation. We understand that our immediate social group, whether it is family, partner or friends, may not share our goals or provide the support we need to achieve them.

By being transparent with like-minded people, we hold each other accountable, demolish obstacles, and support everyone with limitless motivation

Why did the founder start up the group?

I started the Transformation BodyGroup to accompany the Daily Video Trainer. I wanted an area for all of my virtual training partners to feel free to ask me, and group members, questions.

I understand all too well that people focus on fixed motivation, such as losing 50 pounds or adding 2 inches to their biceps, but in order for people to continue to evolve and better themselves, they need a support of limitless motivation.

I remind them of their goals and that goals extend much farther. By following our principles, you are able to have more confidence and energy, inspire others, become a role model for your kids, be a better co-worker, lower your cholesterol, become more attractive for your spouse, etc. The list goes on.

These are just some of the limitless motivators that will allow us to evolve mentally and physically.


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What have your results been starting the group?

Amazing! One individual lost 100 pounds in 12 weeks and another member added 16 pounds of lean quality muscle. Some have started the challenge as a depressed unemployed divorcee to becoming a personal trainer who inspires others.

How do your members use the
BodyGroup feature?

Some people like to use the comment section to inspire others with

words of encouragement, which, in turn, helps them stay motivated and accountable. Others like to use this feature to detail their goals.

By doing this, they become transparent and put their sincerity on the line. Most people use the forum feature to ask questions, share recipes, discuss time management, etc.

There is also a thread called "Ask Kris" where I answer all questions specifically directed at me.

Who are some of your notable members?

I can't do that. There are probably 500 notable members within this group.

How would you explain the attitude needed in your group, to a new member?

There isn't a required attitude. If you are down, we will pick you up. If you want to inspire others, you have found the right group. If you want to meet new friends who will push you and keep you accountable, you have found them.

In which ways has motivating other BodySpace users given you the ability to push yourself to new levels?

The constant stream of comments, questions and emotional achievements makes everyday a blessing. With this happiness comes additional drive to be the best I can be. I am aware that I am a role model and it's my duty keep evolving physically and mentally so I can better help and inspire our BodyGroup members.

I used to be motivated by my favorite bodybuilders. Now I am motivated by helping others achieve their health, fitness and appearance goals. I honestly can't believe this is my job, because the more I work, the less if feel like it is. It's a dream come true.

What would you tell someone who is contemplating making a commitment to joining your group, to motivate them to make the commitment?

If you can't relate to me, my background, my body type, or my goals, there is someone here whom you can relate to. Ask them questions, seek their motivation. There is a limitless amount of like-minded people here waiting to help you EVERYDAY.

How do you think the group mentality applies to your personal life and how has it helped?

There is no secret supplement, training plan or nutrition regimen. Motivation and consistency are keys when wanting to achieve your goals; this group provides constant motivation. When you are motivated, you feel more confident.

As you physically evolve, you will look more attractive to your spouse and have more energy to focus at work. You will lead a healthier life and be there for your kids as you get older.

The personal effect of a group like this has changed me immensely. But don't just take my word for it; ask 2,000 of our other members.

Why join your group as opposed to other transformation groups?

Don't join my group over other transformation BodyGroups. I encourage you to join them too. You can't have too much support.

How do you feel is the best way to motivate others within the confines of the group page?

Be there for them. As busy as I am, I am proud of the fact that I answer every single question asked of me. Everyone goes through challenges, but a lot of the time we just need to hear from someone we can relate to in order to push through these obstacles to succeed.

If we are there to help, listen and encourage, we can all succeed together and become part of the transformation nation.