Vital Stats
Name: Eli Sapharti
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After: |
Why I Got Started
I was not this heavy all my life, but as my life descended into a downward spiral and my 18-year marriage began to dissolve, I turned to food. In March of 2008, I made an accounting of my life and realized I was headed for death because of my weight AND my cigarette smoking.
One day while traveling on business, I looked in the mirror after showering in the hotel and couldn't believe I had let myself get that way. I literally said to myself ... "How the hell did you let yourself get like this?"
That evening I lay in bed thinking I had to do something and I had to do it right.
How I Did It
Around March of 2008, shortly before the end of my marriage, I had what many would call an epiphany. One day I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe how unhealthy and just plain fat I allowed myself to get. At that moment I knew I had to do something to change this.
As I thought about past attempts to lose weight I realized that the "quick fixes" and fad diets I had tried, although successful in the short-term, were not going to work if I wanted to make life-long changes. That is when I decided to try a different approach and came up with the principles of ONE STEP AT A TIME = SUCCESS!
Small, consistent changes allowed me to achieve the body I have today, 180 pounds with 10% body fat. I am also an avid runner, having finished my last 10K in 47:48 and my last 5K in 23:10, both being my personal best times.
My drive and passion today is in helping inspire, motivate and teach others how to achieve fitness success too.
Suggestions for Others
The best suggestion I give to everyone who asks me how I was able to transform so dramatically from FAT Boy to FIT Man is that ONE STEP AT A TIME = SUCCESS! Be consistent. Be patient.
If you educate yourself and put in the work consistently, the results will be automatic.