Banish Belly Fat By Adding These 10 Foods To Your Diet!

Losing belly fat is a goal that you're going to have to approach from a few angles however, as it's not as simple as just adding one exercise or making one change to your diet. Here are some of the best foods...

One issue that most people are conscious about is that of belly fat. If you're developing belly fat, chances are you are willing to put forth a good amount of effort to reduce it since it is something that will influence how you feel about your body and the confidence level you project to others.

Losing belly fat is a goal that you're going to have to approach from a few angles however, as it's not as simple as just adding one exercise or making one change to your diet and like magic, the belly fat is gone. Belly fat does tend to be a bit more stubborn than fat in some of the other areas of the body, therefore taking into account a number of factors will be well worth your effort.

Possibly the biggest changes will need to come from your diet since for belly fat loss, diet easily accounts for 75% of the results you see. If you aren't eating well, chances are that belly fat is going to stick around for some time to come.

Here are some of the best foods you should start including in your diet to slim down your stomach.

1. Walnuts

While all nuts do provide a healthy source of dietary fat, walnuts are especially good due to the essential fatty acids they contain. Maintaining a higher amount of essential fatty acids in the diet helps to prevent against insulin resistance, so when you eat carbohydrates your body is more likely to use them as fuel or send them towards the muscle cells without causing a blood glucose crash.

2. Unsweetened Oatmeal

If you're regular breakfast consists of toast or some other cold cereal, you may want to instead consider switching over to oatmeal, which is higher in dietary fiber, protein, and is virtually sugar free.

If you can't stand the taste of it plain, add flavor by stirring in cinnamon, your favorite protein powder, some peanut butter, sugar-free maple syrup, or by adding a small amount of honey.

3. Apples

Many people think that fruits need to be abolished from their diet if they want to lose belly fat but this is not entirely true. Provided they are maintaining their target calorie and carbohydrate intake, there's nothing wrong with adding some fruit to your menu.

Apples are a particularly good choice due to their dietary fat content, which will help to keep you satisfied for a longer period of time.

Apples Are A Particularly Good Choice Due To Their Dietary Fat Content.
+ Click To Enlarge.
Apples Are A Particularly Good Choice
Due To Their Dietary Fat Content.

4. Salmon

Adding salmon to your diet regularly is another great way to boost your essential fatty acid intake while meeting your protein needs. Salmon is also a fish that is much lower in mercury content, therefore safer to eat regularly.

The one thing to watch with salmon is your portion size however since it is a protein source that is slightly higher in calories due to the fact that it has that fat content in it as well.

5. Egg Whites

Another pure protein, egg whites are low in calories, cost effective, and will help you lose belly fat faster. They are one of best absorbed types of proteins so you'll know you're doing a good job at meeting your needs when you eat them regularly.

Since egg whites are entirely protein, they fit in well when trying to reduce the overall calorie content in your diet. Egg whites are also very versatile in the methods you can use to prepare them, ensuring that you can find at least one way that you enjoy them.

6. Casein Protein Powder

Getting a good quality protein powder is also a smart move when trying to lose body fat. Taking in enough protein during the day is vital to ensure you don't lose muscle mass, so it's something you don't want to chance. If you're someone who doesn't consume a great deal of meat, the protein powder will make it much easier to meet your goals.

Look for a casein protein powder in particular since these are digested more slowly by the body, supplying a constant stream of amino acids over a longer period of time.

7. Broccoli

Vegetables will play an important role in your being able to lose your belly fat since they are so low in calories, high in fiber, and provide a high amount of essential vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body to ensure proper health.

Broccoli is an especially high source of vitamin C and vitamin K, providing over 100% of your daily needs with a one cup serving. At only 43 calories per steamed cup, it's an easy food to add to your belly fat-loss diet.

It's An Easy Food To Add To Your Belly Fat-Loss Diet.
+ Click To Enlarge.
It's An Easy Food To Add
To Your Belly Fat-Loss Diet.

8. Flaxseeds

More and more individuals are starting to realize the nutritional value flaxseeds hold and are now adding them to their shakes, oatmeal, or baking as a way to boost their intake of Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. As an added benefit to adding these to your diet, you'll also experience greater bone health as the Omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseeds help prevent a high rate of bone turnover, which could lead to osteoporosis.

9. Blackberries

Many people focus their berry intake on strawberries or blueberries, but don't forget the benefits of blackberries. These are another good food that will help you lose belly fat due to their low calorie content coupled with their very high dietary fiber content. Cup for cup blackberries will offer more fiber than the two above mentioned berries and also contain 2 grams of protein per serving.

Toss some blackberries into a shake with some casein protein powder discussed above or into your morning bowl of oatmeal.

Cup For Cup Blackberries Will Offer More Fiber Than Strawberries Or Blueberries.
+ Click To Enlarge.
Cup For Cup Blackberries Will Offer More
Fiber Than Strawberries Or Blueberries.

10. Natural Peanut Butter

Finally, the last food to start including in your diet to help yourself lose belly fat is natural peanut butter. This is a better option than the processed peanut butter varieties out there because those often have added sugar or additives.

Peanut butter is higher in calories so you really will have to measure out how much you're adding to your meals, but it contains an excellent source of unsaturated fat that will help keep you more satisfied between meals so you're less likely to overeat.


By adding one, two, or all of the foods mentioned above, you can get closer to losing belly fat permanently so it is no longer a factor in your life.
