Group Profile: Age-Defying Bodybuilders
Group Founder: WaynesWorld
Date Founded: December 20, 2008
Number of Members: 446 (as of August 09, 2011)
Group Description:
We are a group of people 40 years of age or older who prove that age is never an issue when wanting to live happy and healthy lives. Our goal is to support and encourage people to defy the barriers we and others set before us because of age.
Group Commitment:
"Every member of this group committed to..."
Every one who joins must participate. They can give advice, post articles, share info about nutrition, cardio and workouts. This is not a place to simply come here and look pretty. Since this is a group for people 40 years of age or older, you are expected to act like it. Disrespect to others in the way of profanity, insults, racism, sexism etc. is strictly prohibited and will result in you being permanently banned from the group and possibly this site altogether.
What is your BodyGroup about and who are the members?
My BodyGroup is named "Age-Defying Bodybuilders" and I am the founder of the group and the group is made up of members generally made up of people in their late 30s and older. And want to prove that when it comes to health and fitness, age is only a number and you are only as old as you feel.
Why did the founder start up the group?
I, Wayne Tillman, founded the group to prove that when it comes to health and fitness, age is only a number and you are only as old as you feel.
What have your results been with starting the group?
It has grown tremendously. It is up to 446 members and is growing everyday.
How do your members use the BodyGroup feature?
Mostly from coming in and showing their progress and giving advice and encouragement to new members who are looking for a way to live long and healthy lives.
Who are some of your notable members?
Among the more popular members are Amy Sedleschek (Amysuds), Candace Stupek (cstupek), and Fern Assard (Msfitfern).
Well we can start with Msfitfern because she went from being a single mother of 4 who was struggling mightily with keeping energy and passion for life going. Now she is a fitness model, writer, and NPC competitor.
On to Amysuds, Amy was at one time 209 lbs, and had a 44 inch waist, a mother of 6 and grandmother to one. Amy is a fitness model and has a certification in NASM as a personal trainer and she is an IFPA competitor. 40 years young and going strong.
Lastly Cstupek is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer / IBNFC Nutrition Coach and a Happily Married Mom to 3 Children. She gives courage and inspiration to many people everyday. I think right now she is planning to compete in a triathlon.
How would you explain the attitude needed in your group, to a new member?
The attitude needs to be one of positivity because most new members are coming in because they are needing a lot of help because most of them have never tried bodybuilding before and this is a whole new world to them.
In what way has motivating other BodySpace users, given you the ability to push yourself to new levels?
Results are the biggest motivation. When I see a man or woman that has been out of shape for most of their lives and I see the unique transformations that they make, it makes me work that much harder to achieve my own transformation
What would you tell someone who is contemplating making a commitment to joining your group, to motivate them to make the commitment?
Basically since I'm in the process of becoming a certified personal trainer, I simply will tell them that how life changing this commitment would be for them, their family and their social and spiritual life as well as physical.
How do you think the group mentality applies to your personal life and how has it helped?
I have had so many people come and thank me for opening the group because like me at one time, they thought they were alone in wanting to look and feel young. Every time I see a transformation story of one of the members, it makes me feel like I accomplished the goal along with them.
Why join your group as opposed to other transformation groups?
I appreciate all of the groups on Bodyspace because I feel like they all are here to motivate and inspire. I feel by joining my group you get a more realistic example of why life really begins at 40.
How do you feel, is the best way to motivate others within the confines of the group page?
As I mentioned before, results and constant information about how to reach those goals we are all seeking to accomplish.