Fitness Amateur Of The Week: Keri Makes Hardcore Look Sexy!

Intense training is therapeutic for Keri. She developed a passion for the weights as a teen and hasn't let up since. Expect to see her on a figure stage near you!

Name: Keri Walters
BodySpace: The_Maverick
Facebook: keri.aarika
Location: Hopelawn, New Jersey
Age: 28  Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125 lbs contest, 136 lbs off
Years Bodybuilding: 11

How Did Your Fitness Journey Begin?

I was a tomboy growing up and always tried to keep up with my brothers. They were (and still are) extremely fit and athletic and I was skinny fat, so I started experimenting with exercise in my teens. I worked out religiously for hours without a clear idea of what a proper training regimen and diet was. I did this on and off until I was 17 years old.

After an unsuccessful attempt to keep up with my brothers' at-home workout, I decided it was time to take fitness seriously. I joined a gym, read numerous magazines, and cleaned up my diet. My love for fitness has increased substantially since then.

How Did Your Passion for Fitness Emerge?

My passion for fitness grew as I kept seeing results. In high school, I remember hearing a girl in the locker room say "I want arms like Keri." I was over the moon. A few years later, I experienced a very unhealthy relationship that prayer and fitness helped me through. Lifting weights can be very therapeutic.

What I love most about fitness is how you can sculpt your body the way you want with unshakable discipline. Fitness can't get boring—you have control over how far you go in your workouts and in the fitness industry. You can create a workout anywhere and your body will respond because it's something different. You can keep it as a hobby or take it to the next level and compete.

What/Who Motivates You to Live a Healthy Lifestyle?

I'll be honest and say that "vanity" is why I live a healthy lifestyle. I like how clothes look on and off when I'm at my best. I also like the way I feel when I eat clean. I have way more energy living a healthy life.

Where Did You Go for Inspiration?

I went to my brothers and magazines for inspiration. At one point, I tried to be competitive and sent my brothers posing shots. The opinion of others shouldn't matter, but it definitely helps to hear how proud they are that I'm holding my own in the gym and loving it. On days that I felt unmotivated to exercise, I thought about my body losing definition. Even though I know it doesn't work like that, telling myself that works every time.

What Are Your Future Fitness Plans?

I competed in two bikini shows and want to crossover to figure because I can put on more muscle. So my off-season workouts have been fun. My goal is to put on as much muscle as possible and start prepping to compete in May 2013. Somewhere along the line, I want to get enough exposure to help others and make a business of it.

What Is the Most Important Fitness Tip?

Keep an honest log of what you are eating.

Who Is Your Favorite Fitness Competitor?

I have so many favorites, but if I had to choose one, it would be Erin Stern. She has fantastic symmetry and impressive muscle definition. I admire her workout ethic and willingness to help others by posting videos on YouTube. She's also super nice. I met her at the 2012 Mr. Olympia.

How Did Help You Reach Your Goals?

Besides the fact that I receive my orders the next day, I love that provides myriad information. I read countless articles to help me get through plateaus. I even use to obtain information on how to execute successful contest preparation.

Keri's Top 5 Gym Tracks

  1. "Can You Feel It" by Timbaland
  2. "Papercut" by Linkin Park
  3. "Call Me When You're Sober" by Evanescence
  4. "Rock Wit U" by Janet Jackson
  5. "BYOB" by System of a Down