Nicole includes a vast array of supplements to support her health. It wasn't easy finding the right stack, but over the years, she discovered what works for her body: variation.
"You always mix up your workout … you gotta mix up your supplements," Guerrero said. "You don't want to take the same things all the time. I also make sure I'm taking top-quality brands, mixing it up."
She suggests everyone should take: probiotics, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D complex and fish oils. She takes digestive enzymes before most meals.
"Oils are very important, for your brain, your mood, your skin, for your blood, for everything," she said. "There is no one super-pill and there is no one super-food. There is no one super-exercise. You gotta build a package, build a program, find out what works for you."
Nicole's Supplement Schedule
NOW Chlorophyll
Digestive Enzyme
Note: Digestive Enzyme is taken before all meals