What Is The Most Exciting Sport To Watch?

What is the most exciting sport to watch? Find out what other people from the message boards think...

TOPIC: What Is The Most Exciting Sport To Watch?

The Question:

What Is The Most Exciting Sport To Watch?

You can almost always see a live sporting event on television. While we all find excitement in different things, we have reasons behind it.

What's the most exciting sport to watch? What are the reasons behind this fascination/enjoyment?

Are professional or amateur sports more fun to watch? As you list them explain why one is more fun to watch than the other.

Bonus Question: What is the least exciting sport to watch?

Show off your knowledge to the world!

The Winners:

      1st place - 75 in store credit.

To use your credit, e-mail Will @ will@bodybuilding.com for more info.

1st Place - DSM18

NOTE: I believed adding pictures would be useful. Not a lot of people have seen the game before, and it may help you understand some of what I'm trying to say.

You can almost always see a live sporting event on television. While we all find excitement in different things, we have reasons behind it.

This is because as humans, we are all individuals. We have differences in what foods we enjoy, our preference in exercise, our hobbies and even our choices in what sports we prefer. Some find the faster pace of NBA more exciting, while others find the physicality of MMA fighting more exhilarating.

There are reasons why some sports are more popular than others.

Things from the level of skill involved, to the pace of the sport, to the aggression to the speed all can come into it. But I think I've found a sport that has the perfect combination of all the above, and a sport that most of you have probably never even heard of.

Read on and find out what the sport is.

What's The Most Exciting Sport To Watch?
What Are The Reasons Behind This Fascination/Enjoyment?

The most exciting sport in my opinion is Australian Rules Football. This is a fast-paced, Australian brand of football that is intense, very physical and requires a lot of skill and courage. Both the players and fans share a passion for this sport that is unparalleled.

Click Image To Enlarge.

arrow What Is Aussie Rules?

    Most people may have seen bits and pieces of the game on satellite television, but are still pretty unclear as to exactly going on. It's really not as difficult as it might look. Here are some of the basics to the game.

    The game is played with 22 players on each team, with 18 on the ground at any one time. The size of the oval is generally 150-185 meters in diameter and the ball used during the game is leather and oval-shaped.

    The goal of each team is to kick as many goals as they can through the 2 larger goal posts (6 points). One point is scored if the ball misses the target, and goes through the two smaller, surrounding posts. Like any other game, the team with the higher amount of points at the end of the game wins.

    Once each goal has been scored the game then resumes with a bounce-up in the center square. To move the ball forward at any time, it can be either kicked, or handballed. Throwing isn't allowed. Players can mark the ball from any kick, and the play stops as the 'marker' kicks the ball.

    Usually, the ball isn't marked, but is in dispute. This is where some of the most fearsome courage and determination are shown. Shattering bumps, tackles, fast-paced chasing and physical one-on-one contests are the norm. The game has all of these exciting elements to it, and at the same time has the pace of a hockey game.

    Click Image To Enlarge.
    A Game Of Big Tackles.

    Although the game is physical, free kicks are given away if the player is pushed in the back, or tackled head-high. Each match lasts approximately 2 hours with time-on, with 20-30 minute quarters, so both the level of fitness and the degree of perseverance need to high if you want to play this game.

    For more detailed rules on how to play the game, there are some good links towards the end of the page in the reference section.

arrow What Makes Aussie Rules So Good?

    Australian Rules Football is the most exciting sport in the world. >From the level of physical and emotional aggression, to the incredible skill involved to the spectacular one-on-one contests and leaping marks, there are plenty of reasons fans are so fascinated by this amazing game. Here are several aspects I think people find particularly satisfying.

    The Degree Of Physicality:

      Australian Football is a game that has plenty of aggression. The game is filled with hard-hitting bumps, bone crunching tackles and a lot of mini scuffles. Males by nature are very physical, and that's one reason why sports such as football have such a strong following.

      Click Image To Enlarge.
      A Normal Sight In Aussie Rules.

      Unlike NFL, Australian Football is played without the protection used in the states. There are no knee or shoulder pads, and only those with neck injuries ever wear helmets, so the players have to be fearless to survive.

      The most common form of physicality in the game is one-on-one, or group contests. There is good body-on-body contact here as players use their strength to try and out-power their opponent, and get the ball. Contests make the crowd go wild. This is where spectacular marks are usually taken.

      Heavy bumps aren't uncommon either. These are used to knock a player out of the way of an on-coming ball, or contest. Like rugby, Australian Rules Football is a game filled with big tackles. Tackles usually hit a player from the side or behind at a time he is unaware, so the impact of tackles can be really heavy.

      The game requires Herculean strength in order to break through tackles, battle against your opponent and power your way through a contest. It's the game's mix of power and speed that make it so exhilarating. A player can be in the middle of a fast paced chase and be knocked to the ground at high-speed. This sort of thing adds an energy that I think is unmatched.

      All of these thing require courage - if you don't have any courage, forget about being an Australian Football Player. This means the courage of putting your head in front of a kicked football in an attempt to spoil a kick, courage to hoist yourself on top of 2 opponents shoulders in the possibility of falling on your neck and the courage of running head first towards a free football in the chance of having your head bumped by an opponents elbow.

      The level of injuries is pretty high. Although no one enjoys watching someone get injured, it adds an element of risk that makes the game more suspenseful.

      Fans really respect and admire these players. I do, too.

    The High Level Of Skill Involved:

      Australian Rules Football is a highly skillful game. Players have to posses many skills such as kicking, handballing and tackling. Kicks mostly hit teammates with pin-point accuracy and handballs are spot-on. Fans love any game that is played with this level of skill while under the sort of pressures these players are.

      The game as a whole is an amazing spectacle. Both the goals and marks that players take can leave the crowd in disbelief. Some player's posses a magic about them that would make soccer players jealous. Goals can be scored from near impossible angles using banana kicks and kicks can travel distances of 60-70 meters.

      I love watching goals being kicked out of nowhere; to me it matches the same level of excitement of when a rare goal is kicked in a soccer game. But in Australian Football, there can be up to 40 goals kicked each match.

      The spectacular marking in this game makes it unlike any other sport. Players go airborne on top of a pack of surrounding players for a mark and can hit the ground with more impact than a top NBA player slam-dunking the ring. There is no better feeling of own-age on your opponent than climbing onto his shoulders for a 'speccie' after a rough day.

      Click Image To Enlarge.
      No Better Feeling!

      There are several types of pack marks; the one handed mark, chest marks and overhead marks. Australian Football is filled with this high-flying action, something I think that only the NBA can match in terms of constant, adrenalin-filled excitement.

      Like soccer, AFL has side-stepping and trick plays. A lot of the smaller players use their speed to their advantage and find a way around opponents by dodging and weaving. This can be great to watch, particularly as the game is played at such a high speed.

      There are so many players who posses great ball control. Either tapping it along the ground, or grabbing it from mid-air, they know to how to make sure they keep it in their hands, not their opponents. I can't think of many other sports where fans get this excited so often.

    Top Level Athletes:

      When people pay to watch a sporting event, they want to get their money's worth. This means watching a high-quality game with high quality athletes. Those in the AFL (our main football league) are probably the most physically fit athletes in the world. Combined with their strength and power, fans are getting the best from both the power and fitness worlds.

      The endurance of these players is second to none. Game's generally last around 2 hours, so the athletes can only be at the highest level of fitness in order to get through each game. This isn't forgetting about the high-speed chases for the ball and the demands of tackling.

      Click Image To Enlarge.
      High Speed Chasing.

      Although players aren't massive like Rugby players, they do still carry a good degree of muscle size. I have heard that the average bench press of an AFL player is around 250lbs, and up to 340lbs. for some of the bigger guys.

      There's nothing more exciting than watching a sport that is so fast while not lacking in the physical department. This is a game that matches the pace of NBA, but also has hard-hitting body on body contact. Plays move much faster than Rugby or Gridiron, meaning more action and excitement.

      Click Image To Enlarge.
      High Speed Dodging & Weaving.

      Players are always under pressure, so the ball is always moving. Whether it is kicking, handballing or fiercely evading through a pack of players, the ball and the players are always on the go. You need good composure to be a professional AFL player. If there is one tip I could give someone who has the ball, it would be 'think quick!'

    The Passion Both The Fans & Players Share:

      Fans of Australian Football come close to being some of the most passionate fans of any sport in the world. Football is like a religion to so many; people live it and breathe it. If you lived in Melbourne, you'd know what I was talking about. Names of regular AFL players are as recognizable to the average Melbournian as a Michael Jordan would be to a US citizen.

      It's not unusual for games to regularly draw crowds of 30-45 thousand people. There have been matches with over 110,000 in attendance. The atmosphere of sitting in the crowd at any game is electrifying; you just want to get involved in it all. It's as if there is a contagious spirit in the air.

      People get so emotionally involved. I remember watching my favorite team just miss out on making the Grand Final by a few points. Everyone around me was crying; you had no option but to. As a 'do or die' AFL game comes close to an end, there is no level of intensity that compares. In other sports like the NBA, play will stop for a time-out, but with football, the bone crushing tackling and aggression continue until there is a winner.

      In these situations, the players give it all they got, and more. I remember how inspiring it was watching the Grand Final when a player played with mega doses of pain killers, and enough strapping on his knees to cover a mummy.

      You could see his expression, you knew he was in pain, but he kept playing because he wanted to win. I have read many reports of players doing this weekly. Not for money, but for the passion. This stuff is truly inspiring.

      I had a stress fracture in my heel, but played through a whole final series. I wanted to win the final so bad. Even though we didn't make it, I knew I did all I could, and more.

      This is how one life-time NFL fan feels about Australia Rules Football.

        "...they don't stop when someone gets hurt, they don't stop for anything. They're moving faster than hockey players.

        "It'll take me a while to get the rules straight in my head, but it looks like what our football was supposed to be. It's not full of prima donnas who have to sit down and rest after every play. Shoulder pads?

        "Taped hands with plaster around them so they won't get hurt? Big pads on their thighs? Sit on the sidelines wrapped in a blanket next to the furnace? No. You guys get to wear what the guys wear in northern Australia -- as little as possible.

        "...Yeah, it's raining. Yeah, everyone in the stands is wearing winter clothes. Too bad. Play. Keep moving and you'll stay warm. You got tackled and lost the ball? Get off your face and get it back. No, we're not going to stop the game until you feel better. Play, or let someone else do it, but if you lay there and pout, we'll just run over you until you have sense enough to get out of the way."

      I find this very inspiring. If the game can touch a fan in this sort of a way, I think the game has a bright international future.

Professional Or Amateur:
Are Professional Or Amateur Sports More Fun To Watch?

It really depends on the person, and which sport. Some people prefer the atmosphere of the big leagues, where as others like the more homely crowds that can be found at more amateur level sporting events.

Do You Prefer To Watch Professional Or Amateur Sports?


Each sport is different. Some sports like college basketball can be filled with 'on the edge-of-your-seat' action, where as other amateur divisions in sports like tennis are far less exciting than watching the likes of Roger Federer or previous champs like Pete Sampras.

I will go over some of the main reasons why people find enjoyment in professional level sporting events, and on the other hand, why some of us prefer the smaller divisions.

Professional sports have many benefits over amateur-grade events. Some include:

  • Exposure: They are national and can be seen on TV. The amount of exposure some professional sports have, mean they are able to reach more people. Having sports on the media also means people can easily keep up with the latest in their sports, and discuss sports with friends.

  • Top-Grade Athletes: The athletes in professional sports are only top-grade athletes. They have succeeded their way through the amateur division to get to the biggest spectacle in the sport. Their skill level will be higher, which means more action and excitement.

  • Big Names: Professional sports have all the big names. Shaquille O'neal, Sammy Sosa, Wayne Gretzky, Mike Tyson, Andre Agassi. They have become celebrities, and are admired by millions.

  • Entertainment: National sporting events try their hardest to entertain fans, and give them their money worth. There is better pre-match and half-time entertainment, as well as music/dancing etc. People love the whole atmosphere most games bring.

  • Big Arenas: They are held at bigger arenas. Watching a sporting event can be a fun day-out for the whole family.

Amateur sports on the other hand have many things that won't be found in profession level competition: They include:

  • Grass Roots: Amateur events bring sport back to its "grass roots." This means less focus around providing entertainment or money, and more focus on getting back in touch with just the sport at hand.

  • Up Close: You can get closer to the action. The stadiums are more compact. Being so close to the action means you can get more heavily involved in the intensity of the game.

  • Love Of The Sport: It eliminates any possibility that players are playing for just money. In amateur level sports there isn't any money, or very little. The motivation to play comes from the heart.

  • Thrifty: They are much cheaper to attend; sometimes free.

Personally, I enjoy both professional and amateur sports. It really depends on the sport. With a sport like tennis, I find the skill in the Pro-Division more exciting. But with a sport like basketball, I find the cut-throat matches in college basketball just as exhilarating, if not, better than NBA matches. These differences in each sport make it important to compare sports individually when determining which is better.

Australian Rules Football:

    Australian Rules Football's main professional league is the AFL. Players who don't make the cut into the seniors play in a second division known as the VFL. Below this division, many different leagues of amateurs exist, all the way from teenage leagues to 35+ leagues. The main amateur league is TAC under 18's where many of the future stars are found.

    The AFL is as big as it gets. The fan-base is incredible, and the atmosphere at live events doesn't compare to anything else I've ever witnessed. AFL is an international league with 16 teams, and matches are played weekly for 22 rounds each season.

    Both Professional and Amateur Football can be brutal and intense. The speed of AFL is much higher than it is in the Amateur divisions. The game moves with a better flow too, which makes it a better visual sight.

    Skill level is the also higher; with pin-point accuracy and more freakish skills. But when it comes to some of the best high-flying marks, look no further than the amateurs. Some of the marks I've seen at games are truly incredible. This definitely makes me want to watch amateur.

    It seems as if people in the amateur are willing to give it all they got and more, so you are more likely to see a more physical brand of football. This means more bumping, harder tackling and more scuffles, which people enjoy. The crowd at both amateur and professional games are very loud and animated. The main difference is that at amateur games, you get to stand on the sidelines and get a better view.

arrow My Verdict:

    Both are very exciting and played with equal passion. I think AFL is more enjoyable to watch as it's faster with more skill. If you want to see an even more hardcore version of Australian Football, watch some amateur football like the W.D.F.L. This should satisfy your thirst for hard hitting action.


      The NBA has a lot of action and is fast-paced. Not much can compare to watching a Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan doing their thing on the court. Entertainment is also top-level at games. Amateur basketball can be just exciting, especially the level of passion.

      I've only seen a few college basketball games before. They were all close nail-biting endings. I think I enjoyed watching these games more than I do when I watch NBA or NBL; they were very exciting and had me on the end of my seat.


      I used to play tennis for a couple of years, so I've seen a bit of the amateurs. I just never had that same feel watching these lower-level games than I do when I watch a Venus Williams or Leighton Hewitt play the game.

      The speed and level of intensity in professional tennis is a lot higher. Most amateur sports, the players give it everything they've got and more, but I found with amateur-level tennis, it didn't reach up to my expectation.

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      Soccer is amazing, both amateur and professional. The level of skill in this game is phenomenal. I have a few friends who play soccer and their games were pretty entertaining. But I don't think anything compares to watching international soccer; the magical skills of a Renaldo in action or just watching how emotional fans can get.

      There is so much excitement surrounding the World Cup too, especially here in Australia after Australia made the World Cup for the first time in over 30 years.

      Determining whether professional or amateur sports are better can be very individual and depends on which sport we are talking about. But with most sports, the level of skill and excitement in amateur and professional is so high, that I would be happy watching either.

Bonus Question:
What Is The Least Exciting Sport To Watch?

A few sports come to mind. Golf is one. Although I can understand it can be a fun and relaxing activity, in terms of watching it, it can put you to sleep. I need something that either gets the heart-rate up, or has some sort of intensity to it.

Then again, I haven't really given it the time to really assess it deeply enough, so like a lot of things in life, it might just be something you have to get used to.

Cricket is another sport that really doesn't do anything for me. Again, playing it isn't so bad, but I find the constant breaks slow it down too much if you're watching it. And I'm just like any other guy; I like some level of aggression in my sport. I love football, wrestling and boxing, but I find sports like cricket don't really fuel the ego so much.

I hope this article has educated you on the game of Australian Football, and somewhat motivated you to delve deeper into this sport. Australian Rules Football is truly a great sport; it is adrenalin-filled, fast-paced and full of energy.

Good luck with all your sporting goals.

Additional Links:

References: Highly Recommended Reading.

2nd Place - ravadongon

All sports have their fans and critics, from the fast, furious, action packed sports to the slower, more sedate and tactical type sports. Some are more mainstream than others, so much so that they have the ability to bring a nation together, some have very few followers in some places, yet have incredible fan bases in other places and some are only appreciated by small numbers of viewers.

As the old saying goes "one mans junk is another mans treasure," and this definitely rings true with watching sport, as people have different tastes and different reasons as to why they appreciate one sport more than another.

What's The Most Exciting Sport To Watch?
What Are The Reasons Behind This Fascination/Enjoyment?

For me, the most exciting sport to watch would have to be Australian Football (AKA Australian Rules Football, Aussie Rules and by Australian viewers, 'footy'). Now many of you, who do not live in Australia will not be familiar with this sport or may not have even heard of it before, so before I tell you why I and many people around Australia enjoy this game so much, I must give you an introduction to the game.

arrow History

    Tom Wills and his cousin H.C.A. Harrison began to develop the game of Australian Rules Football in 1858. By 1859 the oldest surviving set of laws for Australian football were drawn up by Wills, W. J. Hammersley, J. B. Thompson and Thomas Smith. The game was developed with the idea of keeping cricketers (athletes of a popular "bat and ball" game played in summer) fit during winter.

    Click Image To Enlarge.
    An Australian Rules Football Match
    At The Richmond Paddock, Melbourne, Circa 1866.
    Wood Engraving By Robert Bruce.

    Inspiration is said to come primarily from an Aboriginal game called 'Marn Grook' as well as medieval football (Rugby). The game developed quickly, in 1859 the Geelong Football Club was formed, by 1866 an updated set of rules was put in place and competition started and finally 1896 the Victorian Football League was formed with 9 clubs included.

    Marn Grook:
    Meaning "Game ball", Marn Grook was a traditional game played at gatherings and celebrations of up to 50 players by the Djabwurrung and Jardwadjali people of western Victoria.

    From 1896 to 1925, clubs were added leaving a line up of 12 clubs, which remained unchanged until 1987 when the competition expanded to the rest of Australia, with a team in Queensland and Western Australia being formed, and continued to expand with more teams being added in 1991, 1995 and 1997, forming a league that now consists of 16 teams.

arrow Rules

    Australian Football is played between two teams of 18 players per side (plus 4 interchange players) on an oval shaped field, which varies in length (around 150-180m long) and width (around 115m-140m wide at the center), and with an oval shaped ball. There is no offside rule like in soccer, which keeps the game fast flowing and free moving.

    The ball can be disposed by foot (there are different styles of kicking, mainly revolving around how the ball is held in the hand, the ball may also be kicked of the ground - 'soccered'), clenched fist (known as a handball/handpass) or by an open hand tap, but throwing is not permitted.

    Players may run with the ball but it must be bounced or touched on the ground every 15m or the will be penalized with a free kick against them. The ball holder may be tackled or bumped by opposing players attempting to get the ball, and if the ball holder is tackled with the ball he must dispose of it correctly or he will be penalized for 'holding the ball' and a free kick will be awarded to the opposition.

    If the ball is kicked and caught cleanly without bouncing, then it may be claimed as a 'mark' and the player may have a free kick from the point at which the ball is 'marked.'

    Free kicks aside, as well as 'throw-ins' (when the ball travels out of bounds any way other than a kick on the full - in which case a free kick is awarded to the opposition) and 'ball ups' (when the ball cannot be disposed by the player tackled) from umpires, the ball will remain in dispute, and any player from any side can take possession of the ball.

    At each end of the field of play, there are 4 vertical posts, 2 tall ones in the middle, which are 'goal posts' and 2 smaller ones on either side, which are 'behind posts.' A goal, worth 6 points, is achieved by kicking the ball between the 2 goals posts, bouncing or on the full, as long as it is not touched by player from either team ('own goals' do not exist).

    A 'behind,' worth one point, is scored when the ball travels across the line between a goal post and a behind post, if the ball hits a goal post or if it is touched before passing between the goalposts (known as a 'rushed behind'). The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

    A game consists of 4 quarters, each consisting of 20 minutes of play (not including overtime i.e. a continuous clock is not used). Each quarter begins with a bounce in the center circle performed by the umpire and 2 players, known as ruckman contest for the ball (similar to basketball 'centers').

    When a goal is kicked the ball is returned to the center for a bounce by the umpire, if a behind is scored the ball is 'kicked' back into play by the defending team.

    Scores Are Presented Like This:

    • Team A 18.12 (120)
    • Team B 12.16 (88)

    i.e. Team A scored 18 goals and 12 behinds, giving them a total score of 120, while Team B scored 12 goals and 16 behinds giving them a total score of 88.

    If you wish to know more about Australian Rules Football, visit these sites:

arrow Attendances

    Australian football is the most highly attended spectator sport in Australia, with over 6.7 million fans attending AFL (Australian Football League - the national competition in Australian Football) matches last season.

    As of 2005, the AFL entered a select group of 5 professional sports leagues with an average attendance over 30,000. The "2005 AFL Grand Final" was the most watched sporting event in Australia in 2005, with a television audience in excess of 3.3 million in Australia's 5 capital cities.

arrow Why It Is So Exciting?

    There are many things that make Aussie Rules so exciting; some can be explained easily, some not so easily. Here are some of the main reasons why I find Aussie Rules Football to be such an exciting game (in no order):

    1. Skills: In many contact sports, skill is not so important as is brute strength, however footy being a contact game, defies this. Players at the higher levels of the game require not only strength and power like most contact sports, but also high levels of speed. Agility and endurance are also necessary to keep up with the pace of the game and tremendous technique, hand eye and hand foot co-ordination to be able to kick long distances over 55m as well as shorter distances both with precision.

      Others include taking marks in packs of opposition players or 'speccies' over opposition players shoulders, handpassing quickly and precisely in tight situations and to be able to control and pick up an oval shaped ball while it's bouncing awkwardly or while sprinting to it, especially difficult considering the games fast flowing nature.

      The game can be hard for people with no experience trying to learn and high-class players often make the skills showcased look a lot easier then it really is.

    2. Game Speed: With no offside to worry about and minimal stoppages, the pace of the game can be very fast.

      With action always occurring in the game, with the small amount of stoppages, your interest levels are always kept high, whether you're engaged in a frenetic passage of play, where goals and quick replies to those goals, are being kicked frequently, or a tense passage of play, where both teams are tussling hard and goals are hard to come by. It can be incredibly hard to drag yourself away from the action.

    3. Player Types: In many sports, players in certain positions have to have certain qualities specific to their position if they want to succeed, meaning you often don't see many different styles of players in the higher levels of these sports. In footy, this definitely isn't the case.

      For example, not all forwards are required to be big, tall and burly, able to dominate in 'pack marking' situations, and kick goals from set shots. Some are smaller players who can 'pick up the crumbs' from these contests and kick goals on the run, some are medium sized players who have qualities of both, or some may be players with exceptional acceleration and are able to find free space with ease in the forward line to kick their goals.

      Same thing goes from players from other positions, such as in the midfield, where you can have players with tremendous speed on the burst. Guys who can run all day and still not fatigue, players with qualities of both and players who 'run with' or 'tag' key midfielders from the opposition team.

      By 'manning up' with them to reduce their effectiveness and in the 'backline,' you can have tall or short players who 'man up' players in the forward line and contest with them to try and keep the forwards 'quite,' players who are loose in the 'backline' and have the role of clearing the ball from the defense and 'mopping up.'

      Many different types of players can play at the top levels of football and this keeps the game interesting because you are seeing different styles of players, not just the same type of player with a different face.

    4. Team Rivalries: This is a common feature to many team sports, but particularly so to Aussie Rules, especially in the AFL.

      Whether it be rivalries built up over years from tough contests or interstate battles to see who rules the roost, these matches almost always give an extra bit of spice to the great game footy is and make both teams fight harder and harder for that win.

    5. Individual Duels: Although Aussie Rules is a team game, individuals make up the team and the tussles between key players from both teams can often decide the game.

      It's always interesting to see what happens when two high-class players line up on each other in battle to see who can be the most damaging to the opposition, when two players of contrasting styles and builds line up on each other, one small and attacking in nature, the other tall and defensive, when a highly regarded un-experienced player trying to prove himself lines up on a class player, setting up an underdog fight. This all makes for great viewing.

    6. Goals Scored: In a lot of team ball games, scores either aren't registered frequently, or are registered very frequently and come with ease. In Aussie Rules a balance between the two is achieved.

      Scoring can come very quickly when the game is played attackingly in good conditions, it can also occur slowly when the game is played defensively or in bad conditions, where more play is required. The amount of goals kicked in a game (from both sides) generally, in elite levels of the game, ranges from 20 to 40.

    7. Tackling: Although the hits are nothing to be compared with the likes of rugby and American Football, the contact is still tough and can be damaging. One unique feature in Aussie Rules compared to these sports is that tackles from behind frequently occur, and this only makes the game more exciting, especially when the player in possession decides to 'take on' an opposing player, or is getting chased and doesn't realize it.

    8. Courage: This could tie in with tackling, however courage isn't always man to man contact in terms of tackling in footy. Acts of courage can also involve putting ones body on the line for the teams cause, such as backing into a pack of players to take a mark, smothering a kick, 'taking on' opposition players when the odds are against the player in possession, or even going beyond their physical capability and pushing themselves to higher levels for their team despite their own fatigue.

      Not only this but you also hear plenty of great stories of players who have undergone tough times, such as injuries in games, or overcome adversities to go on and play and give 100% for their team.

Are Professional Or Amateur Sports More Fun To Watch?
As You List Them Explain Why One Is More Fun To Watch Than The Other.

With most sports, watching them at the higher levels is invariably more entertaining and exciting to watch, as they are there for a reason, because they are high quality athletes and are able to showcase a higher level of skills. However this is not to say that watching sport at the amateur level cannot be exciting, because in fact some of the most fiercely contested matches I have watched have been at the amateur level.

Both professional and amateur sports have their ups and downs. Some believe that the high income salaries of professional athletes detracts from their performance as they are playing to get paid and not just playing for the pure enjoyment of the sport.

What Do You Think About The High Salaries Of Professional Athletes?

They're Paid Far Too Much.
They're Paid Just Enough.
They're Not Paid Enough.
I Don't Care As Long As I Get To Watch.

Although I believe this is a valid point that people make, I still prefer watching professional sports in most cases, especially in the sports that I am able to appreciate myself.

I only really enjoy watching amateur sports if I am affiliated with the team myself or if I know some of the athletes personally, this gets me more involved in the game even if the skill levels aren't high.

Bonus Question:
What Is The Least Exciting Sport To Watch?

Although I am a fan of many sports, however I do have many sports I dislike and do not enjoy watching. From what I have seen so far, the most boring sport I have ever watched would be lawn bowling (AKA bowls, lawn bowls). It is a sport very popular with the elderly and renowned for it's relaxed pace and very, very light physical demand, which makes it an immediate turn off to almost anyone who is not a senior, due to it's 'un-athletic' nature and little variation.

Funny enough however is how lawn bowling is the most dangerous sport in the world... in terms of the percentage of deaths while playing the sport per capita, I guess if you take a group of 70-100 year olds, put them in the hot sun for a while, add the excitement and drama of some competition and anything can happen!

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3rd Place - PolPow53

What's The Most Exciting Sport To Watch?
What Are The Reasons Behind This Fascination/Enjoyment?

The answer is simple and definite: American Football!

Many international people do not know the sport, so there will always be those who stick to their versions of football, whether it is soccer, rugby, or other sub par variations. Yet for those who have been lucky enough to taste the different versions of football, only one stands above the others in terms of excitement for the spectator.

Which Football Variation Is The Best?

Traditional Football (Soccer).
American Football.
Aussie Rules Football.

I won't try to explain all the rules in this write-up, for I feel that it is meant for another time and futile in this setting, so let's see what all the excitement's about!

The reasons behind the enjoyment of watching football are numerous and controversial as many may find pleasure in different facets of the game. For some, the sheer visual impact of observing the sport is enough, while others marvel at the spectacle that takes so much preparation, both directly and indirectly. Though I believe that what sets football apart from other sports is the sheer athletic excellence of those who participate.

arrow Football: A Bone Chilling Event For The Senses!

    Many try to demean football by claiming that it is padded and soft, this could not be further from the truth. The equipment allows for football to bring contact to another level, one unmatched by any other activity on the face of the earth.

    To one who has never been up-close, or listened closely to a broadcast game, the sound may be foreign. But for those familiar with the gridiron, the crunch of the pads is an addicting drug, leading all who have heard it back, like entranced disciples, longing for more.

    This sadistic impact is unmatched in terms of excitement. The adrenaline rush of the hit spreads from the hitter to the fans, who roar and even let out the empathetic "ooooh" to show their approval.

    Bill Romanowski, who had various brain injuries from his vicious hits, states that the measurement of the impact of a hit in the NFL, can be most closely likened to a car crash at 35 mph, a far cry from the love-taps that other football disciplines dare to call "hits."

    Bill Romanowski:
    Bill Romanowski (nicknamed "Romo", full name William Thomas Romanowski, born April 2, 1966 in Vernon, Connecticut) is a former American football player. A linebacker, he graduated from Rockville High School in 1984, Boston College in 1988, and then went on to a 16-year career in the NFL, playing for the San Francisco 49ers, Philadelphia Eagles, Denver Broncos, and Oakland Raiders. He played 243 consecutive games, an NFL record among Linebackers, won 4 Super Bowl Championships, and is the only linebacker to start 5 Super Bowl Games. He recently admitted to taking steroids.

    The beauty, if one can call it that, of football doesn't stop there. The visual thrills and excitements caused by the game play are unrivaled in the arena of any other sports. Miraculous acrobatic catches, breathtaking jukes, aerial hits, precision passes, and last second heroics entertain the spectator's eyes.

    Acrobatic touchdowns dazzle excited fans:

    Click Image To Enlarge.

    No matter how exciting something is, two things always hold true:

    1. The longer it goes on for, the less exciting it gets.
    2. The attention span of the average human is not very long.

    Soccer may be great, but 45 minutes halves are quite a burden to sit through, knowing that the single goal of the game could possibly, but not likely come. Running out to the bathroom could potentially rid the spectator of witnessing the only exciting thing in the whole event.

    Football's time management system allows for the action to be increased and for the fan to be more involved in the game. The short stoppages after plays are a chance for the fan to get set, and more importantly for the players to regain their composure. With the players recharged, they retain the majority of their explosiveness and are able to create the performances that make football the world's most exciting sports.

    With football, the fan sees short explosive bursts of action, which is always high paced and exciting. In other sports, the long continuous lengths of time that the ball is in play lead to a bunch of tired athletes panting around on the field. Which in turn results in slacking performances for the fans, who are getting inpatient with the long periods of inaction.

    This is NOT a problem in football! Actually, this leads up to the exciting last 2 minutes where precision passing and strategy often decide the fate of many teams in the last minutes of a game.

arrow Football: Behemoth Of A Spectacle.

    The game of football requires a mammoth amount of preparation. Whether this be to simply put together a team or to develop a player capable of competing at a professional level.

    To start off, a football team has upwards of sixty players, each playing a vital and incredibly specific role in the team's success. For a team to simply function, they have to learn thousands of plays and invest hundreds of hours of practices and meetings, and that is just for the technical aspect.

    There is a very long period of preparation before the first pre-season game is even played. Each week the opponent's plays, players, film and strategy are reviewed and mastered by each team.

    This leads to the fact that every football game is a BIG DEAL! It has taken so many people, sometimes over 100 with the whole staff, to prepare for a couple of hours of performance. Spectators realize that they are witnessing something huge and important, something that took so much effort to put together, so when a football game is played; it's a great reason to enjoy it.

    Every Game Is A Big Deal.

    All this finally culminates into the fact that there is so much riding on every game. In soccer there are countless cups and international leagues, as well as 30+ games in the primary league, in basketball and hockey there are 80+, and in baseball 160+. A loss is a loss, and one knows that one game often doesn't matter.

    In football with under twenty games in the NFL, and a little over ten in lower levels, one loss is devastating, and can often mean everything.

    The most fascinating thing about football, according to most fans, is the players that play it. Football, no doubt, contains the greatest assortment of athletes of any sport. The great diversity of roles needed in the game of football allow for some of the most amazing physical specimen to showcase their talents.

    By watching an NFL game, one can witness speed comparable to Olympic sprinters, strength comparable to powerlifters, kicking strength greater than soccer players, intelligence of PhD's, and pure giants. There is no other gathering of people so diverse and so uncommonly gifted.

    While other sports show us with certain body types, whether it be well built and fast rugby player, or tall basketball players, no sport combines so many different types of people, and in turn is so foreign and exciting.

    Click Image To Enlarge.
    Track Star Or Running Back?

    Click Image To Enlarge.
    6'9'' 345 Lbs. I'd Like To See A Freak Like That In Another Sport!

    This all culminates that American football has branched out from the seemingly quarantined USA. Canada, Mexico, Japan, and all of Europe are becoming very interested in American football, which highly validates football's high level of viewer excitement. This phenomenon isn't being seen with any sport, the popular world sports like basketball and soccer are staying put, and regional sports like cricket, rugby, Aussie Rules Football, and hurling are NOT expanding at a rate anywhere close to that of football.

    An Irish game resembling lacrosse played with a broad-bladed, netless stick.

    A close second would be soccer.

    A recent research study decided that the upset factor makes soccer very unpredictable and in turn exciting. I have to agree that upsets in soccer are very prevalent and exciting, yet football still has the edge.

Are Professional Or Amateur Sports More Fun To Watch?
As You List Them Explain Why One Is More Fun To Watch Than The Other.

This question is hard to answer in that both professional and amateur sports have their assets and downfalls. Professional sports have a higher degree of game play and are more constant with a greater amount of game, more at stake and more connections to discuss with other people.

Yet, amateur sports have a higher spirit and more upsets in them. In my opinion, amateur sports are superior in that they are the purest form of competition available. The human spirit is ever present in amateur events such as the Olympics, which still captivate more audiences than almost any other single sporting event.

Bonus Question:
What Is The Least Exciting Sport To Watch?

The least exciting batch of sports to watch is anything involving endurance. Not only are the events extremely long, but there is so little possibility of something exciting to happen. Whether it be cycling, marathons, triathlons, or cross country running, endurance events simply are not spectator sports. Highly impressive? YES! Exciting? NO!

Do You Find Endurance Sports Exciting To Watch?
