Body Transformation: Muscle By The Book

Josh took up bodybuilding as a hobby to help him in the cage, and boy did it! He added 20 pounds and cut his body fat in half!

Name: Josh Lennert

Josh Lennert Josh Lennert
AGE 18
150 lbs
AGE 20
170 lbs

Why I Got Started

I got started with a couple of friends one day, just decided to start lifting weights and see where it would take me. Eventually I started seeing results and just became addicted to it.

Now it has turned into a lifestyle.

How I Did It

I started out lifting every day, lifting whatever muscle group I felt like working. Eventually I started researching and doing some homework, figuring out the good techniques vs. the bad. I learned the basics; like not training the same muscle constantly, how long should I spend in the gym, etc.

I would like to think now that I'm very knowledgeable on how to take care of my body. There is a lot that goes into weight lifting that people don't usually know - how to feed your muscles, how to grow, how often to train, how long to train. Given, it varies from one individual to another, but it is important to realize how to use these tools properly.

I usually train 3 times per week. I'm a big fan of the three day split. It is time permitting for my schedule, I'm a student so I have a lot of school work that I have to take care of.

Also I train in mixed martial arts, so I have to be able to keep up with that and weight training, so three days a week enables me to get my work in and also adequate rest periods for my body to repair itself.

The next roar you hear may be your own.

Suggestions For Others

  • Do your homework. There is always something to learn whether it may be different techniques or nutrition facts.
  • Remember, you grow outside of the gym! Training is the easy part, feeding your body is key. A good resource to use is this site. They constantly have new articles coming out and forums to get involved in. Learn your nutrition!
  • Have fun with it and take your body to new limits. Your body is the greatest form of art, you can mold it any way you want to.