The 3 Most Common Ways Of Hair Removal!

I have had a lot of emails asking me of my preferred method of hair removal. So I thought I would give my reasons to which ones and why? I use all different types of hair removal for different parts of my body.

Hi all I have had a lot of emails asking me of my preferred method of hair removal. So I thought I would give my reasons to which ones and why? I use all different types of hair removal for different parts of my body.


I believe this is the best form of hair removal, bar none? if you can tolerate the pain. Waxing after the first couple of times, waxing is 95% irritation free, doesn't grow back too quickly and the after effect looks good also. As I mentioned before on some areas of your body it will hurt to wax.

They include your bikini line, legs, underarm and sometimes Chest and Stomach areas. I suggest you try this especially on your arms where it is pretty much pain free and decide your self.

I give waxing a 8/10


Shaving is pain free, is easy and can be done anywhere on your body without a second thought. It would have to be the most popular form of hair removal around but does have its setbacks. Those who are prone to ingrown hairs will suffer the most; also if you get overheated a rash may occur due to shaving when the hair is growing back.

If I would have to suggest somewhere to shave I would suggest your legs as from experience its easy and done quickly either in the shower or with shaving cream.

Overall I give shaving a 6.5/10

Hair Removal Cream

I would rather use hair removal cream over shaving if I could find one that actually works without having to go over it with a razor when all the cream has been wiped off. I use Hair No More Cream on my underarms as I find there is the only place that the cream is effective. The other time I have used this cream is on my bikini line and legs if I have allowed my leg hairs to fully grow back and they are too long to shave straight up.

I give hair removal a 6/10

Overall Where To Use What And Why.
Arms Waxing. Pain free on your arms, well it will be trust me!!
Chest Waxing or Cream. Wax if you can tolerate pain if not just use the cream it will give you good results and wont cause irritation.
Legs Shave. Easy way to remove hair from a large easier. If you can tolerate pain wax but I don't recommend it!!!
Bikini Line Too much pain if waxed so I would suggest the cram approach as irritation will be minimal.
Underarms Don't shave as you will get ingrown hairs, use the cream as waxing is too painful and cream will be the best choice in this situation.

I hope you learnt something in this article about which method to choose. Just remember everyone is different and my views are not the only ones out there so try different things and choice your own personal ways of hair removal

Until Next Time,