Body Transformation: After Three Kids, This Avid Runner Built A Competitive Body!

Jennifer was inspired to change her body by the women who compete in figure. Soon she was competing in her own figure competition. See how she made her dream come true!

Vital Stats

Name: Jennifer Wade
Bodyspace: ironsista

Jennifer Wade Jennifer Wade


155 lbs
Body Fat:


135 lbs
Body Fat:

Why I Got Started

I have been a runner since my teenage years. I always loved the high running gave me. I have ran 5ks, 10ks and half marathons. In my earlier years, it was perfect for me. I even ran during my 3 pregnancies.

However, the older I got, the flabbier I got. My body changed with age and after child birth. I soon realized I didn't have the muscle like I had in my 20's. I was running 40 miles and was not impressed at how my body was responding.

So I decided I needed to change up my routine. I would see women who had incredible muscular arms and abs. I wanted to have my own 6-pack abs and a set of guns.

6-pack abs and lady guns, check!

How I Did It

At the ripe old age of 34, I slowed down the running and started hitting the weights. I started working out at home and gradually building my own home gym with a few weights. I worked out with some of the popular commercial programs and other strength building ones. I did this for about a year solo and toned-up my body.

However, I wanted to up my game. I wanted to look like the women in the figure competitions. I hired a trainer to help me to add more muscle and chisel out some muscle. I have been working with a trainer for more than a year now. I am now officially a figure competitor. I have competed in 2 figure competitions and just won my SNBF Pro Card.

I look forward to building more muscle and competing in more competitions.

Who got game? Jennifer got game.

Suggestions for Others

  • Surround yourself with people who understand and support your passion of fitness.
  • Get out of your comfort zone!
  • If you are not sweating, then you probably aren't doing much.
  • A great trainer is a great asset to have.