As we celebrate the second year of the bikini division at the Bikini International, Nicole Nagrani steps up to defend her title. The winner of both Ms Bikini International and the Ms Bikini Olympia titles is looking to continue her winning streak as the youngest bikini pro. With her playful and sassy stage presence, beautifully proportioned figure and shinning smile, she is sure to be a force to be reckoned with no matter what show she enters. She did not disappoint! She was absolutely gorgeous! Her bright smile shined on stage just as much as her beautiful red suit. She hits her poses beautifully and gracefully.
Nathalia Melo, the Brazilian bombshell came in third at last year's Ms Bikini International behind Sonia Gonzales and Nicole Nagrani. She redeemed herself later in the year by placing second to Nicole in the Ms Bikini Olympia. With her killer curves and undeniable sassy stage presence she exudes confidence and sex appeal. She appeals to both sexes, men yearn for her, while most women want to be her.
Sonia Gonzales, the first Ms Bikini Olympia was on top of the world at the end of 2010. As she set the bar high for the other competitors, they all stepped up their game and came in with guns blazing. Sonia, while always in incredible shape, was left a tad behind. She came in second at last year's Ms Bikini International and fourth at the Ms Olympia Bikini. The always smiling and bouncy Sonia had to bring her 'A' game to this year's Ms Bikini International and that she did. She looked leaner and a lot tighter than she did at the Olympia.
Jessica Paxson who finished fourth in last year's Ms Bikini International stepped on stage looked flawless in her sky blue suit. Unfortunately she looks like she will be out of the top-5.
Jaime Baird the always graceful and beautiful Jaime finished fifth at last year's Ms Bikini International. Jaime jokes that she was born with those heels on, and I have to almost agree. Her stage presence is second to none; she can work that stage with such an amazing sense of ease. She looks like she is floating as she takes the stage. She commands attention and does it in a sensually divine way. She brought a beautiful physique to the stage today with a good balance between muscularity, symmetry and femininity.
India Isabel Paulino who is stepping on the Ms Bikini International stage for the first as a professional. She was here last year in the Arnold Amateur and placed second in her class. It wasn't until later that year that she earned her pro card. With her exotic looks and beautiful smile, (India is one to watch this year.
We shall see what happens tonight!
Call Outs
- 1st - Jaime Baird, India Paulino, Sonia Gonzales, Nathalia Melo, Nicole Nagrani
- 2nd - Julinna Daniell, Candyce Graham, Jessica Paxon, Diana Graham, Monique Ricardo
- 3rd - Monique Ricardo, Natalie Pennington and Jennifer Andrews
- 4th - Jessica Jessie, Lexi Kaufman, Christina Vargas, Abbie Burrows and Tianna Ta
- 5th - Sonia Gonzales, Jaime Baird, India Paulino, Nathalia Melo and Nicole Nagrani