From Overweight Teen To Model In One Year!
Christian was overweight for most of his childhood. When he moved out, he decided it was time to take responsibility for his own health.
Christian Clark remembers struggling with his weight as early as the first grade. His parents spoiled him by taking him out to lunch after school, and the calories began piling up. By second grade, he was noticeably bigger than the other kids, a trend that persisted into his teens.
"I always wanted to have that strong, muscular body, but I never thought that was something I needed to work toward," he says. "I just kept thinking I would grow into losing weight."
When Christian graduated from high school, he realized his bad eating habits weren't something he'd just grow out of, so he took control of his body and lost nearly 100 pounds.
This is Christian's story.
Did your family encourage healthy eating when you were growing up?
Healthy eating wasn't particularly encouraged at home. When I started high school, my mom dropped 40 or 50 pounds with Weight Watchers. She tried to get my brother and me to start cleaning up our diets by packing our lunches and cooking at home, but our schedules were so hectic, that didn't really last. I might have lost a little weight, but soon we went back to our bad habits and ate out all the time.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 260 lbs.
Body Fat: 30+%
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Body Fat: 10-11%
When did you start to realize your weight was an issue?
When I graduated from high school, I knew that I wanted to pursue operatic singing in college. Your voice may be at the forefront, but it's still an industry where you're judged by what you look like. While I was waiting to "grow into my fit body," I kept getting bigger. I realized a change wasn't going to just happen on its own, that it was up to me to make it happen.
What was your turning point or "aha" moment?
It came when I studied abroad in Spain for a semester. Out of all my friends, I definitely stood out as being the biggest. Being in a thinner culture was kind of a shock, too. It changed the way that I wanted to look. I realized that if I wanted to wear fashionable clothes and look the way everyone did in Spain, I had to lose weight.
What were the first changes you made to your diet?
I made changes slowly and didn't really restrict anything. I began with healthier swaps; instead of having that second and third bowl of cereal for breakfast, I'd have one bowl with some orange juice and an apple. I was more careful about portion sizes, especially when it came to breads, pastas, and rolls—things we ate a lot of in my family. I didn't cut them out, but I consciously tried to eat them in smaller amounts.
How did you get into going to the gym and working out?
Initially, I didn't have a trainer, but within my first few days of going to the gym, I met a guy who helped me with my workouts. He started talking to me because he could tell I was a newbie. He had the same issues I'd had growing up—just being a big guy. We started working out together when we could.
The same friend I was training with helped me figure out a meal plan. He got me started eating healthy carbs and fats and lean meats. I did a lot of research online, too. I followed some meal plans that I found on, especially Ryan Hughes' plans.
How did you discover
I started researching weightlifting online and stumbled across the site. Then I went to town, reading everything I could find.
How did the site affect your transformation?
It was educational. Reading about other peoples' transformations, seeing their workout routines, and learning how they were losing weight gave me new ideas and kept me motivated. I liked articles posted by trainers, too. I saw a video of Ryan Hughes and thought, "I want his body," so I started doing his workouts and following his meal plans.
How did BodySpace help you along your journey?
I go there to post progress photos and see what other people are doing, especially regarding training and shows. Being able to follow people who are further along, and who can offer advice and answer questions I may have, is critical. I love that I can give back and do the same for those who aren't as far along as I am. People are very supportive of each other, which is great.
Did you suffer any setbacks?
I went on a ketosis diet that was high fat, moderate protein, and very low carbs. Coming off of that diet, I didn't realize how careful I had to be with adjusting my macro intake. I had a friend who did years and years of clean eating, and his diet was pretty much sandwiches all the time, which really worked for him.
I tried that diet right after coming off that ketosis diet, and immediately, all that bread intake set me back. That messed with me psychologically a little bit. I think I gained about 10 pounds in two weeks. It was bad.
How did you overcome that?
I went right back to a balanced diet with only healthy carbs and hit the gym hard. In about a month or so, I had undone the damage, but I did come to realize one thing: The weight returns much faster than it comes off.
Has being fit opened new doors for you?
It's definitely changed my life for the better. When I was growing up, everybody was into [the apparel company] Abercrombie & Fitch, but at my size, I wasn't able to shop there. After I lost the weight, I got recruited to work there, just while I was walking on campus. I've even done some modeling for them. That's obviously something I never could have done before. Aside from—and more important than—looks, I'm much healthier now.
Do you have any advice for others who might want to follow your lead and get fit?
Where there's a will, there's a way. It may not happen on the first, second, third, or even tenth try, but it will happen. There comes a time when you just want to be a better you, no matter what the reason. Once you light that fire, it will burn for the rest of your life.