Bikini season is almost upon us-you know what that means ladies-time to burn those calories and firm up. Check out Sonya Vecchiarelli's back and bicep workout that will add a little spice and creativity to your weekly workout regimen! Creativity isn't just the spice of life. It's a must have in the gym!

Sonya Vecchiarelli's Back and Bicep Workout

Watch The Video - 03:17

If you're just getting started, perform this workout once a week, every other week. After 4 weeks, you can begin using this workout one day every week!

Or, if the rest of your routine is set in stone, you train back and biceps on the same day, and you're looking to fire up your results, simply substitute Sonya's routine for your current back and biceps workout! Then, follow the routine for 6-8 weeks and progressively up the intensity (or the weight on each lift) each and every week

Terms You'll Need To Know

  • Superset: Alternating back and forth between two exercises without rest until the prescribed number of sets is complete.
Back and Biceps
Superset: Alternating back and forth between two exercises without rest until the prescribed number of sets is complete.
Lat pull-down
3 sets, 10-12 reps
+ 3 more exercises


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