Vital Stats
Name: Joe Mallon
Bodyspace: pumpjm
Before: |
After: |
Why I Got Started
I was going on a cruise to Alaska, and thought I would try to lose some weight and get in better shape before going. Although I weight trained and did cardio 3 days a week, I was not seeing the results I desired. I looked at my program and decided that although I was strong, I was carrying way too much body fat.
I changed from a powerlifting type of workout to a traditional bodybuilding in order to transform my appearance and also feel better about myself. I was familiar with from seeing Bob Cicherillo at a local bodybuilding contest in Virginia the previous year. I went on the site, found some good ideas and I was off to the races.
How I Did It
I scrapped the workout and diet I was on, which really was not a plan at all. I decided that I should eat 6 meals per day, and try to drink at least a gallon of water as well. Through trial and error and the devised nutritional plan below, the weight really started to come off.
I was consistently seeing 2-to-3 pounds per week of weight loss. Interestingly enough, as I increased my protein intake the weight loss seemed to accelerate. At the same time I completely changed my workouts from a powerlifting type workout to a bodybuilding regimen. I increased my reps and reduced my rest time as well. This also assisted in accelerating my fat loss. Cardio was done on a more consistent basis as well.
Of all this inspired me to become a personal trainer, and I got certified through the ISSA. I also entered a natural bodybuilding contest in 2007, placing 6th out of 15 in the Masters weight class. This whole experience was truly life changing.
Suggestions For Others
- Don't let other people dictate what you do or how you do it.
- If your mind can perceive it, your body can achieve it.
- Eat to live—don't live to eat.
- If bodybuilding was easy, everyone would be a bodybuilder.
- Surround yourself with positive like minded people.
- Lastly, nothing tastes as good as being fit feels.