Train Like A Man–Look Like A Goddess!

Strength and beauty CAN exist in the same body with this manly workout made for women.

Occasionally you run across that ONE gal—the girl that has the perfect blend of tone, muscle and curves. She's as strong as she is beautiful, and men and women alike fall victim to head turns and double takes.

Some might say she's put together and others might say her body is dangerously good looking, but regardless of your terminology, we all want to know one thing: How does she do it? Perhaps she hits the elliptical like a mad woman. Maybe she does Pilates and yoga all week, or worse, she's just genetically gifted.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret —she lifts weights (even heavy ones).

Hide your lunch money guys, 'cause this girl is
tough enough to take it from you.

That's right! She pumps the iron and gets down, dirty and sweaty just like the guys. Her gym bag has chalk, lifting straps and gloves in it. That woman isn't afraid of weight training! She shouldn't be and neither should you, because women don't bulk up like men do.

In order for muscle to have shape and size, the muscles fibers have to be formed through resistance training that allows the muscle cells, or myofibrils, to grow. This increase in size is called hypertrophy, and it's the key to tone and shape.

So if you want to look like a goddess, it's time to kick the guys off the squat rack, grab some free weights and lift heavy. Here is a 4-week program complete with weight lifting, cardio and a meal plan designed to get you started on your journey to a divine body in no time!

Training Tips

  • Always lift with proper form and control.
  • Mentally focus on contracting the muscles you are using in an exercise for the entire range of motion.
  • Don't be afraid to lift heavy.
  • You should be failing (unable to complete another rep) by the end of your rep range.
  • Keep rest breaks between sets under 60 seconds.
  • Plan your meals.

Your Schedule

You will be lifting weights 4 times per week with 2 lower-body workouts and 2 upper-body workouts. There's also a 5th day where you will be doing a plyometric style workout. Your first two weeks of workouts will be circuit training, but the next two weeks will be a split lifting routine.

Oh and get ready to record your stats, missy.

Include abdominal and core training 3 times per week on none consecutive days. Plus, you have cardio to do every single day, so get ready!

Weekly Lifting Schedule:

  • Day 1: Lift/Cardio
  • Day 2: Lift/Cardio
  • Day 3: Cardio only
  • Day 4: Lift/cardio
  • Day 5: Plyo/Cardio
  • Day 6: Lift/Cardio
  • Day 7: Cardio only


On this training program, you will be doing cardio twice a day. Typically, you will do 30 minutes in the morning and then 30 minutes after your lifting workouts.

3 times a week you will do the following treadmill incline workout for one of your 30-minute cardio sessions.

Incline Treadmill Workout: 3 Rounds

2 times a week you will do the following 20-minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) circuit followed by 10 minutes of moderate intensity cardio.

HIIT Workout: 2 rounds

Weight Training: Weeks 1-2

Upper Body Workout 1:

Complete 3-4 rounds of the following circuit, with 1 minute of rest between rounds.

Lower Body Workout 1:

Complete 3-4 rounds of each superset, with 1 minute of rest between rounds.





Upper Body Circuit 2:

Complete 3-4 rounds of the following circuit, with 1 minute of rest between rounds.

Plyometrics And Cardio

Complete 3-4 rounds of the following circuit, with 1 minute of rest between rounds.

Lower Body Workout 2:

Complete 3-4 rounds of each superset, with 1 minute of rest between rounds.




Weight Training: Weeks 3-4

Workout 1: Shoulders/Triceps

Complete 3-4 rounds of each circuit or superset, with 1 minute of rest between rounds. Remember to make the weight heavier for the 10 and 8-rep sets for each exercise.

  • Arnold Dumbbell Press Arnold Dumbbell Press

    Arnold Dumbbell Press

    Round 1 - 12 reps, Round 2 - 10 reps
    Round 3 - 8 reps, Round 4 - 12 reps
  • Front Dumbbell Raise Front Dumbbell Raise

    Front Dumbbell Raise

    Round 1 - 12 reps, Round 2 - 10 reps
    Round 3 - 8 reps, Round 4 - 12 reps
  • Side Lateral Raise Side Lateral Raise

    Side Lateral Raise

    Round 1 - 12 reps, Round 2 - 10 reps
    Round 3 - 8 reps, Round 4 - 12 reps
  • Bench Dips Bench Dips

    Bench Dips

    Round 1 - 12 reps, Round 2 - 10 reps
    Round 3 - 8 reps, Round 4 - 12 reps
  • Tricep Dumbbell Kickback Tricep Dumbbell Kickback

    Tricep Dumbbell Kickback

    Round 1 - 12 reps, Round 2 - 10 reps
    Round 3 - 8 reps, Round 4 - 12 reps
    each arm


Workout 2: Glutes/Hamstrings

Complete 3-4 rounds of each superset, with 1 minute of rest between rounds. Remember to make the weight heavier on the 12-rep sets for the necessary exercises.

Workout 3: Back/Biceps

Complete 3-4 rounds of each superset or individual exercise, with 1 minute of rest between rounds.


  • Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

    Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

    Round 1 - 12 reps, Round 2 - 10 reps
    Round 3 - 8 reps, Round 4 - 12 reps
  • Push Press Push Press

    Push Press

    Round 1 - 12 reps, Round 2 - 10 reps
    Round 3 - 8 reps, Round 4 - 12 reps
  • Seated Cable Rows Seated Cable Rows

    Seated Cable Rows

    Round 1 - 12 reps, Round 2 - 10 reps
    Round 3 - 8 reps, Round 4 - 12 reps



Workout 4: Plyometrics/Cardio

Complete 3-4 rounds of this circuit, with 1 minute of rest between rounds.

Workout 5: Quads/Calves

Complete 3-4 sets of the following circuits or super sets. Rest 1 min between circuits.




Daily Meal Plan

Meal 1:

  • blueberries

    Blueberries or other fruit

    1/3 cup

  • egg whites

    Egg whites


  • oatmeal


    1/3-1/2 cup

  • flax meal


    1 tbsp

Meal 2:

  • peanut butter

    Peanut butter

    1 tbsp

  • multigrain ricecake

    Multi-grain rice cake


  • protein shake

    Protein shake


    Other Options:
    1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/3 cup fruit

Meal 3:

  • chicken



  • brown rice

    Brown rice

    1/3 cup

  • veggies

    Green veggies, or a small green salad

    3/4 cup

Meal 4:

Meal 5:

  • chicken

    Lean meat (chicken, white fish, turkey, or occasionally red meat

    4-5 oz

  • green vegetables

    Green vegetables

    3/4 cup

  • sweet potato

    Sweet potato

    2 oz

Note: Make sure to have a protein shake right after your workout!

Recommended Supplements

Alright ladies, it's time to show those guys just how tough and beautiful you can be!