Vital Stats
Name: Jennifer Wade
Bodyspace: ironsista
Before: |
After: |
Why I Got Started
I have been a runner since my teenage years. I always loved the high running gave me. I have ran 5ks, 10ks and half marathons. In my earlier years, it was perfect for me. I even ran during my 3 pregnancies.
However, the older I got, the flabbier I got. My body changed with age and after child birth. I soon realized I didn't have the muscle like I had in my 20's. I was running 40 miles and was not impressed at how my body was responding.
So I decided I needed to change up my routine. I would see women who had incredible muscular arms and abs. I wanted to have my own 6-pack abs and a set of guns.
How I Did It
At the ripe old age of 34, I slowed down the running and started hitting the weights. I started working out at home and gradually building my own home gym with a few weights. I worked out with some of the popular commercial programs and other strength building ones. I did this for about a year solo and toned-up my body.
However, I wanted to up my game. I wanted to look like the women in the figure competitions. I hired a trainer to help me to add more muscle and chisel out some muscle. I have been working with a trainer for more than a year now. I am now officially a figure competitor. I have competed in 2 figure competitions and just won my SNBF Pro Card.
I look forward to building more muscle and competing in more competitions.
Suggestions for Others
- Surround yourself with people who understand and support your passion of fitness.
- Get out of your comfort zone!
- If you are not sweating, then you probably aren't doing much.
- A great trainer is a great asset to have.