Tradition With A Twist: 3 Protein-Rich Cookie Recipes

Who doesn't love mom's cookies? These healthier snickerdoodle, oatmeal raisin, and chocolate peanut butter cookie recipes turn traditional cheats into a protein-powered treats!

Some of my favorite childhood memories are of baking cookies with my mom. I'd sit on the counter and fight my brother for the right to stir with the wooden spoon. I ate more dough than I did actual cookies. Those were great days, and surprisingly, my life hasn't changed drastically—I still cook with my mom, fight with my brother, and enjoy cookies.

One thing that does differ, however, is my nutritional awareness. So when I was feeling particularly nostalgic, I decided to adapt my favorite childhood cookie recipes to fit my current protein-rich nutrition plan! Much to my delight, the recipes worked. I got cookies that tasted like I remember, but had an extra nutritional punch. They're also gluten-free!

Here are three recipes for traditional cookies with more protein, less sugar, and the same delicious taste. Prepare yourself for a punch of protein awesomeness and get ready to become your neighborhood (protein) Cookie Monster!

Snickerdoodle Cookies

Snickerdoodle Cookies

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Oatmeal Raisin Walnut Cookies

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Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

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